
So its all over when you turn 30?!?!

45 posts in this topic

I've seen/heard it being said by SO many people, including Leo, that its all over when you turn 30. You need to sort your life out my the time you are 30. And after you turn 30 life gets WAY harder. 

However true or not, it's commonly known that men actually PEAK at around age 35. By then he should know who he is and what he's doing in life. And even then I'm still not sure if most men know who they are and what they are doing... 

I'm 26, I'm still sort of unsure of what I want out of life or who I really am. Even though I'm fairly satisfied with how my life is at the moment.

So the question really boils down to: 


I appreciate that this is a simple post, but I'm sure there can be complex answers, and this is the only way I can put it right now... It's driving me crazy lately. 

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@RawJudah life is short man... I'm nearing 30 soon as well. What a sucky life. I haven't figured out shit either.

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5 minutes ago, RawJudah said:

By then he should know who he is and what he's doing in life. 

Don't worry 99% population don't know who he is at that age .

What you're doing in your life is good to know it but that time because USUALLY life purposes/career passions take a hell lot of time and energy. 

But at whatever time you are in your life, that's where from you need to start. 26 is a still a young age for sure, are you kidding?

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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12 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Don't worry 99% population don't know who he is at that age .


That should make me feel better, but it actually makes me worried. 

13 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

What you're doing in your life is good to know it but that time because USUALLY life purposes/career passions take a hell lot of time and energy.

I understand. Can we all have a life purpose though? Who is living their life purpose? Leo and some top musicians? Come on...

15 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

But at whatever time you are in your life, that's where from you need to start. 26 is a still a young age for sure, are you kidding?

I know I'm still young, and I am grateful. It baffles me that some people have everything figured out by the age of 30. How old are you? Do you have everything figured out?

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Think of your life as building a pyramid.

When you are born, you know nothing about building anything.

By age 10 you learn what are buildings and pyramids. 

By age 20 you can learn physics, architecture, etc so you learn all the theoretical knowledge on building a pyramid. 

By age 30 you have perhaps started building the foundations of the pyramid. You better build a strong foundation otherwise the pyramid will collapse later on.

By age 40 you have built half the pyramid. By building it you are learning better approaches and techniques for building the pyramid. You are constantly improving.

By age 50 you have nearly built it. Now you are a master in a pyramid building. 

By age 60 you have finished building it. Now you teach other children your knowledge of how they too shall build a pyramid for themselves too. 

But then, at 70 you realize that you didn't want to build a pyramid, but actually should have built a holy circle.

Then you wish you were 26 again. 

@RawJudah By 30, you should figure out what you want to build? Do you want to build pyramids or circles? If you choose wrong, you cant go back. 


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Yes, it is all over. No more growing for you after the age of 30. Time to accept it and move on to something else

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When you are young you have tons of energy and are more brave, corageous but you are like a headless chicken. I'm 36 now, 37 in july, I'm tired very quick, even daily routine activities are harder, but the wisdom i have has no price, an the n1 advantage is I have clear what i want and what i dont want.

Youngsters dont know anything.

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I am 30. I am in the best physical shape ever. "Spiritual growth" went exponentially from 28-29 till now.
If somebody tells me that life can be so amazing few years ago, perhaps, I wouldn't believe.
Don't blindly listen Leo or anyone else, listen only your intuition.
You can create whatever you want.

You create your own reality. 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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By age 35 you form your personality and neurological pathways. After that everything becomes more difficult but not impossible. 

There is also a difference between biological age and your real age. If you sleep good, workout, eat healthy your gray matter will last longer. 

My goal is to get my shit together and form a strong personality by the age of 35. 

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There is no right or wrong. No crazy or sane. There is only now.

Look at how you feel. You are perfect the way you are right now.

If you dont realize that, you will feel like you are going crazy when you are 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 100 and anywhere in between. 

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I think he means if you actually *start* doing any Self actualisation at a later age it’s more difficult. Because it’s more deeply engrained in the psych and harder to change your behaviour!  Not that you should know everything by age 30.  It also depends on how much trauma you’ve had to work through.  
I really started taking a look at myself and my childhood around age 26, Now I’m nearly 32 and my personal development is only getting better  

things could have been different if I knew what I know now, 15 years ago, but I didn’t.  Just be glad you’ve started your path already :) 


Edited by intotheblack



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At least you have a sense of urgency to make this happen;)

2 hours ago, RawJudah said:

I'm 26, I'm still sort of unsure of what I want out of life or who I really am. Even though I'm fairly satisfied with how my life is at the moment.

You are a perfect Reflection of the Zeitgeist. As many here.. If you don't know what to do I would strive to get good in what you currently do for a living and give a good portion of your money to a Charity Organization you find important. I give 10% of my free money every Month. Feels greater than anything I could buy with that money.

I'm quite sure something that you want to do will pop up if you don't let anything disrupt your flow.

Edited by supremeyingyang

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28 yo here, i feel you bro, in a way, i still think like a boy trying for years to figure out my life, waiting for some breakthrough and nothing really significant changes. 

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4 minutes ago, Gili Trawangan said:


the dreaded 30... :D

you're in for a surprise, life is not what it seems.

Exactly ?‍♀️

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Figure your shit out NOW
30 is basically nearly dead.
You know how fast technology is expanding?
You wont be able to keep up as you get old
Kids will be smarter than you
They will learn from their own generation how to make money and you will be behind.
Normally you should start at around 14 to work on yourself but men dont teach men anymore.

You now what else? TIME
You have a job which drains and occupies your mental space AND then you have a body and mind who is degenerating.
Great combo. 

Dude youre done if you "start at 30". No one ever started at thirty. Most successes came from people starting at age 0-17 with EXACTLY what they wanted. Even tony freaking robbins started being mentored in self help and nlp being 17!!

Your value decreases with your age.

A 21 year old student ? Aw so cute young man!
A 29 year old student? Ehh you smell!

Stop listening to people who make you feel better, Yes its never to late to start but YES it is to late to reach something significant when you shit away the rocket fuel of your youth. 
Thats just facts. But youve basically shot yourself already when you said "Im fairly satisfied with my life" Are you joking is that your vagina talking?
AT 26, you should be balls deep uncomfortable sleeping on the fucking floor having nightmares about your business collapsing tomorrow yet holding on to the fucking vision you have for it written down on a dirty cum napkin from wendys which is the only thing in your wallet next to a picture of your dick and 20 dollars

And yes, a 20 Year old who cant reach his toes if his life depends on it, HE IS 30 already because of soda pops and Videogaming. 
Blame it on their ignorent boomer parents but it doesnt matter.

Man move today, you have no idea how much work it really takes.


Edited by UDT

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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@StarStruck I haven't slept too good for about 4 years now, due to my work hours. This is a huge problem that I need to fix. 

How old are you now? 



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5 hours ago, RawJudah said:

And after you turn 30 life gets WAY harder. 

Considering that this assertion is true...

its harder not impossible


5 hours ago, RawJudah said:

I've seen/heard it being said by SO many people, including Leo, that its all over when you turn 30.

How do you know if Leo isn't bullshiting you?

I don't know but I won't assume everything he says is true or even accurate...

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