
Inside Mooji's Cult

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1 hour ago, mandyjw said:

People cheat for egoic shadow reasons.

There is much more to successful relationships than just not cheating.

Many times people simply grow apart.

And just because two people never cheated does not at all mean the relationship is a success.

Relationships are very, very, very tricky. They make enlightenment look easy.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

Great stuff, and it explains a lot. Scofield doesn’t have the courage to publish with her own name, and she is never published by any reputable publication. And she was even banned from medium.com! Wow. That’s for a reason. 

Website/book/one-on-one spiritual guidance: Sifting to the Truth: A New Map to the Self

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

There is much more to successful relationships than just not cheating.

Many times people simply grow apart.

And just because two people never cheated does not at all mean the relationship is a success.

Relationships are very, very, very tricky. They make enlightenment look easy.

But Leo, enlightenment is effortless. xD Also enlightenment is your relationships. All of them. If that's not an inconvenient truth, I don't know what is. 


1 hour ago, Natasha said:

@mandyjw I also think guys are wired by evolution to procreate, their testosterone levels are 10 times higher than that of a woman's. Millions of sperm compete for 1 egg. It's hard for a woman to understand this physiological difference, because we don't struggle in that way like men do. They also don't have a biological clock like we do, they can procreate indefinitely till they die. Monogamy for guys is really a learned thing, not a natural thing. It takes societal/cultural conditioning to make a guy a one woman man. 

I think that women have higher sex drives than people think, it's just that they have a LOT more reasons to repress them. In my experience women are just as capable of breaking hearts and whoring around as men are. 

“Everything in human life is really about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.” Oscar Wilde

Women prey on men for power and selfish reasons just like men prey on women. In that game there is always an element of power, a judgement of attraction or value. Power is not just a man's game. Women just play by different more trickier rules. 



My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Nahm Ok, maybe judgement is a better word than experience. 

What is power about other than avoiding pain and vulnerability? 



My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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18 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

I think that women have higher sex drives than people think, it's just that they have a LOT more reasons to repress them.

I agree. Someone in a different thread said a woman's orgasm is a myth. Not for this girl. I don't even need a lot of foreplay and it's a bomb every time. But yes, you have to be in touch with yourself and nurture your sexual energy as a beautiful expression of you. After all it's what makes the world go around. 

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6 minutes ago, lostmedstudent said:

@Leo Gura why did you say that monogamy is supposed to fail by design?

Humans are simply not a monogamous species like some other species. We like to sleep around and we get bored with each other. For some other species that's not the case. At the same time we're not fully polyamorous either. We're stuck in a sort of limbo between the two.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I'll quote one of my favorite books ,

("plugged in" people) - "Need someone to worship and someone to debase"

My takeaway. Is this is pretty much projecting themselves onto other people. Whether this means projecting "up" at someone and debasing themselves, or projecting "down" at someone and placing themselves as the most high (over that person)

Either way, both are indeed a trap. 

Be your own God. But see the God in everyone and everything as well. 

"No one can pass the gateless gate. So be no one."

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@Leo Gura thoughts on marriage then? Or thoughts on open relationships?

Edited by Joel3102

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18 minutes ago, Joel3102 said:

@Leo Gura thoughts on marriage then? Or thoughts on open relationships?

That's off topic for this thread.

There are no easy answers here.

16 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

I think this is also unique for Homo Sapiens: some people can't get romantic love, a partner, reproduce, or get sex at all. 

That's mostly a function of how modern society is structured.

If you lived in a tribe in the Amazon 50,000 years ago, sex would be a lot easier. People today are very socially alienated despite living in giant cities.


I think all animals can reproduce. If a animal lives a full life, and is healthy, then it's guaranteed that it will have success with the opposite sex.

That's simply not true. Have you not seen nature documentaries of how hard animals must fight to find a mate? Sometimes they fight to the death for it. Mating is brutal because it's so central to survival. This brutality is precisely what selects for higher quality offspring and drives evolution. The weak are weeded out for the benefit of the next generation.

Be careful with such incel victim narratives. Sex is not to be taken for granted. It's a serious thing, a matter of life and death in the animal kingdom.

As a human you actually have a lot more control over your mating possibilities than almost any other animal. You can even buy sex toys, prostitutes, wives, etc. Hell, you could organize an orgy! The only limit is your resourcefulness and drive. If you really wanted to you could design a life where you have sex with a new person every single day until your dick falls off.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

I think this is also unique for Homo Sapiens: some people can't get a romantic love, a partner, reproduce, or get sex at all. 

I think all animals can reproduce. If a animal lives a full life, and is healthy, then it's guaranteed that it will have success with the opposite sex.

It's not like that for humans, not at all. For a human it's not enough to live a full life and be healthy, it also must have a attractive personality etc. to be able to have success with the opposite sex. A animal doesn't need that.

@Mikael89 All that a man (by human you obviously mean men specifically, women can get sex whenever they want) needs to get sex is resourcefulness. And I think animals need that too, except for them resourcefulness is instinctual.

I'll give you an example: some men have trouble attracting women where they currently are. If they are resourceful, they will think of their options and act accordingly: they can learn seduction, they can go to the gym and improve their looks, they can travel to another country where they are naturally seen as more attractive (an overlooked option by many that can solve your dating issues overnight), etc. There is not much difference. 

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


7 hours ago, whoareyou said:

I didn't say that it prescribes a specific way of behavior. I am saying, that with enlightenment, your behavior automatically adjusts. 

That's a dangerous assumption.


no it’s not, you also just quoted him partially.

in fact it’s the opposite. it is a dangerous assumption that an enlightened person could abuse anyone knowingly after enlightenment. you might have had awakenings, so what? i had a lifetime of awakening, it tells me that it’s not even only that your behavior with enlightenment adjusts - but in this case it’s also obvious that you can’t awaken to this if you didn’t awaken to the realization that enlightenment might not come at all if the behavior didn’t adjust yet, because it’s the behavior first then comes enlightenment. there is a huge difference between illuminating awakenings to oneself or enlightenment to the absolute in a wholistic sense. it’s pure devilry to say it’s impossible or almost impossible it’s pure devilry telling such shit as a person with authority because it’s an excuse and a free ticket for everyone who abuses and exploits for sexual reasons.

really low, low teaching leo.

Edited by now is forever

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6 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Yes but I said "if they live a full life". If a animal dies prematurely from a battle then I don't count it as a full life.

A healthy animal who lives a full life will automatically get success with the opposite sex, before it dies.

Buying sex toys, prostitutes, wives or anything else doesn't count, not for me.

I'm sure to some people it's possible to have orgies, have sex with a new person every day, etc., but not for me. People have limitations you know. Some have less limitations, some have more. Even you have some limitations, for example you can't become the president of United States.

Thai girls isn't my thing.

Those limitations are self created and self sustained.

I was an incel 3 years ago.

Now I'm still at my smart and hot girlfriends appartment, and I refused to have sex with her last night in order for her to sleep enough and wake up early enough to study all morning.

Stop limiting yourself and start to work on yourself.

Your dream relationship is not that far away, and you won't even care to have it or not when you'll be that kind of man, it's a win win win state of being ??

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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8 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

@Shin Stop projecting. ("If I can do it you can do it too.")

@Shinhe’s right dude. If he says he can’t do it then he really can’t. Mikael89 if and when you might ever feel unsatisfied with your limitations, embrace your fear, yolo, there’s an animal inside you waiting to seduce himself with limitless persistence 

Edited by DrewNows

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2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

@Shin Stop projecting. ("If I can do it you can do it too.")

Leo projects too.

Yes you can

You just don't want to

It's easier for you to stay in your misery, that's all you ever know, you feel safe in it.

Truth is, you're afraid of love, you're afraid to accept and love yourself, afraid to open up to other people.

You have no idea what you're missing on, you think you do but you don't.

If you really did you will stop saying this kind of bullshit answers and run in the other direction ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 minute ago, Shin said:

Yes you can

You just don't want to

It's easier for you to stay in your misery, that's all you ever know, you feel safe in it.

Truth is, you're afraid of love, you're afraid to accept and love yourself, afraid to open up to other people.

You have no idea what you're missing on, you think you do but you don't.

If you really did you will stop saying this kind of bullshit answers and run in the other direction ?


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sexual liberation and sexual or aggressive power abuse are two completely different things that are not to conflate with each other and especially not to conflate with enlightenment even though sexual liberation can lead to enlightenment, abuse is sticky karma and can not.

Edited by now is forever

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24 minutes ago, now is forever said:

no it’s not, you also just quoted him partially.

in fact it’s the opposite. it is a dangerous assumption that an enlightened person could abuse anyone knowingly after enlightenment. you might have had awakenings, so what? i had a lifetime of awakening, it tells me that it’s not even only that your behavior with enlightenment adjusts - but in this case it’s also obvious that you can’t awaken to this if you didn’t awaken to the realization that enlightenment might not come at all if the behavior didn’t adjust yet, because it’s the behavior first then comes enlightenment. there is a huge difference between illuminating awakenings to oneself or enlightenment to the absolute in a wholistic sense. it’s pure devilry to say it’s impossible or almost impossible it’s pure devilry telling such shit as a person with authority because it’s an excuse and a free ticket for everyone who abuses and exploits for sexual reasons.

really low, low teaching leo.


I’m sorry you see him as a person of authority and assume others do too 

But he is right, why should anyone assume enlightenment will perfect us? I think it’s quite dangerous expectations possibly equating to recklessness  

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