
Leo's biggest hater?

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@Joseph Maynor I try to answer all the important whys before making a decision on something important. I really try not to assume something.

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3 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

No, I don't resonate with him either.  You see my teaching style, I don't really fit into any box.  I'm like @Key Elements, I'm hard to pidgeonhole.  I'm me, how about that!

Do you plan to teach premeditatively? 

I don’t really have a crush on Teal but I make it a habit to notice aspects of myself in everyone. If I can’t see myself in someone I can’t really connect (even those one my consider bad/negative/flawed)

there was times when Leo used to trigger me back in the eckhart tolle days and in that time Alan Watts even became a turn off ? 

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Maybe the best way to describe it as speaking from the mind instead of the heart 

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7 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I like the term "Heart-Mind" that comes from Chinese Philosophy.  In Chinese Philosophy, they don't separate the Heart and Mind like we do in the West into these two opposing categories or things.  So I like to think I speak from my Heart-Mind.

This is kind of a wacky article on the Heart-Mind, which goes beyond what the Chinese thought obviously, but it's an interesting elaboration of the idea:

Hey cool. Thank you yeah that’s interesting 

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12 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You gotta admit, he is funny.  His videos on Teal Swan are great.  I've watched all of his videos on Teal Swan.  Teal Swan is a trip.  

Like anyone takes him seriously! Lol!

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My Kundalini awoke 7 years ago. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It is a scary 2 years that followed it.

Now I think I am in balance of it. It feels nice, but still is strange. I tell you what the awakened kundalini human does experience besides feeling that bliss you guys are talking about: They have a knowing that everyone on the planet has amazing gifts to offer. THat there is no such thing as an inferior race. That love abounds us all. We are all wonderful.


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12 hours ago, Richard Alpert said:

So mass murderers are ok, rape is ok etc. but critical reviews are egoic distracion.

This is funnnyyyyyyyyy. Isnt it egoistic to be against critical reviews? You are not against rape or murder..

That was not critical review, was something like " I don't believe what you are saying, so you are wrong," Any idiot can make this 'review', and one did it, and posted on youtube xD

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Teal gives me the creeps. I can't shake it... was the same a few years ago when recommended and the same now. Her energy is...wierd AF

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It seems he thinks Kundalini awakening is Enlightenment,  or  something like that, correct me if I am wrong. 

Edited by purerogue

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After reading several books by David R. Hawkins, it is quite evident his unspiritual shtick is under level 200 (see map of consciousness). I would say its around the level of pride(175-199) ,considering he defends his scorn of the "new age". However he may have had a real kundalini experience (satori), which calibrates in the mid to high 500s (Uncondtional Love). I think he's fallen into egotistical intellectualizing to cope with bad experiences in new age cults and even said he was with scientology for 3 months, which calibrates (with muscle testing) at 190. Perhaps if he surrendered slandering (level 75) Leo and others he could rise up to level 600 and beyond, which is where true mystical experiences (samadhi/siddhis) begin. 

Edited by fox_unit

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18 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I'm not his lawyer, but he is a lot more advanced than you portray him as.  I'm actually reading his two books right now.  The guy is actually a good teacher once you see what it is that he's trying to say.

What is he trying to say?

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I'm not his lawyer, but he is a lot more advanced than you portray him as.  I'm actually reading his two books right now.  The guy is actually a good teacher once you see what it is that he's trying to say.

Okay. I hope you find value in his work.

Edited by fox_unit

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Hate is only love turned inside out. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

He's talking about Enlightenment and the Path from his own point of view, just like all of us do on here.  

So what is his point of view? Can't see any of it in his videos. 

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2 hours ago, fox_unit said:

After reading several books by David R. Hawkins, it is quite evident his unspiritual shtick is under level 200 (see map of consciousness). I would say its around the level of pride(175-199) ,considering he defends his scorn of the "new age". However he may have had a real kundalini experience (satori), which calibrates in the mid to high 500s (Uncondtional Love). I think he's fallen into egotistical intellectualizing to cope with bad experiences in new age cults and even said he was with scientology for 3 months, which calibrates (with muscle testing) at 190. Perhaps if he surrendered slandering (level 75) Leo and others he could rise up to level 600 and beyond, which is where true mystical experiences (samadhi/siddhis) begin. 

I calibrated him, I wound't say anything but I'll only say because you mentioned the map of consciousness, he calibrates at 160... it is in accord to the ideas he has and what he says.

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19 minutes ago, Dumb Enlightened said:

I calibrated him, I wound't say anything but I'll only say because you mentioned the map of consciousness, he calibrates at 160... it is in accord to the ideas he has and what he says.

@Dumb Enlightened Gotta say that seems pretty accurate to me. Hawkins has warned about "aggressive proselytizing" and he seems to fit the bill. His coffee with Zzenn videos and education seem somewhat integrous though. Thanks for the calibration.

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Maybe you should google what a left hand path means.

If Zenn is 160, Mooji is probably 80.

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24 minutes ago, Richard Alpert said:

Maybe you should google what a left hand path means.

If Zenn is 160, Mooji is probably 80.

the good thing about calibration is that you can check it for yourself, don't need to believe what anyone says

I have no doubt that he is below 200;

by the way, his video that was posted at the beginning of this discussion, calibrates even lower

Edited by Dumb Enlightened

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