Leo Gura

Tinnitus - Mega-Thread

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i have had it for a couple years, i was using aniracetam and then used a drop saw to cut some wood without hearing protection, instant tinnitus it has diminished a bit but if im not careful with diet and lifestyle it comes back 

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I think a DMT trip cause it a few months ago.

Ill say is pretty low. Around 1-2. Maybe during 3-4 days I dont even remember it.

But sometimes can be uncomfortable for a few minutes/hours.


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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I will answer that once I talk about the possible cure.

@Leo Gura  Could you speak more on this? It's a subject that's import to me, as I've got the permanent very loud ringing, which can be maddening. Been waiting for decades for someone to come up with some kind of 'cure'. 

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I think I have this... but it's such a non-factor in my life that I didn't even notice it until reading this thread (I'd notice it at different points in life). So perhaps mine is quiet, but I only notice it when I want to.

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Posted (edited)

Yep i've had it for a while. But I only notice it when I go to bed. Likely from not wearing appropriate hearing protection as a musician for a few years.

I've heard that some forms of tinnitus can be cured through diet change. A few people on carnivore have reported significant reductions in tinnitus as a result of cutting out certain foods.

Edited by Space

"Find what you love and let it kill you." - Charles Bukowski

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7/10 tinnitus when I woke up this morning. 

It's like I woke up and hear what you hear after a flashbang. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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Just now, ZenSwift said:

what you hear after a flashbang. 

Yup, that's the devil in question.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, ZenSwift said:

It's like I woke up and hear what you hear after a flashbang. 

I’ve had it for like 4 years

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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On 30/03/2024 at 9:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

I'm curious, how many of you here suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)?

Yep, I do.

On 30/03/2024 at 9:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

What caused your tinnitus?

I'm not confident. I don't think the cause is very obvious in my case so I just have some ideas and considerations.

I have been using earphones/headphones for probably 5+ years so I suspect that has something to do with it, perhaps the volume was too loud even though I honestly never really felt that that was the case but I also don't remember that well. If I had to though bet this is probably the reason why.

Another consideration is that perhaps I had tinnitus for quite a while before I first noticed it but only noticed it when I did because I was meditating around that time (it was only 10-15 mins but it is something).

Some more info: I was using airpods pro for a few days before I first noticed my tinnitus while running outside. We had terrible smog at that time of the year too (seems quite irrelevant but more information can't hurt, I guess.

On 30/03/2024 at 9:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

How loud is your tinnitus on a scale of 1 to 10?

I'd say its a 5 or mayybe 6. I have two types of ringing though, one of which I cannot hear at all with even little background noise and another that is. In complete silence though, the first type of ringing is most noticeable.

On 30/03/2024 at 9:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

Have you found any solutions that worked for you?

I haven't really tried anything. It's been 3+ years now and I haven't noticed any worsening despite using over ear headphones quite a lot for music and whatnot (though I am super cautious with the volume levels.) Sometimes, rarely, I notice a change in the sound and it might get louder or more annoying for a while but that has never lasted too long and I return to normal. Not sure what to make of it.

On 30/03/2024 at 9:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

The reason I ask is because I think I found a cure, which I plan to share in a few weeks.

Dang, ok that'd be sweet.

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On 30/03/2024 at 4:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

I'm curious, how many of you here suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)?

What caused your tinnitus? How loud is your tinnitus on a scale of 1 to 10? Have you found any solutions that worked for you?

The reason I ask is because I think I found a cure, which I plan to share in a few weeks.

Mine begun with long covid, as I've noticed with others. Some LC patients have lost their hearing altogether ☹️

On a scale of 1-10 mine fluctuates between 2-3.

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Posted (edited)

I've gotten tinnitus about a year ago, from an acute idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss. Basically a sudden loss of hearing that does not have a known scientific reason. I had like a flu and suddenly, the next day, I had this "clouded" sensation in my left ear. Then, the tinnitus came. Exams confirm I had a small loss of hearing in my left ear (inner ear). It was during a stressful period of my life.

I tried several approaches to restore my hearing and therefore improve tinnitus, such as medicine (corticosteroids followed by vasodilators), hyperbaric oxygen chambers, ginkgo biloba. Not sure it really worked, I think most of the improvement was due to brain plasticity. Now, my tinnitus is quite mild (3 out of 10, I'd say). I can hear it almost every day on my left ear, but it doesn't bother me anymore. In the beginning I felt like I would go crazy with it, but it subsided.

Whenever it catches my attention, I try to use it as an anchor: remind myself that life is short to not live with authenticity and integrity with my deeper values.

Edited by arthurcgusmao

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I used to get tinnitus as part of my food sensitivities, which are linked to my POIS. I've managed to fix it for the most part by improving my methylation: B complex + SAM-e. Eggs for choline and other important micronutrients.


"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." - Joseph Campbell

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Posted (edited)

I don't have tinnitus but according to tcm one reason for hearing problems such as tinnitus could be related to weak kidneys since kidney and ear channels and chi are very closely related. Inseparable actually. As a solution there are nourishing, enhancing, tonyfing herbs like Liu Wei Di Huang Wan safe tcm herbal formula to tonify the kidneys, Jing and Essence to help with the fatigue, possible lower back pain, possible bladder problems, kidney chi deficiency etc. And I would tone it down on how often you masturbate not to tax the kidneys further. In Ayurveda you could probably find similar solutions. 

Disclaimer: I don't have a tinnitus myself, it's just a possible solution I thought worth sharing. There could be other reasons for tinnitus like a damaged eardrums due to loud music. 

Edited by Salvijus

Those you do not forgive you fear. 

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Listening to loud music on headphones. and playing drums. It's not too severe and doesn't bug me most of the time, but its definitely there.

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Posted (edited)


I just found this thread.

I've never heard of tinnitus until 2020 when the smoke detection device in all apartments in my building went on because someone was cooking or smoking in the building. I didn't covered my ears, I didn't left immediately.

I took 1 minute to gather my passport, hard drive, cellphone and keys...

This 1 minute exposure to the 120 decibels noise at close range of the smoke detection device triggered tinnitus in both ears (a bit stronger on the right side).

It's a high pitch, the highest frequency within the hearing range.

I won't talk about the stages of acceptance, I'll just say that 6 months was enough to get used to it.
Also, the best advice I've found on the tinnitustalk forum is "No cure for tinnitus" so you have to work your psychology around.
I was hopping for a cure, and this was the cause of my suffering.

Someone said on the tinnitustalk forum: tinnitus didn't prevented me to have the life I wanted to have, and do everything I wanted.

Mine is quite discreet, I don't notice it most of the time, or I don't notice it anymore.
On a scale from 1 to 10, I would say it's 1 or 2 now.
And, it doesn't bother me much.

Life goes on.


Edited by Soulbass

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@Leo Gura if you have a cure, let's have it. My tinnitus is most probably caused by going to too many loud clubs in my youth. It's a constant very high pitch whine, which I sort of ignore most of the time.

All stories and explanations are false.

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Used to have pretty bad tinnitus for about 3 years, I thought it was just the result of years of working in loud environments like night clubs and factories and that I'd have to just accept living with it.

One day I got some inflammation in my right ear and went to a doctor to get it checked out, she looked into my ears and noticed they were full of ear wax, which was the result of always wearing ear plugs and going to deep with the Q-tip when cleaning my ears, which pushes earwax in.

She gave me some oil to put in my ears to loosen it up and told me to come back in 3 days, so she could flush my ears out with water. It was a pain free procedure that took 1 minute. Fixed my tinnitus almost completely, now I only experience very light tinnitus after I've had an extra physically stressful day or something, but it's barely noticeable.


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Tinnitus isn't an issue, but strangely, I randomly get ringing in the ears for like 10 seconds about 2-3 times a day and then it disappears. 

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Posted (edited)

I've had tinnitus 4/10 loudness level for a long time. For a long time I was clueless about what is the cause. I though it was the sinus infection. It figured out to be the tight and sore neck muscles. When I massage them regularly it goes away.

The way it works is the muscles put pressure on the blood vessels that go near the ear drums/jelly-like substance in the ears.

Edited by EugeneTheSage

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