Sahil Pandit

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Posts posted by Sahil Pandit

  1. @LiberatedMonkey The good thing is, Engineering and C.S. both pay well.

    Either way you go, you will be able to make an income that will be able to sustain your needs.

    This is a good start.

    From there, you could implement what you've been learning from Leo's LP course on the side, maybe after work/weekends, to build that website you're speaking about.

    I say this because having a steady income to work on your LP with is a huge advantage.

    Plus you're only 19... you're just getting started my guy.

    You got this. 

  2. @BipolarGrowth Just clicked on your channel and I would suggest working on your thumbnails. That's a good starting to point to build out a brand. A branding "template" with recognizable colors or something consistent like your face helps as well.

    It would be a shame to work hard on a video but then no one clicks on it because the thumbnail was half effort.