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About Lyubov

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  1. When will they sentence trump for trying to overthrow the election?
  2. Yes, this is the case. I prefer to learn from people who are honest though and don’t have to fluff their story up. Seems like there is a debate over whether or not his business are/were legit or if he was a fake course / snake eating it’s own tail kinda guy. His free content teaches basic business principles and mindsets which aren’t a secret and don’t really change so I think just for this he’s good.
  3. This guy. He says he’s worth 100 million USD. There are so many people scamming and lying in this field. It’s generally not an honest field so I’m trying to learn raw business and marketing from an honest person. The issue I’ve encountered is to start learning I need to invest a decent amount of time into it but sooner or later I may realize the person I’m listening to is a liar. So where can you learn actual raw business skills and marketing from someone who is honest and not lying about their pedigree?
  4. I agree that I believe he is being honest in his videos. The thing is a lot of people mistaken videos for the real persons. They think their guru hasn’t told lies in their life before. Lying is going against truth which is what spirituality is about. So what I’m saying is people who idolize gurus have these expectations for their guru that they can never live up to since their guru is human and will make the mistake of lying at some point in their life too.
  5. Do you believe it’s true or false that sahdguru has ever told a lie, big or small before? I can assure you the man has probably lied once before in his life. Humans make the mistake of lying. If anything it is managing the expectations of painting these gurus as perfect saints. Half of them made the same damn mistakes you have, if not worse.
  6. I’m dismissive of these experiences since I find the mystical aspect pure distraction in garnering true wisdom. What do you mean by dark? Wicked? He looked scary and you didn’t like it? You created a fear based emotions. YOU, because it’s your trip. And now you project that painful emotion onto him? Specifically list what sahdguru has done in reality that is wrong. Not a feeling or dreamlike vision of him looking scary in your trip or mumbo jumbo about the astral. You basically are saying he is being dishonest and lying. Ok, what is he being specifically dishonest and lying about? What assumptions have YOU made about him after seeing some YouTube videos about him smiling. What has he lied about? Tell me clearly. Don’t distract with astral dreamlike state but bring it into material reality where life unfolds. Maybe he did kill his wife? How? I have no evidence to prove or disprove it myself. All I can do is live for myself and go off what I know is true in any moment and readjust when the facts change or new ones present themselves. ive stated my stance clearly in this thread I do not believe a person can be “more conscious.” It is bullshit in truth and not an accurate notion of how consciousness works, even these words don’t do justice to explaining this. I said I believe he is a nice guy who makes YouTube videos and shares some interesting beliefs and thoughts on spirituality. Just believe. I don’t know him. I can not attest to how honest he is in actuality since I do not have a relationship with him. I don’t have any expectations for his character. It sounds to me you are awakening to the fact that people like shadguru are just people with their own mistakes and character faults and because this doesn’t align with the YouTube sainthood image he has created that you fill in the unknowns about who he actually is as a person with your fears based emotions and symbolism. This is why guru culture is crap. Don’t follow gurus people
  7. Why don’t we have some armed militants come to where you and your family lived for 100s of years, kick you out, and then you can tell us?
  8. I do agree we shouldn’t keep digging into the past but the entire existence of Israel is based on a fairytale about some promised land from the past. It would be one thing if Israel recognized the majority of their land is stolen and that could open up a dialogue to address the present issue. But Israel actively justifies and spins a fairytale to actively justify they stole almost their entire country. How can you ever forge an agreement with such liars? It’s not possible to make agreement with liars.
  9. This is true. Jews now have a majority there. Through stolen land and colonialism. What to do about it? I have no clue.
  10. I’m not validating your fairytale lies. It is unequivocally false that Israel existed before the 1940s and was created off a fairytale and out of pity due to WWII. Truman signed it into existence cause he wanted a strategic outpost for the USA in the Middle East and he felt bad about what happened to the Jews during WWII. It was Ottoman Empire Muslim territory which had Arab natives living there as a majority since after the Roman Empire for over a thousand years ago. The people you base your fairytale on are not remotely close to or would be understood as the people who live in Israel today (Europeans). The only reason I believe your country should stay is because it would be wrong to move Israel citizens. But it’s time your country to recognize you are thieves, all settlements must be disbanded. And Israel needs to be brought to the peace table by cutting defense funding for the country. Any territory not deemed crucially strategic to Israel survival must be returned.
  11. The last time Jews had any majority in that region was before the Roman Empire. That’s literally how ridiculous your fairytale is for the existence of your country.
  12. I’m sorry it was longer ago than 800 years ago. Jews haven’t actually ruled that land since BCE. It’s been contested and been through all sorts of conquests since and it’s the most ridiculous fairytale to claim that somehow it’s your land. The people there have twisted the most ridiculous story and they really have convinced half the world that they were natives there. Not even close by any measure of the standard that we use to define ethnic groups and natives to lands.