Adam M

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About Adam M

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  • Birthday 03/06/2000

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    Toronto, ON
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  1. True cause of cancer according to the Spirit of Compassion (probably the most plausible explanation of cancer on planet Earth atm): More about EBV: Foods that fight EBV (which causes 99% of cancers) and assist in healing: If you wanted to protect yourself against cancer. This info here would be your best bet. To your health - Adam
  2. My sleep schedule is rather sporadic ad well. Sometimes I will wake up at 5am full of energy to start my day, other times I'll sleep for 10 hours. I don't categorize it as a health condition though. I don't feel exhausted or malnourished. Maybe sleep isn't designed to function exactly the same every single night (like clockwork). I loosened my grip on what a perfect sleep schedule "should be." And I try to just sleep when I'm tired. It's been a very peaceful experience for me. Now, that being said, if you feel like you have actual factual insomnia... then that might be something you want to look into more. Sometimes an unhealthy liver can spasm during the night as you sleep causing you to wake up "for no reason." So, maybe try leaning into your imperfect sleep schedule a little bit? Use the awake time to plan projects or read interesting books... or just do what excites you
  3. @Schizophonia Sorry, I thought we were focusing on self-actualization here, not wallowing in comfort and laziness. My apologies for sharing information that helps to fully optimize your diet.
  4. The vinegar SUCKS THE WATER OUT OF YOUR CELLS and it's not so easy to re-hydrate after. It makes your insides acidic which causes bad bacteria like strep to thrive. Your organs start to shrivel which makes it hard for them to re-absorb water after. It's not a "little thing." There is a great podcast here which I know you probably won't listen to... but hey, you can still choose to have vinegar after you listen to it... but at least make an informed decision and don't delude yourself: If you don't care about optimal health, that's fine too. But why not? You don't NEED vinegar to be happy! I don't really see the point of eating a food (which isn't actually a food, its acetic acid) that makes it so much harder for you body to perform its healing & cleansing functions.
  5. Salted cashews, spicy beef jerky, pasta with butter, and condensed milk tubes. What is this new age madness!
  6. Specifically explain how and why what I'm saying is wrong.
  7. Paul Chek is a sick dude. But he wasn't born with a siddhi that allows him to see into people's bodies and instantly know what's wrong with them. We're comparing apples to oranges here. The MM info is in a league of it's own. You'll know what I mean when you look deeply into it. Here's another article:
  8. Eat 95% fresh fruits and vegetables (lots of them), drink lemon water, and trust your body to balance weight the way it is supposed to. Don't try to force yourself to gain weight by going to the gym or taking weight gain supplements. That will only make it worse. Light exercise is all you need. Don't focus on gaining weight... focus on getting clean calories into your body and staying hydrated. You can look into the medical medium information if you want a high-quality source of diet info. Cheers! Edit: You can try this here:
  9. You're right, I'm being a bit too aggressive. My message is that you can use your diet as a spiritual practice to actually be conscious of what's going inside you. Also, to care about the actual truth, not only when it's convenient for you. When we start to "let little things slip" in our diet we can reflect on how we tend to "let things little slip" in our lives. It's not a "little thing." It matters.
  10. @Princess Arabia I edited my post, not tryna be a dick, eat what you want obviously, I'm just telling you how it works.
  11. How would you "see" a person dropping dead from ACV? It's not about being strict it's about being conscious of cause and effect.
  12. Sounds like a super yummy and nutritious drink! Keep having it, just leave out the ACV. Actually, the ACV prevents your body from fully absorbing all of those amazing nutrients from the honey, tumeric, ginger, etc. Your liver and other organs need to be HYDRATED to get the nutrients where they need to be and to cleanse out bullsh*t. You can qualitatively see that ACV dehydrates you. After using it in my hair (which is not the same as ingesting it) I feel my mouth become dry. Also, you're much better off leaving it off your salad as well. Lemon juice instead.
  13. Medical medium says red apples are most nutritious. I like them the best too.
  14. All vinegar dehydrates and pickles your organs. Doesn't matter if its Apple Cider or whatever. ACV is good for your hair but not inside your body. Super dehydrating. What happens when you put a cucumber in vinegar? It shrivels and shrinks as the water is sucked out of it. Same happens to your fkn liver. You dont need to manage your glucose. You need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and read the medical medium information so that you understand how your body actually works.