Adam M

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About Adam M

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  • Birthday 03/06/2000

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    Toronto, ON
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  1. @Sabth I used to get fluid buildup in my ears as a result of mucus buildup in my sinuses. My ears would get clogged and infected. Do you have lots of mucus in your sinuses?
  2. You may find this interesting: Watch both these videos (in full). Protein doesn't contribute to muscle growth at all. It's a total sham. It's all about healthy sugars, mineral salts, and caloric surplus. 💣🤯
  3. @aurum I agree, most alternative health is complete bullsh*t that is less regulated and even more harmful than conventional health. Your critiques are all valid. Your mistake is lumping Medical Medium into the same category. It's not the same. Take Medical Medium out of the "alternative health" bucket in your mind. It's its own thing. There are hundreds (probably thousands) of doctors who use Medical Medium info alongside their conventional treatments to work on their patients. So, in this scenario, it's conventional medicine that is doing the piggybacking. He doesn't do paid events, gives pretty much all of his info away for free. Doesn't sell supplements or anything like that. Literally only books (Most of which are available as audiobooks for free on his website, or even as PDF downloads). He is just as generous as Leo with his info. Again, your gripe with alternative healing is valid and warranted. I agree with all your points. I'm just trying to point out that the Medical Medium information is different. I've also been on the merry-go-round of alternative health ... trying to heal my stomach problems, eczema, and severe allergies. I've been on and off Medical Medium for years... But it was about 6 months ago (when my symptoms got really bad) that I had an intuition to return to the MM protocol which lead to "avalanche" of insight in my mind where I realized just how profound the MM info is. It truly is second to none in the health space. Of course, my eczema and severe allergies and stomach issues, teeth issues, all completely gone within 6 months (Still working on the teeth problems, but swishing with celery juice each morning is helping slowly... it takes a while). Again, I've done other "healthy diets" for many years. The specific MM protocols is what works. I know it's a lot to take in at first. And you may not get it for another long while. But, this is the most advanced health info on planet Earth. And it works extremely well if you give it time and patience. If you don't deeply understand the info, you won't stick with it, and you won't get the results. If you learn it and do it fully and properly. It works. Because it's true and accurate info.
  4. @Clarence medical-medium-revised-and-expanded-edition-secrets-behind-chronic-and-mystery-illness-and-how-to-finally-heal-9781401962920-1401962920-compressed.pdf
  5. Head over to page 140 of this PDF which is specifically about the root cause of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and supplements for healing it. Also, towards the back of the book, theres a 28-day cleanse diet plan which will get you amazing results when you apply it. Let me know if it resonates with you! This info has healed MANY people's hashimoto's thyroiditis for good! Give it a go! -Adam <3 Edit: Chapter 3 about EBV and how it creates thyroid issues is also very important reading. medical-medium-revised-and-expanded-edition-secrets-behind-chronic-and-mystery-illness-and-how-to-finally-heal-9781401962920-1401962920-compressed.pdf
  6. It's so crazy to think about that if you have a thyroid problem, you are expected to be on medication for the rest of your life. Is that medication free? Or does it cost money? Is somebody making money off of you being sick? Is there a perverse profit incentive to keep people in the dark about how to actually heal their thyroid? "If fruits and vegetable based protocols could heal thyroid problems, we would already be using it!" Would we? What would happen to the billions of dollars that are made every single year that are basically farmed off sick thyroid patients? That market would dry up. If I owned a pharmaceutical company that made billions every year manufacturing thyroid medication. I would make extra sure that the status quo stayed the same. I would use my billions to squash efforts to heal thyroid naturally. I might even invest money into created fake websites and smear campaigns, publishing articles that push my narrative and de-value alternatives. Perhaps lobbying government officials? To pass laws that limit studying efforts into alternative medicines? Come to think of it, why is it even called "alternative medicine..." haven't humans been using foods and herbs to heal for thousands of years? But hey, that's just me. And I'm a stupid new-age hippie who knows nothing about the real world of "science." "Here, take this pill for the next 40 years. That will be $176 843. Fruits and veggies? Pah! That can't work!"
  7. Perhaps a belief that warrants more investigation. You underestimate the healing power of fruits, veggies, herbs, and wild foods. Most of them have natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal qualities. They can help to purge your liver of stored toxins which starves viruses and kills off bacteria. For example, the sodium cluster salts in celery juice, for example, breaks down the cell wall of a bacteria like strep. Literally killing it. (You don't need a double blind study to prove that, celery juice is extremely alkaline, it's like soap). Lemon water has a similar quality. Over time, you can thoroughly cleanse your body of metals, pathogens, chemicals, and viruses. This gives your body space to heal. Idk where the belief that fruits and vegetables are inferior to man-made medicine came from, but it's not true. What if you COULD heal a severe thyroid issue with fruits and vegetables alone? (you could still use medication as a support if struggling with severe pain) Thousands of people have already done it. There's not many studies around it yet because modern stage orange science would literally crumble if we "proved" that fruits and veggies are naturally healing. The marvel of God's design! Edit: Also, there is no profit incentive to invest $100 million into discovering every single anti-oxidant that exists inside of a lemon (MM says there's over 100). The truth is that if fruits and vegetables really were powerful medicines (which they are) we would never know. Because nobody gets their money back from investing millions into double-blind studies to prove that apples are better healing tools than many pharmaceuticals.
  8. @aurum Mainstream medical science is corrupt and in the dark ages. It's built on many rotten assumptions, the auto-immune theory being one of them. The explanatory power of MM info is far beyond what is provided in the conventional perspective. But you can't really appreciate what that sentence even means if you don't open your mind to learning the MM info for yourself. Until then, we will be debating a topic that you aren't even familiar with due to your lack of open-mindedness and general stigma around the source of the info. Also, I'm not opposed to mainstream science on premise, I just don't always need a person in a lab coat to tell me if I'm healed or not. I can feel it in my body. Also, I hate having to explain over and over again that there is 0 profit incentive to study the MM diet because it would obsolete a massive chunk of the entire pharmaceutical industry's products. It might cost $10 million to run a double blind study on his diet, and at the end of it all, nobody would profit because you can't patent lemon water, celery juice, and wild blueberries. So, please don't be ignorant of the business incentives that drive modern science. Our system is stage orange. That means it sacrifices truth for profit. Until we get to a yellow/turquoise science, you can't be betting all of your chips on that perspective. Especially not with health. You will get burned. And, again, when the day is done, there are still hundreds of mystery illnesses (the rates of which are climbing each year) that are completely unexplained by modern science, Hashimoto's being only one of them. So, you're betting a lot on a system that doesn't even work in most cases of chronic / mystery illness.
  9. Okay man, sorry. I'm not trying to be pushy. I know you've tried a lot of stuff so I probably sound like a giant a-hole. I just have this really strong feeling that this stuff is the real deal. It's worked for me and my family. Sometimes, the results take a little while to come in... but it works when you stick with it.
  10. Also, some people have this faculty called "intution," where you can feel if a truth resonates or not. It's okay to rely on it sometimes.
  11. Also, MM isn't saying anything nearly as outlandish as that. It doesn't take a new age hippie to believe that your body could have viruses and foreign metals/chemicals that cause your illness. And that there's certain antiviral compounds in fruits and vegetables and herbs that (when taken with intelligence) can heal you. The best way to VERIFY what MM is saying is to #1 understand it, #2 apply it properly, with patience and attention to detail. Many people have done this and many people have healed and reversed horrible illnesses. I think you're getting too hung up on the epistemology of the whole thing. Sometimes you just gotta have faith. After 6 months, if no results, then no harm done. There's worse diets you can do than lemon water, celery juice, apples, veggies, leafy greens, herbal teas, etc.
  12. Okay. But what if it works?
  13. @aurum I understand the mainstream explanations of autoimmunity. I'm saying they are incorrect, as evidenced by the lack of actual cures. On the flip side, you could spend years studying MM info and realize that mainstream science is in the dark about this stuff. But by the end of it, you would actually have a cure. That's the difference. You can tell that the mainstream explanations are incorrect by the general vibe of "maybe it's this, maybe it's this, maybe this, could be this as well, etc." If environmental toxins did play a role in thyroid issues (which they do), then why do mainstream healing protocols not address them? The same with viruses. Why are these factors not holistically addressed in standard protocols? It's actually pretty condescending to send me mainstream explanations of autoimmunity as though I wouldn't do my research. I'm trying to say that the mainstream explanation is horrendous compared to the MM explanation. There's a night and day difference not only in clarity and specificity of the cause, but in the effectiveness of the cures.
  14. In an ironic twist, it feels like your own mind is acting like an immune system that is attacking information that would help to heal you. Your mind might do that. But your body wouldn't ever attack you. It does everything in it's power to protect you and keep you healthy. Because your body loves you. It seems like more women tend to see the value in the MM info. Could it be that they think with their hearts AND their heads? How about the controversy that there is no cure for this illness? And millions of human beings suffer from it every single day? Do you consider that to be a controversy?
  15. I bet you didn't even read the articles I sent. Let alone the book.