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About Spiral

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  1. Having a healthy workout routine is good for you. You don't have to go overboard of course and become a bodybuilder. Building muscles to a reasonable degree has many advantages, especially as a guy.
  2. You already are immortal, although this is the wrong subforum for that
  3. Stop contacting her and don’t be friends
  4. If your work is good enough you find that most people will work more than needed
  5. Perhaps you should consider marrying someone?
  6. Men allowed it to be legalized, but I suspect that’s not quite what you mean.
  7. I don’t see you why two 15 years old can’t sleep with either other. That’s how I works in Sweden
  8. Don’t focus on women, that’s a trap. Focus on yourself and women will come naturally. Think of it like getting a job, it’s better to have a great cv than trying to trick the employer you are better than your cv indicates. Getting in shape and great physical health is a great start.
  9. Passion and suffering is the key to real friendship. Meeting up for a pint is nice but typically doesn’t lead anywhere meaningful P.S I’m awful at making friends so take my advice with a pinch of salt.
  10. @something_else Yeah of course. I consider promiscuous sex unethical in general. Whenever you are using people as a means to an end, you’re acting immorally.
  11. @actuallyenlightened If I wanna sleep around and live in a big city. I try being anonymous, you can give false name(or none at all) and restrain from providing contact details. I don’t however.
  12. I’m probably not going about this in the right way. I buy none alcoholic beer(sneaky style). I just don’t wanna have the conversation with my friends.
  13. I completely agree with you here, but I’ve never really understood the appeal. Do you know the reason?
  14. Assume you are always wrong to some degree. The human mind isn’t capable of fully understanding reality.