Dan Arnautu

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About Dan Arnautu

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  • Birthday 08/20/1997

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    Romania, Bucharest
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  1. Maslow Hierarchy paralel
    Did Maslow make a mistake?
    @Hardkill You can work on multiple facets of your life and the hierarchy at once.
    It would be a mistake to start only from the bottom of the hierarchy and not do any other work (like meditation) because you tell yourself, "Well, Maslow said I cannot learn to meditate until I satisfy all my sexual cravings, because meditation is a need higher up the hierarchy."
    Instead, how the hierarchy can be useful is by showing you where you need more development and what is holding you back. For example, you meditate for a year and you notice you're not getting the great results you expected, so you ask yourself, "Hmmmm... I wonder what my problem is? Oh, yeah! It's because I haven't had sex in 5 years and my mind is driving me crazy to be in relationship. Maybe I should fix this issue. Or maybe it's because I've been living in my parents basement for 5 years and my mind is telling me it's time to get a job and move out on my own."
    Don't use the hierarchy to limit yourself, use it to diagnose obstacles which need addressing.
    A serious spiritual seeker can pretty much ignore the entire hierarchy and shoot straight for self-transcendence. Although this is rare.

  2. If you cannot pay your bills, what chance do you have at enlightenment?
    Confusions About Creating A Good Life
    Spirituality needs to be balanced with mastery of the mundane world. Unless your plan is to live in a cave.
    Navigating ordinary life requires constant learning and growing. Survival is a tricky business, and it's best when you teach yourself how to do it artfully -- given as how you're here surviving 24/7 until your death.
    People who become too mystical, too spiritual without grounding themselves in mundane reality have money problems, relationship problems, housing problems, family problems, etc. That's not how you want to be.
    A decent guru will refuse to teach you spirituality until he sees that you have managed to handle ordinary life well. If you cannot pay your bills, what chance do you have at enlightenment? Learn to walk before you fly.

  3. Love this
    Questions about the power of homeostasis
    @Steph1988 Moving out and become self-sufficient is a huge step forward for anyone in their 20s.
    It will be tough to do serious development work while living with your family. They will suck you back into your own patterns. They will be threatened by changes you're making. So it's best to do that on your own.
    Your mind will entrain to your family's level of consciousness.
    You also feel a sense of power and autonomy when you're not beholden to someone else paying your bills or providing you a roof. You want to become independent so you can set your own healthy standards and not have to put up with low consciousness crap from other people.
    If it takes you a few years to establish this level of autonomy, it will be worth it. I'd consider it a foundation for all future personal development work.
    Then again, if you're stuck living with your folks for the next year or two, don't make that into an excuse not do the work. You can still grow enormously if you apply yourself. And since you're young, you've got a lot of energy to invent into this.
    So really, it's good both ways.
    The more toxic your family is, the faster you should be aiming to move out. To be financially independent feels so GOOD!

  4. How to balance no mind with mental activity
    Video games, social media, depression, girls?
    Firstly, playing a video game vs designing a bridge are two VERY different things.
    Secondly, yes, even productive conceptualization like dreaming up bridges will hold you back from accessing the deepest levels of consciousness, which require no-mind. That said, you can still conceptualize even with no-mind. You just have to get good at separating the two into different phases. You want to get to a point where you can sit still with no-mind for 2 hours, then get up, cook breakfast, and design a bridge.
    Once you've built up your consciousness, you can even partake in a video game once in a while. But the point is, when you're deeply stuck and addicted, you gotta break the crutch.
    The problem isn't so much playing a video game. The problem is playing video games for 1000 hours per year for 20 years.

  5. Passion and Enlightenment
    How to stop slacking off after every meditation 'breakthroughs'?
    Don't go projecting your personal feelings about enlightenment onto others.
    If you like to get all nihilisitc about it, that's your thing. You and Jed can drink each other's tears. But that's not a requirement of truth.
    The deepest passion is borne from dispassion.
    The more conscious I become, the more passionate I become. My passion is highest at zero ego.
    And don't confuse divine purpose with an ego trip. There is a larger wisdom at work here. Search inside your heart and ye shall find it.
    An enlightenment without heart is just a waste. Like winning the lottery but not being able to spend a dime.

  6. The mind can be an amazing machine
    Law of attraction - bentinho Massaro
    @egoless The mind is a creativity engine. It can tap into infinite creativity to shape reality in amazing ways.
    The mind is not merely to be transcended. It must be purified, trained, fed, and harnessed to do great work. Then you have the best of both worlds.
    You have a supercomputer between your ears yet what do you use it for? Watching stupid cat videos and criticizing others? Rather a waste, no?

  7. How to read multiple books
    One book at a time vs many books
    I like having several books started at once. Helps keep the momentum going if I get stuck or demotivated with one of them.
    Sometimes a book is great, but then peters out half way through, or rambles too long. And sometimes I just get fed up with the topic and get curious about something else.
    Really great books, of course, are worth 100% focus. But those kinds of books are rare and it will happen naturally when you find one that you can't put it down.

  8. Western psychology
    Western Psychology
    @Jol356 Western psychology has many useful things in it, it's just not existential enough.
    This doesn't mean you should thrown Western psychology in the trash. You can get a ton of growth from Western psychology if you use it properly. But then you will want to couple it with Eastern practices and nonduality theory.
    Western psychology can be very effective for more ordinary types of personal development work (which actually many people need).
    For example, most people would benefit enormously from boosting their self-esteem through Nathaniel Brandon's work. Just don't stop there. It's a stepping stone.
    And then there is one additional wrinkle here: Western psychology as thought in school and university is not taught in a way that gets students to apply/embody it personally. It is taught purely theoretically. So you can get a PhD in psychology, but you will be totally undeveloped as a person.
    Don't expect schools to teach you have to embody Western psychology. That's what the self-help industry is for. You need to take responsibility for that yourself. No one is going to grow you but you.
    And Actualized.org is basically here to help you apply Western psychology + philosophy + nonduality in your life. It's what school should be, but isn't because no bureaucracy or political group would approve this.
    Then again, Western psychology also has a lot of nonsense in it, like a lot of Freud's work.
    But then again, "self-actualization" is a Western psychology concept. There are some great Western psychologists.

  9. What's in your toolbox?
    Ranking Self Help Theorys!
    That's not going to work because techniques are designed to address different problems for different people.
    You have to tailor them to fit your needs. Everyone has different needs at different times in their life.
    Pickup might be useless to one person, but life-saving to another. Etc.
    You should take an experimenter's approach, where you play around with different methods and theories and stick with the ones that resonate with you.
    This field is much more broad and complex than the mind initially expects. There are hundreds of highly useful theories and techniques. Like a good handyman, your toolbox will have hundreds of tools, not just 2 or 3.

  10. Huge insight on life purpose. PD is for you. What are you doing for others?
    Impact statement - Please Help!
    @SaltyMeatballs Don't confuse growth as a human being with LP.
    Yes, of course every human being's job is personal development. That's the whole game of life in a nutshell.
    But LP is not that. LP is about your career and your creative output.
    Regardless of whatever LP you end up having, personal growth will still be part of your function as a living being. So don't worry about that. You can, and must, do both.
    You need to rephrase the question to this: What creative contribution do I want to make to the world?
    Notice, your own personal growth is not that. That's for you. But what are you doing for others???
    Flipping burgers at McDonalds?
    That's the default you will get if you don't figure this out.

  11. Don't confuse means with ends.
    Build a tribe
    @supremeyingyang Be careful what you wish for.
    First you build a tribe.
    Next they love you.
    Next they overthrow you.
    Next they go killing other tribes.
    Next they dominate and oppress the world.
    Your goal shouldn't be to create a tribe, but to help people in some way. Don't turn the means into ends. That's like saying: my goal is to become famous. That confuses the means for the end.

  12. On MAstery
    Mastery seems impossible to me
    @Light Lover Sounds like you're taking this concept of mastery too literally. You don't ask people: how do I master X? Rather, you start learning bits amd pieces and in 5-10 years you'll have a clear understanding of what mastery entails in that field.
    Knowing how to master illustration is easy. You just draw a lot and read books and take courses on drawing, shade, color, anatomy, etc. This is a well-trodden path. Don't go reinventing the wheel.
    Many trade schools exist for stuff like illustration. Or you can teach it all to yourself through independent study and practice.

  13. Good Quotes
    The 30 ULTIMATE quotes to Life.
    1) Life is a battle. You are the warrior. You have swords and you have the armour. Nature is your army and the only enemy that side is the doubt that you cannot win.

       2)  Magic doesn't stop happening. It's only people who realize that they too can do it.

       3)   If some external words from some external person hurts your heart and disturb your emotions which should been completely under your control, it is the highest form of slavery you can ever experience.

       4)    Nobody knows what the correct choice to make in life is, you only need to make a choice and prove it right enough.
        5)        Every single person in this world is the greatest trickster ever, yet most of them spend their entire life in tricking someone who was actually the easiest one to fool- they themselves.
        6) There is no purpose of life but there can be a purpose of what you want to do in life.

        7) Devote your maximum time to YOURSELF and you will be much happier.

       8)You will not be known by sacrifices you made, but will be, by the success you achieved over the sacrifices of many others.

        9) One never finds satisfaction in readymade pleasures. One must always pursue.

        10)  While being extra nice to some people, I got despised by them. Never try to understand someone so much that they forget to acknowledge you in their lives.

         11) Calling a talent "god gifted" is more of an understatement. Telling that it happened all of sudden is even worse, "Hey, you just suddenly have started to write good! :)". Because, you just ignored all the efforts he took this while to polish his talent. Remember, what god gives us can never be directly utilized.

        12) Sometimes being predictable is necessary to win over over-confidentguys.

        13) Challenge everyone but remain unbeatable.
       14) Judge people by the possibility of them standing by you when you need them. But, if in particular situations, you happen to stand against them they shouldn't cry, they should FIGHT!

    15) Happiness is having a goal.

    16) The biggest lesson you can learn is to how to teach yourself.

    17) We all are judged by identical, almost archaic yardsticks in our education system, your ability to read, add some numbers, learn by rote and score high marks. Failing to do so, we are marked out as failures, someone who can do nothing in life which is both unfair and incorrect.

    18) We forget too much that we should forget to think too much.

    19) If you are good at something and you do not tell that to anybody, you are as good as the one who isn't.

    20) I will promise you one thing. That I will live a lifestyle like you. Not just because you are living an awesome life but honestly I am too jealous to let you have all the fun!

    21) You can either just sit and think BIG or go out and start from doing something small. Choose wisely!

    22) Helpful people are more worth your friendship than self-centered talented egoists. "Never chase people".

    23) Grasses are meant to be trimmed, chewed and walked over. Don't be like a grass. Be a thorn

    24) You will get something just because you "think" you deserved it? Tch

    25) Intellectual connection is the only bond for a real friendship. Not trust. Not will. Nothing.

    26)  Religion is the law for thiests and law is religion for an atheist.

    27) I see people who instead of spending the whole day with their family, busy texting each and every one "Merry Christmas".

    28) For everything that you want, with everything you have. Get up and FIGHT!

    29) I cannot win to a person who is already defeated.

    30) Don't read other people's quotes. Make your own

  14. word
    Life Purpose Course - Still relevant?
    @Source_Mystic I have testimonials
    Although on a more serious note, I wasn't speaking of my LP course (those were your words), I was speaking of many other things outside the domain of nonduality, of which the course is just one thing.
    Newbies get so stuck on seeking nonduality that they fall into the trap of neglecting all the other important aspects of life. That is what I was mocking.

  15. Building a healthy and powerful body ain't egoic unless you make it so
    Is building muscle and getting your body as healthy as possible always an egoic desire?
    @Max_V Nothing whatsoever is egoic unless you make it so.

  16. No book will make you grow
    Why do people hate on the self help industry?
    @Chrissy j There is an old Chinese proverb which say something like: He who is saying it can't be done shouldn't stand in the way of the one doing it.
    The problem is that those psychologists writing for Psychology Today are themselves neurotic as hell. There is a big difference between working on yourself and being an academic who reads books about dysfunctional people.
    You can read every textbook ever written about psychology, but it will not grow you much as a human being.

  17. Business know-how
    Question about the Life Purpose Course
    The course is not about starting a business. Those were just arbitrary examples. Your LP might not involve starting a business, and that is okay, and is still covered in the course, of course.
    For example, your LP could be to become president of the US. And you don't need to start a business to do that. Although having business know-how is very good for anyone, even if you work for a boss.
    There is almost nothing more valuable than business know-how. Except maybe spiritual know-how.

  18. Good advice doesn't hinge on a person's credibility
    Do it . Russel Simmons
    @LessonsSavesLifes Good advice never hinges on a person's credibility. Advice is an idea or principle which stands on it own because it has some universal truth behind it.
    Of course people are flawed. Which is why you're told not to idolize or believe in people, but rather just glean lessons from them and go about mastering your life.
    If you found out that I have sex with goats, would that make enlightenment any less true?

  19. Don't try to teach pigs to fly. You get cover in mud, and it bothers the pig.
    What to do if i have urge to teach ppl but no one cares?
    @Monkey-man That's probably an authentic indicator of your LP.
    The problem is that you're going about it wrong. The desire is genuine and good, but preaching to friends and family is an ineffective strategy.
    You don't want to teach to people who don't care about your teaching. You want to teach to people who are primed and care deeply. So then the issue becomes: How do I find those people? And that's where you sit down and strategize like a motherfucker to find them.
    None of my friends or family care about enlightenment or personal development. I don't preach to them. I preach to you guys.
    There are millions of people who will listen. But you have to get off your lazy ass and find them. Don't expect them to just land in your lap. A teacher is a leader. You lead by sharing a better vision of the world with people until they buy into it. For that, you need a better vision. See my How To Be A Leader video. And as a leader, you will have to work very hard before you get people listening to you. You have to offer something a great value. Which is where a clear sense of life purpose comes in. You will not get far in this project unless you're clear that it's your life purpose. Because the work will be too great. The only way to survive the work is to have a sense of mission about it.
    For me, teaching is my LIFE's mission. It's not a question of, will anyone listen? It's a matter of: I will do this even if it kills me. With this kind of attitude, you will find a way to get your message heard. If you're just toying around, it won't happen. You're not going to become a popular teacher by accident.

  20. Part of research is being able to cope with confusion, paradox and not knowing
    Confused about which books to read and when
    @MM1988 Learn to deal with confusion, not-knowing, and paradox. That's part of doing research.
    By your logic, no one would ever be able to do any research into anything.
    The things you don't understand are precisely the things which need the most research.
    Life is a learner's game. So learn how to learn.

  21. "A teaching is worthless to you if you cannot handle it"
    Leo's Practical Guide To Enlightenment
    @username It's not going to be a one-shot deal. You're gonna have tons of various kinds of experiences and mystical states along the way, most likely.
    Concentration practice is very important. It's not the only important thing. But it's important.
    There are many different paths. Many of them contradict on the surface, or in their practical application.
    I've seen results from both inquiry and from meditation. I think they work great together. Most modern minds are very addicted, which is why I stress meditation so much. Most minds are in no position to do inquiry. Most minds need a few years of meditation practice just to calm down enough to do 20 minutes of inquiry.
    You have to understand that people like Jed are extremely rare and hardcore. Are you willing to do what he did?
    There are gradual paths, there are extreme paths. Obviously the extreme paths can take you deeper, faster. But most people cannot handle them. You always have to consider who the teaching is aimed at, and how well you fit the bill. A teaching is worthless to you if you cannot handle it.
    Meditation is not about experience. It's about training up your mind so you can more easily break through experience.
    And "Truth" is far from the only consideration.

  22. Mastering emotions is harder than awakening. Continue PD
    Leo's Practical Guide To Enlightenment
    @username Truth and changing yourself are really two unrelated things. They are related of course, but best not to muddle them up, because it will lead to all sorts of stupidity, as seen in some of the threads about morality, etc.
    The Absolute Truth is one thing. And then changing yourself, developing your human body and mind and life, is another thing.
    One of the biggest problems with religions is that they muddle up existential truths with lifestyle changes. And this confuses a lot of people into thinking that Absolute Truth mandates a certain kind of lifestyle. Strictly speaking it does not. Although as you become more conscious, you want to naturally act more consciously.
    For example, a lot of people will tell you that being enlightened means you gotta become a vegan. That's not the case at all. Whether you decide to become a vegan is irrelevant to the Truth. Truth is Truth no matter what you decide to do. You could decide to kill yourself, and the Truth would still be the Truth after your body is dead.
    Or you could decide to become a ballerina. And just because you're enlightened doesn't mean you'll be a great ballerina. That will take tons of work.
    Most importantly perhaps... mastering your emotions is WAY harder than enlightenment. If you want that, that will take decades of consciousness work. Relationships too. Physical health too. Business too.

  23. Useful Mentors
    More Resources Than Actualized.org
    All on Youtube:
    Koi Fresco True Divine Nature Sadhguru  Infinite Waters Eckhart Tolle Fitness
    Omar Isuf Kinobody Matt Ogus Radu Antoniu Athlean-X Dating and Sexuality
    Coach Corey Wayne The Natural Lifestyles Tripp Advice Business
    Gary Vaynerchuk Valuetainment Evan Charmichael Tai Lopez All-rounders
    Alpha m. Thomas Frank London Real Art of Manliness Tim Ferris I follow most of these guys on a daily basis. If more come to mind I will edit.

  24. Complete guide to starting PD - Over 40 concepts
    How To Get Started With Self Actualization - Over 40 Techniques ( Complete Guide/ Video Summary/ Notes/ Discussion)
    How To Get Started With Self Actualization - Over 40 Techniques (Complete Guide/ Video Summary/ Notes/ Discussion)

    LINK TO VIDEO:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dn-pmRDauK8&t
    A while back, Leo posted a video called “The Big Picture Of Self-Actualization”. In that video, Leo talks about the high level components of what self actualization looks like in a big picture understanding.

    One of the biggest problems newbies (like myself) face is when they get into personal development, they get engrossed with so many concepts and techniques that they end up not understanding the bigger picture of their journey. They don’t know which technique is right and which is wrong. Which ones are shallow and which not shallow. Which ones are powerful or which are weak. The list goes on.

    So if you’re a newbie, make sure you watch the big picture video instead of this one!
    Link to the big-picture video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGw8IoqBt-c

    Now, the current topic video is, in a sense, a continuation of the big picture video. Instead of high level insights, Leo will now focus on the more practical/low-level techniques to hopefully give us an idea of what it looks like to take action on the self-actualization journey.

    Leo will be giving us over 40 different self-actualization techniques.

    “Before I give you the techniques, let me tell you this. The reason why I’m even shooting this episode is because more and more people are telling me things like:

    ‘Leo you have so much content!’
    ‘You have so many episodes!’
    ‘What order should I watch your videos?!’

    And so on. When I hear these types of questions, I chuckle. Why? Because it’s rather silly. YOU are suppose to be the architect of your life! How the fuck am I suppose to know what’s right for you? What order you’re suppose to read books in and what videos you should be watching? I don’t know what’s wrong with your life, I don’t know what your goals are, I don’t even know what your vision is! And neither do you! You see? That’s the problem. Again, YOU have to be the architect of your life! YOU have to plan it out and design it yourself! That, in essence, is why you’re even alive at all!”  - Leo

    Wow. When Leo said that, I knew shit was gonna be serious.

    Before you read the list, please be aware that I will put a timestamp next to each technique so you can follow along as you’re watching the video. Leo says FIVE out of the forty can transform our lives tremendously! Notice that I will NOT be numbering the list, I want the reader (yes, you) to not look at this list mechanically! You have complete freedom in what you want, and I wish you best of luck in your journey ! 


    Finding your life purpose
    5:40 Leo believes this is a very important component for a self-actualized lifestyle. Life purpose is about taking your career and turning it into your greatest passion & your work of art.

    Reprogramming your subconscious mind
    7:30 Leo will soon be creating a course out of this topic (HYPE). To keep it simple, Leo says you can use affirmations and visualizations to help us locate our root subconscious beliefs. These can be the things we hold about life and many of the patterns that keep fueling the behaviors we want to stop! Our subconscious mind is responsible for most of what we think & do.

    Meditation Habit
    8:00 Leo believes that this is one of the most important habits you can install in your life! He has many videos discussion meditation.

    Mindfulness Meditation With Labeling
    8:50 Leo has an episode completely dedicated to this topic. He believes very few people have capitalized on this meditation technique.

    Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPUWdhHDKS4&t=24s

    Concentration Practice
    9:55 Leo also has a video about this topic as well. He elaborates that concentration is very important for people these days because technology is making it harder for us to focus.

    Self Inquiry
    10:49 Leo tells us self inquiry is “like the ultimate method” for how to arrive to truth. BOTH deep and absolute levels of truths. Also, he says self inquiry is a good method if you’re trying to reach enlightenment. He has a video which covers this topic more deeply.

    Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq4NDMNDzSs

    11:50 Leo believes journaling is an awesome technique for newbies. He recommends to journal at least 5-10 minutes every day. And, if you find yourself enjoying this technique, you can start to journal for much longer. To the point where you can do self therapy, self inquiry, analyzing, etc. ALL in your journal!

    Learning The Theory
    12:55 Leo tells us this is so fundamental that it shouldn’t even be it’s own technique. Learning the theory, to Leo, means reading, listening, and watching. Whether it’s reading a book, listening to audio programs, or watching courses, they are all critical to newbies who are just starting out. Make sure you do your research before learning the theories!

    Taking Notes (I owned this technique today)
    15:15 Leo insists for us to take as many notes as we can. He says we need to develop a “repository” of notes we should be taking for years. The point of notes is it helps us with all the information we get. We can not assemble all of the information Leo gives us in our hands. There’s too much of it, it’s too nuanced, too complex, and it’s not going to work for us if all we do is listen/watch. Also, make sure you develop a habit of rereading notes!!

    Buying/Doing Courses
    15:52 There are an amazing amount of high quality courses available these days online. However, you need to do the research on your own and pin-point which one would be right for you. Don't be cheap! And don’t torrent the courses! If you pay for a course, you’ll feel more obligated to do them seriously!

    Researching Books / Seminars / Courses
    17:10 Leo says not only do we need to be doing research into the theory, but we also need to research into the research! Which things do we need to be researching? Which books should we be reading? Which course should we be looking at? Which seminars should we attend? All these require TIME to research, to plan, to mark on our calendars, to budget our money, etc.

    Studying Various Spiritual Tradition
    17:58 Buddhism, yoga, tantra, hinduism, christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. There are so many spiritual traditions, ones we probably never even heard of before! Leo points out that a lot of them contain juicy wisdom but also contain a lot of bullshit/dogma. It’s up to us to figure out which are shit and which aren’t.

    Seeking Out Masterful Teachers
    19:00 The world is interconnected like never before! and there are many incredible competent expert teachers available in  any domain you wanna learn from. From business, to relationships, sexuality, diet, nutrition, enlightenment, consciousness work, etc.- there’s a teacher for it! 

    Attend Workshops / Retreats/ Seminars
    20:50 Just one these will change your thinking on a subject. Research, and find the place you want to go to!

    Solo Retreat
    21:40 Leo released a video not too long ago on his Arizona solo retreat (LOVED the video, you guys should watch it if you didn’t).  It’s pretty simple, find a place you want to retreat t, and for a week (or however long you plan on going) just do nothing but self-actualization work (but mostly nothing )

    Psychedelic Retreats
    22:20 Leo tells us we can go to Peru, to Ayahuasca, Mexico, Canada, and even America if you wanna do DMT legally !

    Doing Psychedelics By Yourself
    22:55 Doing a psychedelic trip by yourself will give you incredible life-changing experiences. Make sure you do them for spiritual/growth reasons, NOT for recreational use!

    Ending Unconscious Relationships
    23:45 A lot of newbies can’t even begin to grow themselves properly and live out their life purpose because they are mired in very negative, toxic, dysfunctional relationships. Specifically family / Intimate relationships / Old Friends. Some of them can be salvaged and some cannot. You need to be able to distinguish which is which and after a certain point, cut off the toxic ones. Why? Because they’re robbing you from all your potential in life.

    Salvage the Salvageable Relationships
    24:54 You can learn how to communicate better if you do this technique. You can also learn how to let go of your ego in relationships. You need to understand how you’re using these people for your selfish needs!

    Radical Honesty
    25:55 Leo recommends for us to read a book by Dr. Brad Blaton called “Radical Honesty”. Leo tells us the whole point of this technique is to…well…..BE HONEST!

    Making New Friends
    26:45 Leo makes it clear that when he says we need to make new friends, he doesn’t mean friends to go have fun/waste time. He’s referring to people who care about their lives and who are into high consciousness work.

    Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
    28:10 Leo hasn't talked about this subject much, but he assures us it’s a deep field. Leo was pretty vague about this topic, but he did tell us NLP techniques consists of various visualization exercises (pseudo-kinda way) which we can use to reprogram our subconscious mind. If you’re interested in this topic, It’s a web search away ! 

    Shadow Work
    28:45 Leo defines shadow work as “identifying the repressed aspects of your psyche” Examples could be:
    - How you judge people
    - Why you get angry
    - Your deepest fears

    “New-age Methods”
    29:25 These methods include things like
    -lucid dreaming
    -Astral Projection

    Leo says a lot of this stuff is legit as how it can grow you and how it can shift your emotions.

    Cleaning up your Diet
    31:15 Basic but VERY important. There's a lot of different diets you can implement. This was also, in a sense, how Leo got started with his self-actualization journey (though he wasn’t aware of it) (Also Leo, we need to see your overweight picture soon )

    Physical Exercise / Gym
    34:10 Also Basic but also very important. You can do various types of exercises. Whether it’s running, lifting, or doing yoga, all are important. (even though Leo preferred old school yoga the most)

    Breathing Properly
    35:15 You might not think much of this technique since you’re always breathing. However, Leo tells us that our breathing is mostly unconscious, not very deep, and also very shallow.

    Holotropic (Breathwork)
    36:00 Leo says this is a very specific shamanic deep breathing technique which can lead to mystical and psychedelic-like experiences which can release a ton of emotional baggage.

    Body Work / Energy Work / Reichian Therapy
    36:20 Pretty much just doing work on the physical body. Can be a special body exercise and special breathing exercise. Personal development is not all mental, you know….. 

    Developing Body Awareness
    37:15 Just awareness on how your body behaves and how you feel can greatly help with your self-actualization results.

    Cleaning up your information intake
    38:08 TV, smartphones, internet, youtube, news, politics, gossip, tabloids, garbage music, etc. all of these have to be eliminated ( or used properly) because most of this stuff is rotting your brain! It’s the most low consciousness crap you can be feeding your mind!

    Eliminating hard addictions
    39:30 You need to eliminate things like
    -Porn           -Video Games
    -Coffee        -Smoking
    -Alcohol      -Shopping

    Eliminating Subtle Addictions
    41:08 These addictions could be:
    -Nonstop Theorizing         -Judging
    -Chasing Validation           -Arguing/Debating
    -Chasing Success/Love      -Being Right All The Time

    Getting More Life Experiences
    42:07 Traveling, going out, being in nature, moving to a new city, interacting with interesting people, etc. These will give you more source material and allow you to see the complexity of life.

    Building Socialization / Dating Skills
    42:55 This (mostly dating) is something Leo spent years learning to develop. He has a few videos discussing these!

    Finding Healthy Forms of Relaxation / Entertainment
    43:25 Very tricky because most of the relaxation/entertainment we know are toxic. Good type of relaxation / entertainment can be playing sports (not watching), being in nature, meditating, etc. 

    Getting Your Affairs In Order
    43:51 Leo tells us a lot of people are living a very disheveled type of lifestyle. We’re disorganized, we may be in debt, we’re dirty, we got bills to pay, obligations for family / work, etc etc. All these types of things is weighing us down and not giving us any space. No emotional space, no mental space, nor enough time to focus on inner growth. We need to handle our affairs and set up automatic systems so that those affairs don’t keep nagging us into our future.

    Minimizing Your Lifestyle
    45:05 Leo has a whole episode of this topic called “Lifestyle Minimalism”. Basically, we need to declutter the crap that’s in our life so we can have more time to sit, and well, do nothing.

    Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR7mjtoAdpM&t=11s

    Finding Quality Life Coach / Therapist
    45:50 If you make over 50k a year, Leo highly recommends you do this. If you’re young (early 20’s) or don’t make that much yet, don’t do it.

    Neurofeedback Training
    46:28 This is new technology Leo has not talked about before (he will in the future). He tells us that this technology has potential to cure things like depression, anxiety, phobias, ADHD/ADD, OCD. It can also be very beneficial with meditation!

    ANNNNNNNNNND THAT’S IT! Pretty long list, eh? ?


    Uhhhh......where do I start?! 

    47:55 Leo tells us we have to start with just research. Don’t expect one person to be able to explain everything on the list to you, not even Leo! This is an extremely large domain, we haven't even scratched the surface to this whole self-actualization journey

    OK. I did some research. Now, HOW do I start?

    48:52 Leo gives us a simple formula. If you’re completely new to this, you need to start by just sitting down & locking out 2 hours of time with JUST a journal. From there, you pretty much just need to make an assessment of your ENTIRE life. Start asking questions like: 

    “where am I?”
    “Where have I been?”
    “Where am I going”?
    "Where would I rather be going?"

    Consider ALL your options. Also consider how much money you have, how much time you have, what's holding you back, your biggest fears & sticking points, what you really want out of life, and so forth.. Make sure you DEEPLY think about these questions. Then start making a PLAN about how to get what you really want. And do this seriously! Make sure you keep returning to your plan, even if it doesn't apply to your current situation in life!


    Leo’s Top 5 Most Important things for newbies


    “You have now heard and seen the path. This is what your life is about. If you're watching my big picture video and also watching this one, you’re pretty much witnessing the path. You now know what it looks like from a big picture & smaller picture level. The biggest danger now is you forget this path, and that tomorrow you wake up and go back to your old routines. Old routines of making no changes, no commitments, and letting yourself forget about this whole thing & falling back asleep. That’s the biggest danger.

    So now what you need to do is to keep this on your mind. Write it down, put some sticky notes on your bathroom mirror-or whatever AND remind yourself that you already found the path! And that all that needs to happen is to take your first step, your second step, and follow through on your path. REMEMBER, the first 24 months are going to be the hardest! Why? Because your results are going to be small, your follow-through is going to be shaky, and you’re going to be very tempted to fall back into your old routines… & THAT will be something you’re gonna have to resit!”    - Leo


  25. Don't avoid socialization. Yogis are social.
    Not necessarily.
    In this case, it sounds like there's an avoidance of socialization.
    Meditation could easily become a patching up of stuff too. For example, one might think, "I don't need a job. I'll just meditate all day." And that would be rather irresponsible unless you really know what you're doing.
    If you take a look at some of the most hardcore yogis, they're great at socializing.