Daniel Balan

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About Daniel Balan

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  • Birthday 04/06/2000

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  1. Don't make me to go search for every time Leo said that mankind is evil, that everyone is evil. And that everyone is the devil. Interpretation of what? When someone calls you a devil what is there to interpret? For real now. I've read the blog for over 5 years, and I watch almost daily for his comments on the forum, and for the most part that's what I recall of being said. I do agree with him though! But I have my lines and when crossed I react. All lines are arbitrary! And is not out of nothing. It is out of something which deeply bothers me! Claiming you value truth yet spread BS is a line I will not let anyone cross. Especially someone who I love and I deeply respect as Leo! Right now I'm broke AF but I can't wait to get a job and to throw some money at Leo! I've never contributed to him and I feel like a thief for not supporting him financially for such amount of value that he is giving us.
  2. I had a dog that wherever I went he followed me, once I rode my bike for like 15 km away of my household and he was glued behind my bicycle for the whole trip, I wanted to enjoy nature! I didn't tell him to follow me, he did that always on his own volition.(Photo below ( at the place I wanted to reach for that trip)). I've never chained him to stay with me. He could very well choose to leave my household, but he never did! I took immense care of him until the day he died. Also I attach a photo with my cat! She could easily jump the fence and go wherever she wanted. And she did that all the time! But she never left my household for more than a day! If I am the enslaver.. why didn't those beings run the hell away from me? Guys I tell you! You are deluded and think you know everything about reality just because you took few shrooms or LSD or other psychedelics. Go live in the real world enjoy mother nature sober! That is the only psychedelic you need. With your contemplation and false assumptions you only cause confusion.
  3. I bring that up? When someone tells you for 5 years now as I earlier recall, that you enslave others, you are the sole reason why there is suffering on earth, you create junk and pollute the planet, that you are the devil and so on. Now tell me, what other solution can those teachings lead to? Leo never encouraged anybody to do self harm or suicide, on the contrary, he always told us to not do that. But his teachings have always left me with an after taste in my mouth of killing myself. He made me realize that I am indeed the devil and I thank him for that, but you have to draw the line somewhere! To me he crossed the line when he said that having a pet is slavery for the pet. With that statement, he made me feel like I should stop breathing also! Because I am also enslaving the oxygen to make my body function... I honestly love him for everything he thought us but sometimes he is downright making me jump off a cliff. STOP THAT. At least if he was right, but in that case he is dead wrong.
  4. How could your family having 2 dogs being slavery? You realize that if your family unleashed the dogs and stopped taking care of them they'd die? Dogs need water and food, unless you provide it to them they'd die.
  5. The alternative is to do what? Kill myself so that I no longer inflict slavery towards other beings? Someone said sometime ago that Actualized.org teachings are suicidal. And I couldn't agree more. All this talk you guys do creates suicide as the only alternative to end all this devilry and slavery and suffering! Honestly, suicide is the only alternative if I'd follow your reasoning and bias. I die and I no longer kill a chicken to feed myself, I die so that I no longer provoke suffering towards other beings and so on. I'd suggest Leo, and everyone else on this forum to check yourselves before you speak. Raising animals ain't no slavery. The alternative is to starve to death. You have no clue of that because all you do is go to the supermarket when hungry.
  6. No. I strongly refuse your reasoning. The animals I raise are NOT my slaves. Without me they would die instantly. Here in the country side there are a ton of predators and I have traps around the barn where I keep my animals, I have to give them fresh water multiple times a day and work all year to produce their food, I don't buy the food for the poultry, only for my dogs and cat. I take care of them with deep love and compassion. I could very well buy all the food I need for myself from a bigger town nearby from the supermarket. But because I lived all my life in the countryside I have deep appreciation for raising livestock and poultry because I was raised by my grandparents since I was 1 year old, and they've taught me everything about working the fields and raising livestock and poultry. To me taking care of my animals gives me happiness that brings tears in my eyes. I've never mistreated my animals once in my life. A slave owner beats and tortures, I've done the extreme oposite.
  7. The fence is what keeps the animals alive! Without it, they would all be gone in a week. And without me " The slave owner" They'd die in 3 days. I give them water and food 3 times a day. I can barely live my house for more that 5 hours. I am much more a slave to them than they are a slave to me.
  8. Without the fence, my poultry would be killed by stray dogs and other predators like foxes and polecats. Beyond the fence, I have crop fields, and if the hens, ducks, and goose roamed freely, they'd destroy my crops—potatoes, wheat, soybeans, corn—before they could mature. I rely on these crops to feed the animals I raise, so the fence is necessary to protect both them and my crops. But I couldn't expect you to understand survival as someone who never worked a day in their life in the scorching summer preparing hay stacks or to manually weed out the crops that are necessary for the survival of the poultry and livestock. Keep living in your fairy tale bubble.
  9. I agree! I am against mass slaughter of any animal in a factory setting. But, as a chicken raiser myself I can tell you if I don't slaughter the roosters they literally kill all the hens. They literally rape them, like 4 or 5 roosters mating with a hen at the same time and after that they eat the hen alive only the bones remaining of her. And if I don't have tall good fences the stray dogs come and slaughter my hens and roosters. So if I don't slaughter them myself they will be slaughtered by nature. I don't see evil in that.
  10. That is total BS. I work my ass off year round to provide food for my animals. I produce their food on my arable land. They are feed better than I feed myself. I buy food for my cat and dogs sometimes by neglecting my own hunger, because I have very little money. I've also had cattle and pigs and I had to do daily cleaning of their living place and I have to give them food 2 times a day, food which I produce using my bare hands on the fields. Contemplate your own biases. @Leo Gura. Do these animals seem like they are my slaves?
  11. I would love if we'd get a slide show for every important video you posted in the last 6 years and from now on. Id like to get a slide show for the 250 traps video especially!
  12. Definitely yes! I've put some of them in my common place book and even shared the direct photo of the quote on my twitter account. My favourite quote is "By realising you are evil, you become good. By thinking you are good, you become evil" To me the blog itself is a gold mine! In my spare time I go back on your bloog as far as 2017 and I extract the main takeaways of each post and I write the takeaways on my commonplace book! But the quotes itself are great, but even greater of value are the long blog posts! To me the post that impacted me the most was about Political Lessons which you published after Trump won. Please keep up with the blog, I find the blog almost more important than the videos you do on YT.
  13. You should have put stage red and purple there! I honestly believe that I am a strange combo of 50% green 40% red and 10%purple! To me God is Gaia! The mother nature, the wind and the trees and the seasons and the night-sky! To me nature is God! When I behold the night sky full of stars or the vast fields of corn and wheat in my village I see God! That's why I say I'm purple! What I don't see as God is myself and other humans! To me when I see humans I see the devil! When I look in the mirror I see The Devil looking at itself! My thoughts are evil and I am evil! That's why I am red. But my biggest part of personality is being a Hardcore SJW I try my very best to bring justice in the world and be a just person as much as I can. That's why I say i'm green also because I love the earth and the seasons so much! I love this planet to death , the only thing I hate are the devils that populate it, myself included!
  14. Hi Leo! I encourage you to watch Daniel Naroditsky speed run videos! He is 100% the best teacher when it comes to chess! It is classical chess but it is gold! He is my favorite teacher when it comes to chess. He is the Leo of chess for me!
  15. @Leo GuraHow to defeat the devil? Right now I have no other solution on how to kill the devil than to commit suicide! This in my limited perspective would be the end all solution to beating the devil, since I am the devil the only way to kill the devil is to kill myself. I would never do that because I'm not suicidal but in my skewed logic that could be the only solution at my level of development. I'm curious how you handle the devil? What tools do you use to triumph over the Devil without becoming the Devil you yourself. My life purpose is to annihilate the devil out of this world. I will become the candle that destroys the cloak of darkness under which the Devil hides.