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About Dodo

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  • Birthday 05/01/1992

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  1. Calm down, watch the video I edited in the post. Get some feminine loving energy in you and stop overthinking God this God that. Just be a decent human. If you are not a complete monster, you are doing fine.
  2. Absolutely, I wanted to talk about this but I couldnt have put it better than that. God gave humanity the gift of free will, which resulted in many good things, and ofcourse bad things. How can you trully love if you don't have free will? Lets not talk about abstract idea of rape. If you found a lost child, what are YOU going to choose to do with your free will? You can choose all sort of things, and your decision matters. Choose to rape it, thats not what God chose, thats what the human chose. You are just as much God as you are manifestation of God. You should hold your manifestated self to higher standards and use the free will given by the unmanifested with the aforementioned Benevolence. No manifestation is perfect, we are playing a very hard game. But its your choice, and you can't hide from yourself (your higher self, consciousness) Btw, you are allowed to cry, when you save a baby from abuse, or if you save an animal. You are allowed to feel, when you see the scared little thing experience real love for the first time under your arms, as you protect it and nurture it back to normality. There is nothing more beautiful than this. All infinities will bow down to a single true act of love and kindness. Video example:
  3. Yeah Leo, I am also part of manifestation. I am both manifested and unmaanifested, I am both form and formless. Both the 1 and the 0. Paradox time
  4. Manifestation exists, I don't exist. Child rape shouldn't exist. I care about creation and what is being manifested! Consciousness doesn't exist, creation does, for a limited time. I prefer good dreams, not nightmares.
  5. No no, I have a lower nature. I have lower desires. There are some things one should never act on. We need to strive to move from beast to spirit. Its not an easy journey. I love animals, they are beasts, but they are also not capable of complex thought. They are not responsible for their behaviours, they dont rape and eat their young out of malice, but for survival and out of ignorance. While animalistic humans know full well what they are doing and still do it. Be it for pleasure or to feel something, its one thing for an animal to rape, another for a human. With great power comess great responsibility. 👍
  6. Animals are not governed by the higher love, they are BEASTS. We are more evolved, we are not beasts anymore! Some of us.
  7. There was a video on the dark web.. one of many of an 18 month old baby being brutally raped by three individuals. I havent seen it, im not sick, but recently with the Mr Beast controversy, there are some people in comment section who have uploaded blurred version of the video on YOUTUBE and promoting it. SICK bastards.
  8. Child abuse is like eating a shit sandwich rather than a tuna sandwich. You can say you dont judge its all impersonal, it dont matter, God dont care, but you still not eating a shit sandwich? Sandwich with feces that is. Id like a picture proof you dont care about what manifests. Evil is when someone forces you to eat a shit sandwich. Evil is manipulation and control, perversion. Love is soft and gentle. Love does not force and degrade, it empowers. Love does not manipulate and attack, it cares and protects.
  9. That child abuse happens, is that what you call existential truth? It can also be eradicated, theoretically, for there to be no child abuse, then, theoretically, that will be the existential truth? We cant normalise and accept evil, just because it exists. We can fight it, fighting evil and people who fight evil also exist, and therefore existential truth. Why label everything that is possible as love? Evil is not love, never will be, its at best a sick perversion of love, if we have to link it to love at all. These are twisted acts, especially when it involves the most vulnerable. Not godly acts at all. God PROTECTS the vulnerable and those who do not have a voice. A motherly love, protective love, no perverted actions for sick pleasure! Even if the young vulnerable child gets groomed into wanting and liking the abuse, its still abuse, and remains with the individual at later stages of their life in the form of trauma, as Haloman said. I work with children. This is not acceptable, they are pure and innocent souls. They are easily manipulated and corrupted, taking in everything like sponges. Its like corrupting an angel. Children need to be loved, cared for and protected. Sexual acts with children are nothing of the sort. Ive said it before, children need teachers, not lovers. Its a very popular saying, the first 7 years of someone's life are the most important.
  10. I follow the principle of taking what is useful from any source and discarding what is not. Im sure course in miracles has a lot of good stuff mixed with what I perceive as bullsh1t. Same with Leo, I definitely dont agree with everything Leo says. Following the guru within and my own intuition when it comes to what I accept and what I reject.
  11. @Leo Gura is it a good idea to just stay in the heart center and not ask too many questions about how and why reality is the way it is? Surrendering to what is, as you say, without judging it? But also how is that in line with wanting the Truth? What if someone else is spreading falsehood, we supposed to just let it be and enjoy the attempt to muddy the waters? How can hate and abuse be considered love? To me its not! And I try my best to counter it. I know you yourself have been a victim of child abuse from what you've shared. This is not something that should happen to ANYONE. Its Not love... it cant be.
  12. But im not doing all this. I dont control unconscious men and women. They cause a lot of pain to the collective. You know how much pain there is in the human collective omg. I dont subscribe to course in miracles,, I believe they are the usual scam artists pushing the so called "law of attraction " for money. Where do I buy their t-shirt, right? That type of thing. They definitely attracting, attracting profit 📈
  13. I have shifted to love, but other men havent. There is an imbalance of power and crude unenlightened men abuse Our women and children. Whether I feel blissful or not. And dont get me wrong, these same abused women will say they dont want to be helped, its like when a kidnap victim likes their kidnapper. Treated like objects, they accept themselves as that.
  14. Thanks, but if you become aware of something that absolutely turns your stomach upside down, like abuse, infidelity, how do you forgive, love and detatch? Sounds like one of the things easier said than done... if it happens to you, something disgusting, are you honestly telling me you automatically forgive, love and detatch? What if you can do something to help? Your detatchment can make the problem persist. You know how much pain there is surrounding my Ego? If I knew all the things that happened with girls I know, I would be depressed 24/7. Sometimes not being aware of some things is the only way to not feel the pain... but then, its like putting your head in the sand. Not helping anyone or anything. Just Ignoring.