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Posts posted by Arthogaan

  1. 1 hour ago, Osaid said:

     It is a lack of duality or division. Anything you imagine about it divides it. 

    Non-existence is not nothing, it is an intellectual conclusion, it is still in the realm of imagination. You never experience non-existence.

    Consciousness is not a thing with an "outside" and "inside", that is your imagination creating a duality from within consciousness. Consciousness does not have imagined boundaries like that. This is why you cannot intellectually get there, your intellect only deals in divisions. You must become directly aware of it by removing the false self.


  2. 2 hours ago, Osaid said:

    Is it possible to further understand the color red?

    Is it possible to further understand a pleasant cool breeze during the summer?

    Is it possible to further understand the smell of a flower?

    Is it possible to further understand the taste of a cookie?

    <3 <3 <3

    That did it for me. Thank you @Osaid

    Also before I read that I was meditating and for the first time I saw everything is Flickering. Popping in and out of the absolute every microsecond. No cause, no past. Each "frame" perfect as smell of the flower. Even if the next 100 flickers will include me seemingly lost in thoughts they are just as perfect "FLICKERS". I think today the concept of "codependent arising" clicked visceraly. 

    And in each flicker/frame there obviously is no separation.

  3. 1 hour ago, James123 said:

    @Arthogaan you are already what you are. Additionally, you are extra thinking. Therefore lost in the clouds. Just know that everything is the way that it is suppose to be and you literally has no affect on anything. Therefore, thinking is unnecessary and root of suffering. 

    Thanks good remainders.

    But even after separate self is gone, there still seems to be contemplationg happening here. This energy to understand is just part of the weather like clouds. Thoughts and questions come on their own. I am no longer thinker of them. Maybe this will to understand will pass at some point. Seems like natural process of unknotting happening on its own.

  4. I started to go really deeply into observing whenever my conditioning wants to pull me out of just pure being.

    After some days of digging I got to some really early childhood memories.

    So as I understand it now it's just our brain programmed for survival.

    1) distraction for physiological needs - that one is obvious, obviously my brain/ego pulls me to think about water, food, sex, to pee to poop, to avoid pain. But when those are taken care of there is more subtle distraction:

    2) distraction for information - huge part of our daily life, checking the phone, maybe I should watch a movie? Maybe I should watch some youtube video while I'm eating my snack. It's weird because even if the moment is perfect there is still that part of the brain that wants to check the phone - is it just conditioning for always gaining more information? But it doesn't fully make sense to me, why would I watch some drama on netflix, that does not provide me with survival information? How is our desire for drama connected to survival? @Leo Gura

    3) okay now if both 1) and 2) needs are fully silenced. Then there is also this deep subtle need to just do something. I got really deep into my inner child, before it had any societal conditioning, any idea of boredom and drama, just perfectly sitting there - there is this pull to just grab something, to make a mess, to explore to create - todlers do not sit still they do everything. It seems really natural. And beautifull. BUT IS IT JUST ANOTHER DEEP LAYER OF SURVIVAL? This natural will to move, to change shit to make a mess, is it just a way for our brain/ego to adapt to it's environments. Or is it some metaphysical feature of reality?

    IS Reality fully okay with just being and standing still? It doesn't seem to be still, there's so much movement and life - so is meditation and being fully still and at peace for the whole day - is it going even beyond the conditioning of reality? The deepest conditioning? Merging into the ineffable unmanifested unchanging whole Absolute?

    This seems fundamental, help me out guys haha. @Water by the River @Bazooka Jesus @Osaid @Breakingthewall @James123 @Inliytened1

  5. See that every thought that comes after "falling back" like: "Oh no, I feel like I'm the doer again" , " Oh, I was just lost in thoughts :/ " . "Oh what can I do to comeback" "oh, how do i prevent this from happening"  - all of those, are just another thoughts, and you just see them smile at them and let them go their way.

    Thoughts appear and dissappear like clouds. They are not your thoughts. Thoughts are not anymore yours than the clouds or the weather. Just see them and let them go. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Vasu Jaggi said:

    do you sometime feel that this "make the most of it" feels like a chore most times. the burden of human existence.

    Oh totally.

    Ultimatelly life is precious/life is worthless is just another duality.

    That was reaaaly freeint to me when I realized that 2 months ago.

    That "making the most of it" can be really specific to my tastes. So if for me that means chilling and not being anyone special, then thats it. You can make the most if this dream by fully accepting your true tastes. And maybe that is to just chill on a beach. Love yourself and do what you really want without any idea of societys expectations or some metaphysical expectations like "I shold get a lot of experience for my soul" or sth.

    Just do what you want. Haha isn't it awesome that you can do that? You can eat ice cream as your life purpose and noone will judge in the end. 

  7. 27 minutes ago, Osaid said:

    Woah, nice, whatever it is. I think you are tapping into something really big. Time will tell.

    Thoughts and imagination are always partial. If you imagine reality, it limits it, and that can feel claustrophobic. I talk about that more here:

    Pay attention to your perception of time and your emotions, interested to know if you notice anything there.

    These are good points. It's like thoughts and labels and categorization kind of come with the feeling of "meeh, I saw this kind of object a 1000 times already". So this is an artificial filter, and when you are fully without thoughts even the subtlest deepest ones, then reality really feel like looking through the eyes of a kid. Or on lsd. Or through the eyes of a kid that is on LSD.

    When it comes to you using your imagination, do you experience it like universe itself generates it? Because after the illusion of personal self is gone that's how it feel to me, that it's not even me imagining things, but this imaginative images just come here.

  8. It's crazy to be honest. I am quite shocked. I had a big shift 1.5 weeks ago which seems to be permanent and I seem to really stripped myself of separate-self. I am forgoing a fast process of cleansing all residuals. Also I wanted to publicly thank @Water by the River for great guidance and advice post this shift. 

    Anyway, today I had my first day that I managed to have almost no thoughts or conceptual thinking for the whole day. No thoughts separating me from reality nor thoughts categorizing what is happening and so on.

    And it's honestly just crazy how much more vibrant everything was. Smells, colours, the pleasantness of breath and touch and even sore knees. I don't really understand it how does it work and how is it possible that thoughts and concepts make life so much dulled down. Doesn't seem obvious to me (any ideas @Water by the River @Bazooka Jesus @Breakingthewall).

    The only logical answer to me is that brain/consciousness has all this processing-power available when it is not busy by constant categorizing and labeling of reality. Or like it's just programmed this way that you kinda get "reward from God" for all the spiritual work haha. It almost feels too good sometimes, like I am so content, that I don't care.

    So meditating a lot, and maintaining that state for the whole day really pays off at some point. Changing your baseline IS POSSIBLE.

    Also this is my 1000th post, and I feel so grateful today so I wanted to thank everyone for being part of this special place on the internet. It has been 2 years since the infamous taken down solipsism video which made me finally set up an account here. Beautiful 2 years of dying ever more with you guys :x

  9. There is a 4% rule in FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early)  - so basically you can assume that it is possible to safely invest your savings and withdraw 4% of it each year and it will never run out.

    The other way of saying this is: how much do you spend per year? You take that amount and multiply it by 25 -> That's how much savings you need to not have to work anymore.

  10. 12 hours ago, Thought Art said:

    His Buddhist framing is important to note

    Yes I also can feel that. But even though part of me feels that it is a Buddhist paradigm, i still can't find inconsistency in it. It seems bulletproof. Any ground seems silly.


    11 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    Glad to see that the penny has finally dropped, my man. B|

    Thanks brother. I have to say, the last 1.5 week was crazy. It started by "His Moistness" posting Roger's description of 5th stage of enlightenment, and something just clicked during walking meditation and all models are falling apart. Btw be prepared for my messages because Waterbytheriver is probably getting sick of my dm's haha.

  11. Even if it is a dream then why wouldn't you make the most of it? It's all you have.

    Even if all of this is really just a block of cheese, still doesn't change anything, you can still make most of it.

    Even assuming externalobjecticve materialistic reality exists - then it still would be totally meaningless.

    Dream doesn't add meaninglessness.

    So make the most of this precious gift. The best game in town. Make your dream the best dream in the Godhead.

  12. Click-baitish title, as I am still agnostic on the following topic. 

    But I think the video that I will be referencing makes some interesting points and it would be great for Leo to make longer post or even video explaining his stance/response on this very thoroughly. Because that is really often debated on the forum ever since the infamous "Nobody on this forum is AWAKE" thread. And I feel it was never really fully addressed.

    The video: (It's not long but you can actually start at 7:40 as that's were the good stuff begins)


    Main Points:

    - the belief in a story that this is all a dream and that that story is an objective perspective that somehow holds truth outside of the dream is itself also to be confused about the reality of reality,

    - the realization that you are God is the same deal. There may be experience that everything is God, but that is more mind content. It is not direct contact with an objective mind independent stones. The same goes for everything is God/Love/Consciousness. The same goes for the sense that everything is Mind or a Dream or even Real,

    - so long as you're reliant on some felt sense of something within experience to give a clear reading of how reality is ontologicaly then you are just appealing to more dream content, 

    - If it feels like something to perceive everything as One or God, and you base your belief in reality off of this feeling quality, then you lost lucidity, the same goes for feeling quality of dreaminess or realness, 

    - the world is neither a dream nor real,

  13. 24 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


    Look my man... I think we can agree that absolute reality cannot be put into words. Right?

    This means that one pointer towards the Absolute doesn't have any more or less validity than any other pointer. So the only thing that distinguishes a "good" pointer from a "bad" one is its usefulness... and how useful a pointer is depends entirely on who it is directed at.

    Slogans like "reality is illusion", "life is a dream" or "you are God" can definitely be useful pointers for newbies who otherwise wouldn't even know where to start their awakening journey; but they stop being useful the second that the relative validity of the pointer in question has been verified and now is being mistaken for an expression of absolute truth. As soon as that happens, someone needs to step in and say "sorry pal, but that's not it".

    In other words: The best pointer is always a statement which directly contradicts the belief(s) that the recipient of the pointer is stubbornly attached to. If you believe that you are your body, then the best pointer for you is "you are not your body". If you believe that reality is made of solid matter that exists somewhere "out there", then the best pointer for you is "reality is imagination". And if you believe that you are God, then the best pointer for you will be something along the lines of "you are but an infinitesimally small part of God", "you don't exist", "you is nothing but a relative concept", you are limited (and God is not)" or whatever other combination of words you might come up with that will do the trick.

    So you see, bickering about what description of the Absolute is "objectively" the most correct one is sheer silliness. You can twist and turn it as much as you want: All statements about the absolute aspect of reality are equally false. Which is exactly why I find all of these endlessly circular discussions about the supposed "true nature" of reality so incredibly hilarious and can never quite hide my (admittedly smug) amusement about this whole absurd spiritual clown show on here... cross my heart, how anyone can read the neverending torrent of equally grandiose and grotesque bickering that this forum is constantly being flooded with with a straight face is completely beyond me. Mea culpa, I guess! :P

    That was great! :x

  14. 29 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Yes but the atoms are full of intelligence. Then even they seem empty, are full. You could say: yes but the intelligence is the true being, that it's emptiness, so at the end the flower is empty. But the true being is full of being, that is, reality , so at the end the flower is real and infinite, like everything.

    I would say its both full and empty. Both real and imaginary. Like everything.

    As Roger Thisdell said: all of those dualities are category errors. Reality is neither this nor that, its a special third thing that cannot be named. 

  15. 49 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    its quality, its living essence that drives incessant change , intelligence and life that are as absolute as the fact of being.

    I guess "neither and both" is the answer.

    It's neither alive nor non-alive. It's neither permanent nor impermanent. 

    It neither is nor isn't. Just like a hologram can be both fully allive, vibrant, inteligent but also in a way dead, still.

    Using materialistic metaphor: Just like a beautiful bursting flower opening itself at the start of spring is so full of life but also it's just made out of atoms that are empty.

  16. 1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

    But still - i still wonder why some who suffer so deep don't awaken.  -  They commit suicide. 

    Hmmm. Now that I think of it maybe suffering is not enough. Maybe it's something like being fed up with one's current way of being.


    Being fed up/will to change = amount of suffering * insight/inteligence

    Because for some people change is so scary that it actually in a way is more comfortable to stay in current way of being.

    Massaro says that if you don't change some behaviour it's because deep inside you still believe there is a benefit to that behaviour. Like for example some can subconsciously believe thst staying asleep and in suffering maybe is terrible but it ensures things like security, being understood and so on.

    So until the benefits of change outweight the scary parts like not being understood, going crazy - the person won't change.

    And for some it may be that not being understood, being alone, changing is scarier even than death.

    Also commiting suicide is just ego screaming for help. Sending a signal "look how much I suffered because od you world, so much that I'm going to kill myself".


  17. 10 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

    Because they have lost their mind, sure.

    You can not put an example like that because you are deliberately choosing a mad person.

    A baby doesn´t have even self consciousness, is just functioning by their instints as an animal. Even though, usually babies won´t hurt themselves. They might do it unconsciously in the process of exploring reality or their own body. 

    Do you eat meat?

    Or anything other than fruits?

    Because if yes then it was a result of either murder in inhumane conditions (meat) or just theft from the plant.

    And now that I think of it, maybe you're right. Maybe that is the result of unconsciousness and we will as humanity be fruitarians at some point.