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Posts posted by PepperBlossoms

  1. There's the non-duality perspective and the skepticism perspective.  Thanks.

    I was talking to my boss about non-duality and he had asked if it was just another belief system and I was telling him that I had experienced it and then it got me thinking and then I realized I deluded myself and never made the connection and had stopped being a skeptic that there are many unknowns and new perspectives to take on - I had been writing blogs about non-duality and then realized that I was writing about it as if it is absolute instead of it being a perspective. 

    I liked the creativity and enthusiasm that this kind of mindset allows for but I realized just how horribly unreliable I got at work and how lazy and irresponsible I became.  It's good for thinking and creating but not for careers where you really need to be making good progress in your projects everyday.  My work ethic went way, way down.

    I'd be curious to see if all the people who do psycadellics on here can actually keep their work ethics at work up or if they become unreliable.  There's more the desire to do your own thing than there is to do what the project needs.  It's weird because it can help for making learning really interesting which is needed for careers but at the same time, it also makes it to where the tasks just don't get done.

  2. Just like beliefs, experiences are not good enough to say that something is absolutely true.

    How can one be so sure that their experience is an accurate representation of reality beyond any possible doubt?

    It doesn't matter how many non-duality experiences someone has or how many people have it, that does not necessarily mean that it is 100% no matter what how reality actually is.

    I bashed religion so many times for thinking that it is more right than other religions and the thinking that it was the one and how the worshippers don't question their religion enough and then I realized that my thoughts/experiences about non-duality were no different and that I had turned it into one too and am embarrassed that I had fallen for it.

    I think the biggest problem with non-dual teachers is that they get trapped in their own belief/experience and forget that life could possibly be some other way.

    Our inputs are limited with our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin as well as the brain processing.  For all anyone knows, these sensors and processors could be tricking us and we could just be hooked up to a machine.

    Sure use/experience/become non-duality, but note that it may not be the final answer to the understanding of all of everything.

  3. On 12/26/2020 at 10:00 PM, Hardkill said:



    Watched this.  One thing that it got me thinking while watching was how we kinda have society set up to where it is fragmented - everyone is on their own.  You are on your own for your learning, finances, etc.  Sometimes stuff is easier as a team than as a bunch of individuals.

    If we could switch civilization more back to the team function rather than the individual function, there may not be such low mental health.

    An individual may compare oneself to the others and see hopelessness but a team acting together can see all the benefits it has of working together with its peers and contributing that way rather than just to oneself.

    If we didn't have private bank accounts but rather just one large bank account shared among the team, would our bank account be in debt or would we as the team keep it up?  Would the team do more to make sure that no one falls behind and that it can use what it has more efficiently and interact better?

    How can we transform our arrangement to make arrangement part of the solution?

  4. 6 hours ago, Jamie Universe said:

    The lesson is the near-future is the place where you will get your happiness, not the far-future, its simply to hard to aim for goals that don't allow you to feel good in the meantime.

    The most inspiring thing you can do is to find inspiration where you are, not where you aren't.

    Good stuff.  We are kinda stuck in the present moment anyway so it is a question of having a miserable present moment or not.

  5. 3 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    I used to eat chocolate chip cookies with warm chocolate milk every single day for breakfast.

    haha!  This is awesome.  I find that a lot of the food marketed as breakfast is complete junk which is crazy in a way because that is how the day starts off.  Cereal - junk.  Regular bread (for toast) in the regular bread aisle - junk.  Coffee - junk.  Donuts - junk.  Tortillas - junk.  Eggo Waffles - junk.  Pancakes - junk.  French toast (all that powdered sugar) - junk.  Muffins - junk.

    I started eating broccoli/salad/fruit for breakfast - way better.

    3 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    Choose a week where you eat nothing but healthy food every single day. Monitor and journal how you feel. And on the final day of that week, go on a 10min jog or find a hike to go on and see how you do. Then, a couple weeks or one month later, do the same thing but eat nothing but junk food for the entire week. Monitor how you feel throughout the week, and go on the same exact jog or hike and see how you do compared to the first time.

    This is some high quality advice right here.

  6. @TheSpiritualBunny Thanks for the explanation.

    It is kinda weird to think about how, if love is everything, then why is love everything?  Why do we bother to make and act in ways that will be helpful/loving/etc.?  Why of anything of all existence would it be that love is everything?  Why would reality itself pick that?  Why would everything pick love?

    Maybe it is just so as that is what we observe it to be. 

    I guess I am thinking that reality did not pick anything for it to be and that stuff just is being stuff and that we are projecting the idea of love onto everything; when it is just that what we categorize as love is just a response to stimuli (that tends to increase survival).

    Life is constantly either transforming its present arrangement or keeping it the same and that gets grouped into the idea of love.

    If life is just an arrangement, why would the arrangement even care if it survives or not?  Maybe our arrangement as humans has been arranged as such that we are tricking ourselves in wanting to survive but there are other arrangements in existence that have no care of awareness of the notion of survival such as non-cellular arrangements.

  7. 7 hours ago, TheSpiritualBunny said:

    love + hate = Love, good + bad = Good, free will + determinism = Will.

    By Love, do you mean appreciation/admiration/thankfulness?  Or, can you explain these some more?

    7 hours ago, TheSpiritualBunny said:

    since it's gods Will for the purpose to maximize Love.

    Although I find that there really is no purpose to anything, there seems to be this push/pull towards optimization.. what if it is more about maximizing optimization and love is just interpreted and allows for as such? optimization cannot beat optimization as it itself is optimization.  Good/love tends to be what is more optimal for the system and bad/hate tends to be what is suboptimal.

  8. @TrippyMindSubstance yeah Leo's video on How to Shop For Healthy Food - super recommend.

    Once you start eating only healthy food, you'll notice how crappy the unhealthy stuff is and won't even want it.

    I find that unhealthy food gives me anxiety as well as makes my face cheeks bigger.

    My favs: salad, broccoli, fruit (although I do get sprouted bread from the freezer section as well as some pasta.)

    Yeah the healthy stuff is probably a lot easier for the body to process and therefore would take up less processing energy, allowing you to have "more" energy for other stuff

    Good job on deciding to try this out!

    @levani wow 6 days fast!  I gotta try some fasting for myself sometime to see how that goes! cool!

  9. On 12/26/2020 at 2:37 PM, aurum said:

    Actually lying is great! It lets me avoid problems and manipulate people to my benefit.

    I’m obviously kidding but we do need to acknowledge what benefit we get from lying in order to let it go.


    On 12/26/2020 at 1:06 PM, Ibgdrgnxxv said:

    Spreading the culture of lying. 

    I find this prevalent in this forum. 

    What are people lying about and how would you know if they were lying or not?  Or what do you mean by culture of lying? 

    If it is outlandish stuff that people are saying, I can see that that would be hard to tell if it was real or not and agree that I have noticed a few things that I found questionable but am not going to go out of my way to prove them accurate/making it up in the present moment.  Everyone for the most part has some craziness to their lives so it could be a legit thing.  For the stuff that isn't actually, I guess it is still a practice puzzle to try to help them with their made-up situation.

  10. Crypto and Stock Market - stockpile money, nothing is done with the money, no incentive to take it out because it gets larger as it sits

    Bank - lose money as government prints more money, incentive to transform it to something else

    Business/Resource - not actual money, must be traded for money

    It seems that the way things are, the people with lots of money just stockpile it and nothing gets done with it.  Government has to keep on printing more money to have money to use.  The government could either A - keep printing money, or B - tax the accounts that have the money past a certain limit to get it back to get it implemented as well as just increase taxation in general, or C - have large public infrastructure to where any profit made stays in the system and gets used by the system for other things rather than just sitting unused in an account

    The idea of working as an employee for a private company can be a downer because all of the profit tends to go to one person where it just piles up in their account.  If people all mostly worked for the government which ran everything, then all gains would be for everyone (ideally) and not a few.  Would want to eliminate wasteful practices and have good planning, transparency, thinking, etc.  

    If we allowed private companies to still operate, we may want to allow for more people to have the opportunity instead of one group winning/dominating at the expense of others..(but I can see at how the one group could just be way better than all the others but that there can also be a benefit to having multiple companies instead of just one).  I can see though that private companies may have a drive for something new and unique that the government may be too hesitant to go for... unless government was less hesitant and was open for funding new things...

  11. I have watched two youtubers discuss survival in relation to variety.  By variety, I mean number of configurations.  

    One view - people start dying when they stop growing (stop adding more variety; keep the number of configurations the same or even decreased)

    Another view - we resist change in order to survive (Leo video- (I didn't watch it all yet though)) (we keep the variety and number of configurations the same; we reject new variety/configurations)

    I would say that there could be a trend of increasing, decreasing, or keeping the amount of configurations the same could which allow for an increased or decreased life duration - however, it does not necessarily EQUAL increased or decreased life duration.

    The number of configurations is constantly changing all the time.  How we respond and interact with those configurations is not necessarily based on the quantity.

    However, I can see that the more configurations there are, the longer it may take to fully observe/identify/learn/understand all of the existing ones before any adaptation/creation could be thrown in the mix.

  12. 17 hours ago, No Self said:

    community is the real name of the game.

    Good point.  I remember back when I used to go to church there was this "us versus them" going on.  All those people who don't go to church being talked down upon, the sinners being talked down upon, the people who only went to church on Christmas talked down upon.  The idea that we will all go to heaven because we are good people and screw those other people who mess up - they will go to hell.

  13. On 12/13/2020 at 6:44 AM, Firebird said:

    Its hard for me to be mindful even though I am enlightened.

    @Firebird These first responses are questions for thought and below that are some suggestions.  What does it mean to be enlightened to you?

    On 12/13/2020 at 6:44 AM, Firebird said:

    I was a computer addict for 10 years and it has lowered my mindfulness.

    Did the computer lower your mindfulness or you?  What does mindfulness mean to you?  How can you tell what your mindfulness level is at?

    On 12/13/2020 at 6:44 AM, Firebird said:

    It has become a bad habit and tendency to not be mindful.

    Why is this considered bad?  Why do you want to be mindful?

    On 12/13/2020 at 6:44 AM, Firebird said:

    Whenever I try to concentrate and be in the present moment its painful, because bad karma of being a former addict that had many sleepless nights has ruined my perception and mindfulness.

    How are you not in the present?  Do you feel that you are in the past or future?  What kind of pain is it?  Ever consider that good/bad is based on the observer and karma may not be a thing?

    What was your perception and mindfulness like then and how is it like now?  What can you do to work on your perception and mindfulness?  Do you still have sleepless nights?

    On 12/13/2020 at 6:44 AM, Firebird said:

     I want to feel the present moment and be in it.

    Why?  What does it mean to feel the present moment?

    On 12/13/2020 at 6:44 AM, Firebird said:

    Its My visual sense got damaged from computer screen I see normally but I cant be mindful as I wish to be, technology intoxication can ruin your perception of time and mindfulness.

    Can you learn to work on getting back your perception of time and mindfulness?

    On 12/13/2020 at 6:44 AM, Firebird said:

     I am no longer an addict but bad karma of insufficient mindfulness still remains.

    Congrats.  work on some mindfulness stuff to get it better.

    On 12/13/2020 at 6:44 AM, Firebird said:

    I also have another problem. I do everything slowly, I eat slowly, I exercise slowly, I waste 1/3 of the day just by going to the store. It disturbs me that the day passes so quickly and I barely did anything. I am like a snail. Too inert.

    Hmm.  You could try recording how long you are actually taking to do things - five minutes, five hours, etc.  How slow is this?  What speed do you want to be doing it at?  Work on it to get yourself to get it to within that time limit.

    Lets say you brush your teeth and it feels too slow.  Okay - do it over and over again- try getting faster and faster.  What steps are taking long and why is there delay/hesitation?  How much time do I want to spend doing this and how can I do it so that I spend the allotted time?

    You could do some planning before going to the store - write down everything that you want and group it by location.  You could have someone go with you to have you keep on pace and not have any pauses.

    You could write down what all you want to do but also write down what you do each day - then you can look back and see what you did so that you can see that you did in fact get stuff done.

    You could look at your water intake as well as eat lots of fruit and vegetables as well as take restorative vitamins for the brain, get enough sleep, and exercise.  Good luck!  I'm sorry that you are having these issues. 

    I would also practice meditation or some form of thinking whether that be thinking in images or words, writing stuff down, drawings stuff, typing stuff out, talking out loud, talking with another person, etc.  I would think about how thinking works and what all the different ways there are to think.  

  14. On 12/23/2020 at 10:07 PM, Zec said:

    I notice I think self help can get you into a lot of shit and one SHOULD?consider making fucking sure that they are not to shit out of luck and traumatized before spending a lot of time on self help. 

    @Zec Self help can help you figure stuff out and decrease fragility.

    The findings can and will probably be traumatizing and shitty along the way.  There may tend to be waves up uplift and waves of shocking epiphanies.

    If one decides that one is too weak to do self help, which tends to have the intent of help/growth, then one is seemingly putting oneself in the corner.

    Can take baby steps as needed.

  15. 48 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:

    The last time I went to church I was super high on MDMA. It was during the week so the church was almost empty. I saw the priest opening his hands like checking if it was raining and I did the same thing. Afterwards I went and told a church lady that I wanted to read the bible in front of everyone, one day. She told me it was OK, but I never went back.

    Good times.

    @Arcangelo hahaha omg this is the best.

    @Username Talking to church people does almost no good - I'm 4 for 4. 

    Me: Have you considered studying the other religions?  Them: No.  Me: Why not?  Them: Because mine is the best.  Me: How do you know that?  Them: Because I know.

    Me: Don't you see this as a worship of magic?  Them: No.

    Me: Why would an open minded person who is open to the possibility of anything about life ever constrain themselves to shutting their entire life in the box of what one religion says?  There is so much to learn and think about. Them: You just have to have faith...

    Me: Why is it that you say your religion is the one?  If you were born in another country, would you still say this was the one or the religion over there was the one?

    Me: Don't you see the hate, anger, hopelessness on every page?  How do you worship this stuff?

    It's almost like some people do not want to consider any other reality other than the one made up 2000 years ago.  The blackmail to "not go to hell" is pretty strong I guess.

    The idea that everyone else's religion is wrong but mine happens to be right really hits the spot.

  16. Well said suggestions to those above!!

    @Daffcio I'm sorry you are experiencing this.  This sounds just awful.

    I'd buy a new door handle with a new lock with a new key and lock my room every time I leave/enter it.  You can buy them for pretty cheap at home stores like Lowes, Home Depot.. not sure what is in your area.  They are pretty easy to replace in less than 5 minutes.  (May want to install when your mom is not in the house). Problem solved.

    If she is criticizing me, (because it sounds like she has done it excessively and to not much good), I'd just end the conversation and walk away.  Problem solved.

    I would not let her enter my room so that she does not take anything else.  Problem solved.

    I'd hang out with my friends away from her so that she cannot humiliate me.  Problem solved.

    I would tell her that I do not need a babysitter and can arrive back when I am ready to come back in the evenings and if she has a problem with that, she can just lose valuable sleep time as her own problem and that I do not need her to stay up.  Problem solved.

    One thing to consider is if her criticism has any validity to it or if she is projecting herself onto you and tricking herself.  Do you know why she took the stuff out of your room?  Does she give logical reasoning for the stuff she tells you or is it not well thought out?  

    I guess at this point, the relationship seems pretty bad.  I may consider just trying to be really nice to her and say thank you and give her appreciation when you can and try to do nice things for her (even if she does not do the same).  I know you are really struggling with it but she may be really struggling too.  It may help you get rid of your anger by doing nice things..

    I guess even if you had a chat with her about how the relationship is messed up.. it would maybe want to be said right and carefully (I messed mine up with my dad by telling him that he was a bully and he told me that he will forever see me as the child that does not like him and take his anger to his grave and will never get over it.. I tried apologizing and that I was trying to figure things out and it didn't change anything) but anyway.. um I think she may just have to live with struggling until she is ready to accept that she needs to work on herself.  Congrats on trying to work on yourself and finding!

    It sounds like she has this negativity/confusion/anger and she is pushing it onto you instead of looking within and fixing it herself.  She sounds like a bully with a very weak, fragile ego.  Instead of lifting you up and trying to help you, it sounds like she is pushing you down.  

  17. 3 hours ago, Hardkill said:

    felt hopeless about my future.

    So, yeah, I think I probably am fucked. Am I wrong?

    @Hardkill Hmm one thing that you may want to focus on is where this feeling of hopelessness is coming from.  Why do you feel that way?  How long have you felt that way?  What is keeping you from moving on and not feeling hopeless?  What are options to get out of the feeling?  What does hopeless feel like?  What does it pertain to?  What does it look like, taste like, smell like?  How heavy is it?  What color is it?

    What about the present?  Does the present moment feel hopeless or just the future?  How far off into the future are we talking?  If one can technically never escape the present, how will that future arrive?

    Do I appreciate the feeling of hopelessness, hate it, miss it, want it, prolong it, reject it, resist it, keep bringing it back, rely on it, use it to my advantage, use it as an excuse?

    Am I creating the hopelessness?  Where does the hopelessness exist?  Is it in an object, in a body part, in my mind?  

    What have I set for my definition of when I will be considered fucked and when I will be considered successful?  What is my criteria for that?  Is to be fucked based on what?  When will I say that I am truly fucked and does it matter if I am and matter to what/whom?

    Am I wrong or am I right?  How will I know the difference from one to another?  Do I have any criteria set to differentiate them, do I require others to tell me which is so, do I go with "intuition", do I go with what "society" says, or what my parents say?  How do I know what to trust for the truth and what is imagined, how am I tricking myself, how can I know when someone is trustworthy and when they are not?

    How does hopelessness feel about itself?  What perspective and values does hopeless have?  If hopeless talked to you, what would it say and sound like?  Would hopeless personify hopeless or would it act like something else?  Would hopeless look like a human, a flower?  What kind of book would hopeless write about?  Would hopeless be a fun friend?

    Lots of questions to ask!  Ask more questions and you may find more questions to ask!

  18. 18 minutes ago, Jamie Universe said:

    Maybe consider writing down your thoughts and just think through it, sometimes this helps or hurts, also sometimes its nice to just rant about your problems and helps deal with it in the process. Another thing which might help is to learn about psychology on your own if you can, I recently took an introduction to psychology class and it was very interesting and provided more insight into my life. 

    @Jamie Universe Great suggestions!

    2 hours ago, Hardkill said:

     haven't been enough to help me become a psychologically normal and functioning individual.

    @Hardkill Everyone is different and so what is weird to one person may be awesome to another.  Having unique perspectives and skills can be really appreciated and valued. 

    2 hours ago, Hardkill said:

    I am a very decent looking and physically fit person with an overall good personality and have substantially improve my speaking confidence and skills a lot since I first became an official member of the Toastmasters club several months ago. I also have made significant  extracurricular accomplishments in my life.

    This is great!!

    2 hours ago, Hardkill said:

    Lastly, I've come to realize that if most of the top 1% of people out there in the world such as celebrities, richest people in the world, most successful in the world, etc. are not happy at all Leo like even mentioned a number of times before, then what chance is there for someone like me to ever have true happiness in my life?

    For top 1%, consider what metrics this is?  Money in the bank, lives saved, inventions invented, cures developed, ego and spiral dynamics development level, number of friends, number of epiphanies, number of businesses owned, number of days lived, number of paintings painted, number of youtube followers, number of people helped?  I am biased here but I find that the more developed I can get myself (up the spiral dynamics and ego stages), the more gratitude I have and find joy in things that my previous less developed self could find.  Attitude can make a huge difference on happiness too.  There can be inspiration and golden nuggets all over the place if one tries to look for it.

    2 hours ago, Hardkill said:

    Yet, I still don't think that any of these positive I have going for me will even be close to being enough even get let alone maintain a profession or job of some kind that will pay me well. It's like no matter what field you want to go into they are all getting incredibly difficult for ANYONE to get. It's crazy and beyond sad.

    The job market comes and goes.  Sometimes it is great and sometimes it is horrible.  However, humans have needs and needs need to be met regardless of the job market.  Even if something is not your dream job, you can still use it to learn skills and work on yourself. 

    3 hours ago, Hardkill said:

    Also, I still perseverate constantly on things like the 2020 election...... the republican Congress will end up destroying my country again! What a nightmare this would be!

    You could consider that the government is going to be functioning well or that the government is going to be functioning horribly - I may if I was in your situation put that "in a cube" and "move the cube out of the way" for now and focus on other things more about myself.

    3 hours ago, Hardkill said:

    while my situation has been better with school and certain areas of my life, I have honestly become so worried and have also felt hopeless about my future. I've already been working with occupational therapists recently to help me gain my functional independence, which has helped me to some extent. However, I am still relying a lot on my parents help on initiating work and I am still getting a noticeable amount of support and involvement from my mom with my schoolwork, even at the age of 32 (I'll be 33 in a week and a half). Also, I've had a lot of mental health counseling from my psychiatrist, psychologists, and social workers for most of my life and I still don't think that they haven't been enough to help me become a psychologically normal and functioning individual.

    That's nice to get help from others.  I suggest you try to work through some things on your own and come up with ways of figuring things out for yourself.  What advice really helped me was to open up Microsoft Paint, draw an image of myself in the middle, and then on the left write down all of my questions and problems and on the right write down all of my solutions and ideas.  This got me able to figure out for myself the best course of action.  I filled that Microsoft Word page full to the rim with thoughts and what ifs for various paths I could go down.  Things like that of coming up with personal ways of how to think through things will be really helpful in the long run.  The crazy thing is is that one could pick any path as there isn't really a perfect path to go down - all could lead to new adventures and experiences - I just had to pick one and try it out.

    Life is really short - the impermanence of life tends to allow for appreciation of what we have that hasn't already left us.  Ask yourself, what would you like to do with the time that you have left?

  19. One issue with the video above is that it only mentions 4 people and may paint an incomplete picture of the situation.  I presume that the president would have LOTS of people working under him.  Were these people in charge of financials?  Maybe their credentials and understanding of loans and bonds, etc. made them viable candidates for whatever their position was.  Those listed may be stage orange but I predict that he may have at least some stage green sprinkled in there as he has voiced (in the debates) interest in renewable energy, making college more affordable, racism, etc. 

    Regarding the government's present issue associated with the use of money - the large debt, expensive college, many in poverty unaffordable medical expenses/minimum wages too low-  It may be helpful to some degree to have people who understand money well and have money backgrounds because our country has money issues.  Although there are good points brought up in that they may be used to serve the interests of the corporations instead of the people/infrastructure (time will tell).

    I can see though that we want greens/yellows/turquoises instead of only oranges (on the spiral stage) - There could technically be stage yellows working at these companies and those listed may not necessarily be stage orange - I don't know.

    If we want a stage yellow/turquoise president with a unitive ego, we may want to consider creating our own political party as well as getting more people to know about Spiral Dynamics and Ego Development.


  20. On 12/24/2020 at 4:35 AM, sat2493 said:

    Normally, I set a bunch of goals and deadlines, but I wind up committing to a single goal at the expense of the other goals. I am poor at anticipating the likely hang ups I will encounter when reaching a goal. I wind up committing to that single goal, and pushing the deadlines on my other goals back and back. Even the goal to which I wind up committing, I finish it later.

    @sat2493 I learned after talking to my boyfriend on the phone that another problem could be staying on the same task for too long.  Tasks can get boring and dull when there is not enough variety.  It may actually be easier to get stuff done by switching around which task one is doing to create more variety and excitement.  There is also the feeling that the several tasks are getting done as many of them are getting attention and not where one is getting attention at the expense of the others.  Also, while switching to a new task, you could get insight for how to do a previous task.  Plus, the new task switch may allow for a newness that allows one to work faster.  I hope this stuff helps.  Have a good day.