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About PenguinPablo

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  1. I agree. Being a security guard is a great job since their is a lot of downtime to do whatever!
  2. Who do regard highly from contemporary figures?
  3. I agree it's natural but we further perpetuate it. I still don't full understand why.
  4. I would say it is manufactured. Corruption breeds corruption. It's like a virus.
  5. There does appear to be people that simply abide in that infinite bliss. Like Ram Dass. But it is the absolutely rarest thing on this planet. Most people are in a perpetual state of medium-to-low grade flight or flight state.
  6. Calculus is not that hard... It's like Algebra with extra steps. Mathematics gets obfuscated by the shitty education system.
  7. That's like the pot calling the kettle black! Also the average woman has much more experience than the average man... Hence the reverse is already true for women. Women are more desensitized to men than the reverse. It is through experience that men become desensitized. This is something most men lack. Women don't, unless they're total hermits.
  8. @Ero what do you recommend in terms of psychs?
  10. Why can’t I just lay down at the park and stare up at the trees in perfect bliss? Why do I imprison myself with the inherent dissatisfaction of needing to become somebody? Consumerism is slavery in disguise. Indoctrinating minds into believing that they “need” x to be happy. Of course everyone strives to be happy. Hence if you control people’s desires, you control their behavior
  11. @LoseYourvelf Yes. I was dubious as well because it could be purely subjective. But the statistics from my games when high versus sober show a clear and major difference. Consistently much lower centipawn loss 20-30 (versus minimum 2x that). Elimination of moves that are blunders.
  12. It feels like my mind is being scrambled somehow. I don't know what to do about it. Constant negative emotion angst and rumination. Preventing me from even being able to use attention with any semblance of efficacy. This affects my life in general in very drastic ways. Has been the case since adolescence. If I do weed or psychedelics my intuition skyrockets as well as calculation in chess, working memory etc. Need advice. The reason I use the chess example is because it's a tangible controlled environment that has made me keenly aware of this problem ADHD medication also fixes this
  13. Ultimately, they are people just like everyone else If you make it, people will celebrate you... They always "knew" you had it in you If you don't, you're a loser Ultimately only you know yourself
  14. @Abe27 on the other side of the coin you might yourself avoiding the harsh realities of survival If you can for sure live off of the fortune you made, in a long-term sustainable way then go for it 100% but if their is negative long-term implications I might consider that and plan accordingly