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Everything posted by PenguinPablo

  1. @Leo Gura in the Sonya case the cop that killed her was dishonorably discharged from the army and was jumping around between different police departments in different cities when he got in trouble The George Floyd cop also had a bad streak as well Police culture goes out of their way to cover their own asses and internal corruption. That is why these cases are so prevalent... Because they allow this s*** to Fester internally And I get it they empathize with each other because of all the b******* they deal with. But it's clearly a systemic issue I mean at this point the USA is infamous for these scenarios
  2. Yeah the availability bias is crazy. But US is probably doing much worse than other developed countries Of course if you compare to highly corrupt countries then US is way better than their situation
  3. I mean but why was the cop so condescending and sadistic in his approach? I don't think being an evil asshole is part of the police training Nevertheless, objectively Daniel did not fully follow the orders I get that But he is definitely abusing his power and while technically he did what was within protocol He knows that thin line better than anyone (it's his fucking job) He made sure to be right on the edge of that line and abuse his position for a fucking power trip on some young 26 year old kid
  4. Have the talk and then give him 5 Meo
  5. I didn't know Leo made a video on nootropics lol! awesome
  6. @Carl-Richard No
  7. Im getting a CS degree rn Thinking a lot about which direction to take it Or not and do something else entirely
  8. Lovely exchange But highly impractical to perceive this as an even remotely close to likely sequence of behaviours
  9. @Epikur Keep playing. You might have to train more aggressively to break through plateaus. I struggled a lot between dual 2 back and dual 4 back.
  10. The entire world population must be subjected to these narcissistic parasites that insist on controlling their respective countries, for no other reason than to paraphrase Leo, "be the biggest alpha chimpanzee of them all. Wisdom is the most necessary trait when it comes to proper intelligent leadership and a narcissistic power hungry individual is the antithesis of wisdom. It is truly sad that my fellow human must undergo this type of conscious or subconscious torture caused by this clown show we call "politics". Our lives are in the hand of these fools. People are too stupid to understand the sheer hopelessness. People are so stupid, that they would deify this narcissistic baboon and vote him in twice. Yikes. God bless Donald, and his recovery. He's a funny and charismatic guy. I do like that side to him but his giant ego is not fit for running the most powerful country in the world.
  11. @Basman You are setting the bar pretty low if you want to compare what we have to basically savages
  12. @Carl-Richard Thanks to you mentioning it I started Dual-n-back Recently switched to Quad-n-back. That was such a bitch -- but my brain is adapting. Q4B currently. One of the kids in the InfiniteIQ group quickly got to Q6B. Pretty Insane but said his IQ was like 150.
  13. @Merkabah Star Kamala would get annihilated by Trump He's too damn clever and quick witted for her He will slice her to pieces
  14. I hope all you bad boys have been doing your kriyas
  15. Trump has too much momentum
  16. @Leo Gura Lord have, mercy. No wonder people become hermits. Spirituality is merely a cover-up to not hurt people's feelings
  17. Better to be immersed in the dream or moving back and forth? Thus far I have not seen the possibility to be fully awake at all times. And even Leo says he can't sustain it off psychedelics
  18. @Paradoxed @shreepeople are not referring to "simply a high level of awareness." They are talking about God awakening from the dream (but after the psychedelics effects wear off, your state or perceptive largely reverts back to being in the dream)
  19. The Mickey factz diss track is crazy. I'd only heard the Lupe and Royce ones when they came out
  20. Definitely. I think you develop a bit of a radar based on people's behaviour, presence, and gaze For me anyway, those are some of the indicators I've used It's so much fun to talk with someone who "gets" it
  21. I was considering making a full-length trip report to give the full story from start to finish... from the point of purchase or preceding that, the serendipitous birth of the idea to purchase the Amanitas. Anyway, I am not one for foreplay... so!!! "I am you. And you are me. And that's why I must love you." - direct download from me. "Arise my child, arise my child." St Germaine
  22. @Sandroew sometimes you don't realize how BS your thinking is until you see it on the page lol