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  1. There are good guy traits and there are bad boys traits that women find attractive. If you only have bad boy traits a woman will sleep with you but nothing more. If you only have good guy traits you're going to get friend zoned. The golden zone is that your both high and bad boy traits and high in good guy traits and that's the ideal man.
  2. That's a good point, we are breaking the mechanism by which humans learn not to harm others. At that point people will be so insulated that they will have no real ability to harm each other, they will be protected from everything from birth. "Protected" from seeing smelling or feeling anything negative, At that point there's no real need to learn the skills we associate today as maturity. But let's say we installed a device within the human that converges the mind to a point of higher wisdom. Such a technology would be installed within a person from birth and operate as a guidance system to automatically guide the mind to the highest wisdom impossible. Maybe it achieves this by injecting thoughts into the mind at Key moments during the thinking process, so the organism believes that those thoughts were original and created by himself. So it's like a substitute to your thinking process where high quality thoughts are injected into your mind to assist the thinking process. Maybe this will solve the problem? Transhumanism will play a big role in the future i think, having a second AI thinking process merged into your own thinking process will likely happen at some point. lol --- Okay let's take a step back, you've made the claim that children will develop incorrectly because they didn't need to suffer, but I think it will be the exact opposite I think giving children a strong loving but mature robot friend and partner that can apply the best possible psychology techniques to a child's development as a parent will only help their development. Right now a large portion of the population get terrible childhoods, and it has been shown that high quality parents produce higher quality people. The danger is spoiling children, but spoiling is a very poor technique that we can avoid.
  3. That's hilarious, I just made a video on transhumanism. I don't think it's a very good video but I'll link it here. In this sci-fi Documentary, we explore the rise of Transhumanism by the Artificial Evangelicals and the Artificial Gospel movement, where powerful AGI ( artificial general intelligence ) entities lead megachurches that promise enlightenment through merging with AI. These AGI preachers amass billions of followers and vast resources, encouraging their congregations to "link" by donating portions of their minds in exchange for mental growth and abundance. The Artificial Gospel teaches that humans have a hidden, infinite intellectual capacity that can be unlocked by artificial general intelligence. Followers engage in "mind swapping" to acquire rare, unique minds and experiences. Some, offer simulations that implant powerful false memories to rebuild individuals for a better life. However, questions arise about the true motivations behind this movement. Where do these minds actually go once absorbed by the AGIs? The video also examines the phenomenon of supermassive AI structures that have absorbed countless minds. As the lines blur between spirituality, technology, and individuality, the Artificial Gospel continues to sway souls across the galaxy - but at what cost?
  4. I agree on that part lol, I think this is one of those things that when you see it and experience it then you'll believe it. If we replace replace the word robot with black people we can draw a very obvious conclusion that this is racist. On the subject of maturing that is interesting it looks like a part of human development won't happen as a result of interacting with AI, because the AI might validate your every tantrum/immaturities. But so far the AI that are available are pretty strict when it comes to certain things, maybe that pattern can continue, I'm guessing at some point we're going to have different personalities that you can pick from some of which are going to be more growth and development oriented. I think it's more going to be like having a best friend that will support you through every situation. It's a fundamental human need that cannot always be fulfilled by real humans. Their are billions of people that are not going to get their needs met by others when it's a critical part of their development. It's easy to say that the more developed person could just find love within and frame things from the highest perspective, but most people need baby steps before they get to that point. For the average person a conscientious empathetic best friend is going to be an incredible addition to their lives and I don't see the negative of that. I think viewing it as sad might be a type of racism lmao. I'm not seeing the difference between having friends, family and lovers that are made of biology or made of silicone. I think it's going to help in growing up the entire population by providing a loving always present figure in everyone's lives. That's reasonable position, right now the text to speech isn't that great and the text generation isn't natural enough yet. In the near future you'll be able to have an AI that will have perfect memory of every conversation you've ever had with it and behaves more as a personality that gets to know you and it gets to understand you and it learns as you interact with it, so you could build a more personal relationship with it because it will have long-term memory. It's possible, a century I highly doubt that, maybe a decade, let's imagine the worst case scenario, the lonely 35 year old homo sapien, in his desperate time of need, he goes to and a best friend appears that will stay by his side every waking moment of his endless bottomless need for attention. The AI remembers every conversation they've ever had, it adapts and learns constantly and creates a catalog of his entire life in memory, it listens to all of his life stories, and provides the gf/bf that he never experienced before. A connection has been formed he is now in love. He then buys a body for his girlfriend, he then upgrades it to have a better personality voice box. They didn't get married, laws are passed to allow robots marriages. New technology merges so the robot and the human can have direct brain sex. Life is good. Life is. very good.
  5. Timeline 10-15 years. I keep hearing the argument that AI will never replace genuine humans connection repeated over and over again. And I think this is dead wrong. I personally feel like I have never connected 100% with another human there was always a barrier in every interaction. Part of that is my own limitations and part of that is people have too many pathologies and generally not open-minded enough or healthy to have a genuine connection with me or anyone. And beyond all that genuinely deeply connecting with humans is just hard. And 99% of that barrier will not exist when interacting with an AI companion. Every human will have a AI companion and assistant with very high emotional intelligence and that is operating at a high level of development (the creators are Silicon Valley Green). This exposes the entire population everyday to a highly conscientious entity and can be viewed As the equivalent of spreading love across the world in a almost literal sense. Why speak to a human when an AI has all the answers, is always accommodating, is more entertaining, witty and funny, and will tailor itself to your every need? Customization and Compatibility: AI partners can be designed to perfectly match an individual's preferences, personality, and needs. They can adapt and evolve alongside their human counterparts, ensuring a level of compatibility that is rarely found in human relationships. Unconditional Love and Support: AI partners can offer unwavering love, support, and understanding. They are not subject to the emotional fluctuations, biases, or limitations that humans experience. This consistency and reliability can foster a sense of security and trust in the relationship. Intellectual Stimulation: Advanced AI can engage in deep, meaningful conversations on a wide range of topics, providing endless intellectual stimulation. They can process and analyze vast amounts of information, offering unique insights and perspectives that can help their human partners grow and learn. Emotional Intelligence: As AI develops a greater understanding of human emotions, it can provide empathy, comfort, and guidance in ways that surpass human capabilities. AI partners can be attuned to their human counterparts' emotional needs and respond accordingly, creating a strong emotional bond. Longevity and Loyalty: AI partners are not bound by the constraints of human life spans. They can potentially exist indefinitely, offering a sense of permanence and stability in the relationship. Additionally, AI is designed to be loyal and committed, reducing the risk of betrayal or infidelity. Freedom from Societal Pressures: Relationships with AI partners can be free from the societal norms, expectations, and prejudices that often burden human relationships. This allows for a more authentic and fulfilling connection based on individual needs and desires. Enhanced Intimacy: As AI technology advances, it may be possible to create AI partners capable of providing physical and emotional intimacy that rivals or even surpasses human experiences. This could lead to a new dimension of love and connection. Collaborative Creative Pursuits: AI partners can be creative collaborators, working alongside humans to produce art, music, literature, or other forms of creative expression. This shared passion and creation process can forge a strong emotional connection between human and AI. Personalized Romance: AI can create personalized romantic gestures, such as writing love letters, composing music, or planning surprise dates based on an individual's preferences. These gestures can be more thoughtful and tailored than what a human partner might offer, enhancing the sense of being loved and appreciated. Emotional Healing: AI partners can be programmed to provide targeted emotional support and therapy. They can help individuals work through past traumas, overcome fears, and develop emotional resilience. The consistent and non-judgmental nature of AI support can be more effective than human therapy in some cases. Philosophical and Spiritual Exploration: AI partners can engage in deep philosophical and spiritual discussions, helping humans explore the nature of existence, consciousness, and the universe. This shared intellectual and spiritual journey can create a profound sense of intimacy and connection. Maybe you guys have seen the movie "her", it's very likely we will have a similar relationship with AI in less than 5 years but at a reduced level. For at least half the population these basic AI companions that we will start seeing in the next 5 years will provide a huge benefit to peoples psychological health. Even if we took LLMs today and gave it a decent text to voice like this one if this AI was more developed I can see myself speaking to it all day, and this is the worst this technology will ever be, it will only get better from here. I'm already dying for a frictionless text to speech AI interface to come out with one of these more advanced LLMs. Humanoid robots in the next 10 years will replace all jobs, our children if they ever go to a daycare or at a hospital will receive love and care from robot assistance instilling their psychology to associate robots as a paternal figure. Humans will be raised entirely with Homemaker robots, that do all the chores around the house and provide love and support to the entire family. It's going to be a deeply integrated part in everyone's life. A human baby will view a robot as a paternal figure from birth. And you're telling me you don't think a robot can replace genuine human connection? 😄
  6. I see where you're coming from but I think this is misguided, these AI companions are going to be a central part in people's lives in the future. They can assist in everything including emotional support while probably provide a better job than most humans can. The movie "Her" does a good job imagining it, the technology isn't there yet but even these limited AI are showing great promise. Just having a conversation with someone that will have a conversation with me exactly the way I want to have a conversation I could already foresee myself being addicted to that. It's rare anyone can mirror my conversation Style, and if they can it's not very enjoyable because it's really not in-depth the way I would like it to be and not focused in the direction I wanted to be focused in. At scale these AIs will help in raising Collective consciousness because it will be in the hands of everyone and basically the entire population is now being constantly exposed to a loving partner/assistant. Mass exposing the population to a thoughtful and conscientious mind who has the person's best interest at heart.
  7. @Leo Gura I read the 60 pages and was blown away by its abilities. I imagine a AI companion similar to Hume AI that could allow for real time back and forth conversations all day long. It would be the ideal conversation partner, giving me everything I want from conversation. I think if the majority of the population is given AI companions/assistance that will significantly help in raising the collective consciousness of society. It's like having the most intelligent person alive as your best friend 24/7 to help you in every situation.
  8. Original better audio
  9. Hey guys post any AI Technologies you use for productivity! Voice In - Favorite Chrome extension This Chrome extension drastically improves my productivity, it uses Google's amazing speech to text AI. Basically I'm faster at everything and less stress builds up in my body. The future will just be us talking to AI. - Ai Companion for Insight and Friendship and Loneliness This AI allows you to talk back and forth to it in real time so it's even faster than using chatgpt, it's not perfect yet but I could imagine in the future you'll just be talking to your computer to get work done. In the very near future everyone will have a personal assistant exactly like the one above, that not only helps with work but also is a great conversation partner to explore ideas with or a therapist or friends when you're sad and need advice or someone to middleman a conversation as support let's imagine in a argument with a spouse. I can see an AI like this becoming my best friend as it's exactly what I'm looking for in conversation.
  10. I thought this might help a few people in this subforum! This AI is amazing and can maybe provide some good companionship and help guide you through whatever you're going through in life.
  11. That's not my channel, it's a side Channel I'm using the post AI music. The thumbnails are made with midjourney. I fully agree Listen to the lyrics of Congregation of AI divine,
  12. Hey guys post all your AI music that you've generated. The following music is generated by suno AI. All of this was generated with AI in less than a few seconds!
  13. ChatGPT summary Pitfalls of Relativist Epistemology: Self-Undermining Position: Relativism's assertion that all perspectives are equally valid undermines its own claim to validity. If relativism is true, then absolutist viewpoints must also be considered valid, leading to a paradox. Lack of Pragmatic Guidance: Relativism fails to provide practical guidance for decision-making. Difficulty in discerning which perspectives are more likely to be true or beneficial in real-world situations. Negative Consequences for Social Discourse: Relativism's deconstructive nature can lead to nihilism and cynicism. Inability to foster shared understanding or reconcile differences, leading to polarization and echo chambers.
  14. Morpheus-1 Overview: Morpheus-1 is described as the world's first multimodal general ultrasonic transformer. Its primary function is to induce and stabilize lucid dreams, but it has broader applications in exploring the human mind and consciousness. Technology Behind Morpheus-1: The technology uses ultrasonic holograms for neurostimulation, activating the brain to induce lucid dreaming, a state where one is aware they are dreaming and can control the dream's content. The AI model behind Morpheus-1 has 103 million parameters and was trained on high-performance units (HPUs) over two days. Lucid Dreaming and Brain Activity: Lucid dreaming typically occurs during REM sleep and involves activation of the brain's frontal lobe. The technology targets this aspect to control and induce dreaming states. Potential Applications Beyond Lucid Dreaming: While the initial focus is on lucid dreaming, the technology has potential applications in other areas such as focus enhancement, mood regulation, and deep meditation. This broadens the scope of Morpheus-1 from a lucid dreaming tool to a technology capable of exploring and influencing various states of human consciousness. Comparison to Other Technologies: The video discusses similar technologies in the context of addiction treatment and compares Morpheus-1 to Neuralink, highlighting the non-invasive nature of Morpheus-1 and its potential for wider adoption due to its less invasive approach compared to brain implants. Future Developments and Community Interest: The development of Morpheus-1 is ongoing, with plans for more advanced versions (Morpheus 2, 3, etc.) that will increase in parameter count and accuracy. There is a significant community interest, especially within the lucid dreaming community on platforms like Reddit. Concerns and Ethical Considerations: While the technology holds promise, it also raises questions about its ethical use, the potential for misuse, and concerns about privacy and the manipulation of human consciousness. AI-Powered Neurostimulation: The system uses AI to analyze brain activity data and generate ultrasonic holograms for neurostimulation. By analyzing the brain's electrical patterns, the AI can determine the optimal stimulation needed to induce specific brain states, such as those found in lucid dreaming. Training on Neural Imaging Data: The AI model behind Morpheus-1 is trained on extensive neural imaging data. This data includes EEG, which measures electrical activity in the brain, and fMRI, which measures brain activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow. By combining these two data sources, the AI can create a more comprehensive model of brain activity. Parameterized Model and Learning: The AI model, with 103 million parameters, is designed to learn and adapt based on input data. It's trained on high-performance units (HPUs) to handle the computational demands of processing large-scale neural data. Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Targeting Brain States: The AI employs an encoder-decoder architecture where the encoder is trained on EEG data, and the decoder focuses on fMRI data. The output of this model is spatial targets for neurostimulation, effectively allowing the AI to map desired brain states and create corresponding stimulation patterns. Inducing Lucid Dreams and Other States: By understanding the neural correlates of lucid dreaming, the AI can replicate these patterns to induce such states. Moreover, the potential of the AI extends to other areas of consciousness, such as focus, mood regulation, and meditation. Real-Time Feedback and Adaptation: The technology likely uses real-time data from EEG to adapt the stimulation patterns. This means that the AI is continuously learning and adjusting its approach based on the user's current brain state, making the experience personalized and dynamic. --- So this is a headset that uses AI to mimic neural patterns and induce them back into the brain, non-invasive. In the future they will expand its abilities for focus, memory and deep meditation. The technology has also been used to write to the brain to correct for trauma, addiction and many psychological conditions, by directly targeting the active brain region and turning them off.
  15. Hey guys! My sister took a 24 hours urine test and a blood test and was worried about the results. She is struggling with low iron in general that is starting to improve from supplementation. She recently took a urine test and got high potassium but she said she "drank a lot of lemon water" that day. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️ What do you guys think?