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Posts posted by Yahya

  1. 3 hours ago, JessicaKatherine said:

    A long while ago I posted about how I kept circulating back to my marijuana addiction and drinking. It was whip lash. 

    From the moment I affirmed that I was done smoking to the time I actually quit, it took four years. I kept giving myself permission to circle back and then got lost in the sauce. I’m finally free of cravings, consistency with pot and alcohol, and neediness. I feel well. I feel stable, no highs or lows. 
    I’m not not replacing cravings with drinking problems anymore. Even the drinking cravings have washed away. I’m not thinking about it and I am not hurting when I see or itching when I hear triggers. 

    I just want to testify that it’s possible to be “normal”. Also I’m not solid at giving advice on how to quit, I would sound like toxic positivity and say “awakening, healing, and self love and understanding.” Maybe I got blessed, maybe my body chemistry was right and the awareness was applied at just the right angle but, the suffering  was very real, the low self esteem was very real, and the cling was very real for me and the healing has taken its place.

    It’s not that it went away and then I healed. It’s that I took the long road through healing and it started to fall away organically with the right intentions and the healing continued to gain real depth even after. 

    It has been months now and I didn’t want to post about it too quickly, I’ve been on a journey inward in the mean time and didn’t know what I was going to say about it.  I know it’s finished because I can feel that not only is it gone, but I don’t want it. Nothing about me feels like I am interested in forming a habit.  

    I’ve gained new purposes and a much better personally. People seem to be attracted to me where as before I felt like it was hard to be genuine if the interactions went on for too long because I was hiding myself or not being True to myself or the fact that I suffered low self esteem and couldn’t navigate my conversations or bond appropriately with others.

    I gained more personality and self worth than I had. I have a great sense of community and I am sharpening my skills and assets in all new ways. The sun is brighter. 

    There’s hope. 

    @JessicaKatherine Congrats!

  2. @machinegun You are suffering the consequences of negative motivation. You are basically using negative motivation to motivate yourself which is unsaistanable. You need to be more authentically, positive and intrinsically motivated.

    - How do normal people motivate themself?

    Ans: They motivate themself negatively like you except maybe to a mild degree. The question should be how does the extra ordinary motivate themself. Extra ordinary people motivate themself through authencity, life purpose, positive and intrinsic reasons and psychology.

  3. This thread is a mixture of life purpose and enlightenment. To all those who are enlightened on the forum. I have a question. Are you guys passionate for life? I am wondering are enlightened people or those who experienced enlightenment are passionate for life because from what I have seen in the forum so far are passionless and bitter enlightened people. I may be wrong but that's according to my observations so far. So again to all the enlightened people, are you passionate and happy for life or are you bitter and miserable. 

  4. @Preety_India Thank you for your response. That response helped me a lot to improve my relationships. Thanks again

    "It can mean anything from sexual to social to financial to emotional to physical. Value = whole package.  Girls sexual value = looks, attractiveness, feminine nature, elegance, grace, education, smartness, intelligence, amiability, fertility,sexiness  reproductive ability, character, decency, fitness, hobbies, work, passion, nature, temperament. Guy's sexual value = social status, intelligence, skills, looks, height, personality, passion, work, character, entertaining, humor, romantic nature, masculinity, education, skills in bed, fitness, temperament, ability to impress, fatherhood skills, boyfriend material"  Preety_India