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Posts posted by LordFall

  1. 9 hours ago, onacloudynight said:

    I am almost thinking about having multiple relationships going on at the same time. 

    It seems like women have this and I am tired of focusing on one girl at a time.

    It sounds shity, but maybe my strategy should be to date and simultaneously be looking for something better and never settle until I find the 100/10 girl.

    You should at the very least have the option of doing so. You should get to a level of game where multiple women that you're attracted to and that you think are cool would be interested in having a relationship with you. This principle used to be the foundation of the game community but I never see it talked about nowadays nor have I met many guys that have achieved it. 

    You're not supposed to date the first girl that you find that you like. That IS SUPPOSED TO come with flaws, red flags, and incompatibilities that you're not equipped to see coming. Often that's literally the first girl that meets your standards that is open to dating you and you end up in a codependent multi-year relationship just as you and your game were about to exponentially increase. 

    Get rid of the jadedness and negativity that you feel right now, that's normal when a relationship ends and is extremely beta for lack of a better word but the idea of dating or at least being able to date multiple women at once is a good idea. Never lie to them and be transparent with your intentions but I have severe fear for any man who decides to settle for a relationship without getting to that point. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Welp, sounds like you need to find a girl who appreciates you more.

    Very few girls are gonna be interested in orgies so this is quite the fluke scenario.

    I have a pickup friend who has done orgies and he told me it's just not a good experience. It's creepy and awkward. She'll discover that the hard way.

    Didn't you use to have "My Secret Garden" recommended on the book list? I think it's a common fantasy, probably at least 20-40% of women have actively fantasized about it. Probably only like 5% of them only ever take steps to act it out though. 

    I've done something like that before and it's not my favorite thing but the women are usually super into it. I think most women should try something like that in their lives and most men should try a threesome-foursome. Life's too short not to.

    OP IMO break up with your girl and start hitting the gym. No reason you should be skinny for your whole life, you should be able to give your woman the experience of being fucked by a strong fit man. And I'm saying this as a skinny guy myself.

    @onacloudynight You don't need to rape her obviously but it's definitely a good idea to include BDSM elements in a relationship/sex life.  

  3. 3 hours ago, bloomer said:

    Andrew I think is needed in this climate for men to break through the overton window and drag it back. No one else would have been half as successful in doing this and that's why I like him. 


    It always makes me sad when people in this forum are just as ideological and unintellectual as anywhere else on the Internet. Your point is phenomenal even though your title is obviously trigger-inducing. I think you're right in that both Tate and the general red pill figures that we have today are excellent for our overall culture and dating discussions. You use the exact right term, they collectively managed to open up our Overton window around these topics big time and even though most of them are shady and unethical characters, they will serve to rebalance our overall dating culture. 

    I think it will lead to women being more careful of how the men around them act and behave and what they stand for as well as making most men game-aware, which is always better than the alternative. 

  4. I think as long as you're completely honest with your intentions and you seeing other women, you're ethically in the clear.

    Keep in mind that locking down a "high-value man" all to herself is a female reproductive strategy that is not necessarily good for your own reproductive and life strategy. So her being hurt in this context is not being able to get all your emotional and financial energy all to herself, not you being toxic towards her. 

    Also, keep in mind that this stuff is relatively new and there are multiple variations of open relationships that work better with women. For example if you were to date two bisexual women then that would perhaps work better for them than just being monogamous with one of them. 

    If you're interested in a healthy harem lifestyle type of thing then look up Adam Lyons on Youtube, he's one of the guys that dates multiple women(and was married and has kids with two different women) and does it from an ethical place of love and abundance. 

  5. 2 hours ago, integral said:

    lOOOOOOl we joke that the problem is i don't put a leash on her and take her out for walk everyday. ?

    If she is a very feminine and submissive woman then she probably is high in anxiety and neuroticism so if you had some BDSM elements in your relationship would probably chill her out a lot. Like rough sex with aftercare or just giving her tasks to do while you're working. 

  6. On 1/11/2023 at 8:13 PM, Leo Gura said:

    Tell her to move out.

    Don't allow distractions like that. Your space is divine and should not be given up for any girl.

    Living together is only gonna make you two hate each other soon.

    If you love a girl, the best way to ruin it is to see her too often. And everyday is the worst.

    100% disagreed with this. As a man especially if you're sensitive to feminine energy and love women then living with your woman will be one of the funnest and most satisfying experiences in your life. 

    I would add the caveat that Leo is right though that if you're trying to do serious work you need to add ruthless boundaries. I even hesitate to add ruthless because they're not even that ruthless but my guy @integral if you cannot negotiate an agreement with your girl where she leaves you completely alone for blocks of 1-2 hours with 0 distractions then you're in a co-dependent relationship. 

    You should be able to have this conversation without "offending her." She can distract herself for two hours I promise you. Although it is also on you to make that situation easy and reasonable. You said you both work in the same room, is there no other room/office in your place? Or a library/workplace you can work from? 

  7. I've heard it put that smoking weed is you going back home temporarily. Crazy that it's still mostly banned in the states and in some countries like Russia. 

    I've been taking a break for the last few weeks as a test to myself but I usually like smoking weed 4-5 nights a week and watching content/taking notes. My brain is open to much higher quality thoughts it feels like. 

  8. You already know that you won in this situation. Why would a friend be okay with sleeping with/dating his friend's girl? That makes him toxic and that would make her attracted to toxic people and also be a toxic person herself. Be glad you got rid of two toxic people in one fell swoop.

    Watch Leo's video on Tate and develop the positive masculine trait associated with this ideology and ignore all the rest and you'll find a much healthier relationship. 

  9. 20 hours ago, Rasheed said:

    Yeah but that is if reading practical books. Now I am reading more intellectual books such as for example Ernest Becker's 'Birth and Death of Meaning' or now I am reading Freud's "A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis". What then? 

    Truth be told I asked this question because as a psychologist, I wanna go ahead and read 500 great psychology books but what then? What is the benefit if I go ahead and forgot the shit I read anyway...I read 500 page book about Gestalt Therapy read by F. Perls couple months ago, it was hard read, I don't remember exact stuff but I have a general idea. I mean, come on...

    Do you understand the stuff that you're reading? There is a difference between information and understanding, you'll definitely forget information and knowledge as it's just trivia basically but if you understand the core concepts of what someone is talking about and how to apply them practically, I feel like you wouldn't forget that. 

  10. 7 hours ago, Hardkill said:

    Not being very emotionally expressive is a form of stoicism. That's masculine, whereas being flamboyant is more feminine.

    Btw, almost all of the girls at the college I was at haven't accomplished anywhere near what I have throughout my whole life. These are nothing special.

    In any case, no one is answering why dating girls from school isn't easier than from cold approach or online dating. Most guys meet their significant other either from work or school or social circle. 

    Therefore, it still doesn't add up to me.

    You're just wrong though. @NoSelfSelf perfectly diagnosed you from two posts, it is also obvious to me that you would be struggling with game and connecting with women from just reading this reply too. 

    Women need to feel your emotions to connect to you. NO, it doesn't mean that you need to cry and be flamboyant and tell everyone how you feel. Yes to be truly masculine and "alpha" you need to be grounded in you emotions and not let them control you but that also truly means being able to express them freely when you want/need to. being fully stoic is like being emotionally damaged and stunted, kind of like a monotone computer programmer. Women HATE that, it feels dead to them, like a mix of boring and creepy. 

    Dating girls from cold approach and online game is easier because it's an isolated environment. It makes girls screen you only based off of looks and your basic game. Girls from school are fully exposed to your personality and also are judged by their peers so are a bit more closed off. I'm telling you that from your replies, you are both emotionally closed off and REACTIVE. Like you have some sort of unhealed trauma. If me and the mods can sense it than girls that go to class with you for weeks/months will feel it and be put off by it. That's why they're scared to give you their numbers, you somehow register as a threat to them. If you're an open and energetically safe guy then they would give you their number on the first day no problem.

    This is not an attack, I'm trying to give you some insight. The good news is that if you have success online and through night game then you just have to fix a couple issues and you'll be fine. I think it has to do with unhealed trauma IMO. I would look into Julien's stuff transformation mastery and like plain old boring therapy.

    Considering your personality I think you'll be put off by therapy. Don't be, it's great. It will literally help your game, like legit 100%. It's not a waste of time. 

    @TheGreekSeeker I think you're wrong. There's a lot of good to be said about tough love and harsh constructive criticism. Sensitive snowflakes don't achieve big things. If you're offended by someone giving you shit and trying to help you then I don't think you understand the world. Personally, I'm offended by people specifically being compassionate and giving me bullshit advice, it's like your aunt telling you you're handsome and why don't you have a girlfriend. Fuck you Auntie, you should've told me I was awkward and to do more pushups, that would've helped. 

    I am exaggerating and there should be a balance but I think the mods were fair, I don't understand the offensive here and don't think it is warranted. 

  11. @King Merk Sure but they complement and integrate into each other. Just learning game or just teaching game is foolish and produces mediocre results. Which is why most guys that only follow the RSD method only end up sleeping with/dating with 6-7/10 girls in looks that are also underdeveloped and have a myriad of other issues. 

    I have been in the game community for 10+ years and have met over 100+ guys that have been in the community and I have been extremely disappointed by the results I've seen. As Leo says, I'm after really squeezing the juice out of life, and my aim when getting into this was always to get spectacular life-changing results and I've met only 2 guys that at least somewhat touch that realm. 

    @KH2 Idk what you mean by small penis, if you have a 2 incher shit's tough but if you have anything over 4' I don't think it's an issue. 

  12. @Butters Just finished watching this, Patrick had a good take. 

    @Leo Gura What makes what he did exploitation? Isn't it onlyfans and camgirls management? Are all onlyfans managers exploiting the girls they work with? I think he for sure used them to make himself rich but if he's not lying he made them a lot of money as well. If they consent and are in on the plan, where is the line?

    I feel like this is a massive grey line and many issues are at play here. Sex work and Onlyfans is the next evolution of MeToo. Women trade sex for power, it is a thing. To what extent do we think this is bad? 

  13. @Hardkill I mean, I answered your question. They have good parts but miss others. If you want to more or less consistently sleep with average girls  or get an average girlriend then RSD will let you do that. What makes you think Leo has advanced game? He mostly focuses on self-development.

    If you want to date extremely attractive women or have a high-level social life similar to like Dan Bilzerian or a particularly exciting and rare lifestyle or sex life then you have to learn the basic game from RSD(which basically makes you a fun, interesting person to talk to that knows how to escalate to sex when the occasion presents itself) and then specialize into something else. 

    I personally want better results than Owen himself gets and the results Owen gets he can't even give you. Remember he's a multimillionaire living in the Hollywood Hills that socializes and networks for a living. If you're an accountant that works 40 hours a week for 100k a year then your options are way more limited. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Hardkill said:


    Yes to all of the above.

    Are you sure? You got offended by people giving you feedback. You seem neurotic, closed off and not very emotionally expressive. I don't know you indeed but that's my first impression and it matches the reaction you got from the girls in your classes. If you were an attractive guy with a fun and charismatic personality then on a college campus you should have endless dating options and the IGs of every single girl in your class. 

    I'm not being judgemental, just realistic. The good news is you don't actually need those qualities necessarily. You said you're in school for medicine right so do you just want a serious girlfriend that you appreciate so you can have female company while you focus on your work? That's easily doable if you just refine your methods a bit.

    Not everyone needs to be an easy going fuckboy or have a phase like that. 

  15. Why are you not on dating apps/IG? You can expose yourself to all the single girls in your area that are looking to fuck/date someone right now. 

    On 12/28/2022 at 3:09 PM, Davidess said:

    Night game is an option, but the thing is, how am I supposed to make this work? The night clubs are really crowded and there are usually 15 people per square meter (which I view as a lot) and I have no chance to isolate a girl and most girls are with their friends -> I find it awkward to talk to a group of girls because how am I gonna justify it to them? When I'm talking to a single girl I can just tell her that I like her, but to a group? I can't just tell that I like a single girl, or can I?

    Is this how nightclubs are in other cities? Crowded, you can't see your own feet... I find it to be not a good place to meet girls, since most girls are with guys or came to have fun with their friends, but the thing is, what else is there? Nothing really in my city.

    Night game is extremely tricky. What you described is traditional club game. You're basically supposed to yeah approach a girl, isolate her by dancing with her somewhere and ramping out the tension to the point where you can kiss her and/or move her to another bar/venue/food/your place. It's extremely hard if you don't have wings to do it with or if you don't have the personality type for it. 

    My favorite is places that are more like outdoor strips rather than just a single crowded venue. With different patios, clubs, parks, food stalls, etc nearby, much more fun. Or I like playing more the social circle game and having booths at megaclubs but if you're in a small town you won't have that. 

    If your small towns has a lot of tourism then it can be just as good as a bigger city. If it's a uni town it's also easier. If demographics are bad, your family is from there and there are few tourists then I would just focus on online game and getting better at social media game in general. Make funny tiktoks that are college vibes and when you go back to your uni town you'll literally get fangirls. 

  16. @King Merk What makes that so obvious to you?

    RSD definitely has blindspots and I've heard horrible things about their Bootcamps. I've heard bad things from other coaches as well though, dating is just really hard to teach and to consistently produce results for varied groups of people. They mostly focus on the cold approach and the inner work portion of game.

    They don't teach anything related to finances/career/entrepreneurship, social circle & lifestyle design or status and social media. Those things are really key to getting long-lasting and/or big impressive results. I've been following RSD for 10+ years and met dozens of guys that did as well and the vast majority have only gotten inconsistent basic results over these last 10 years. 


  17. 58 minutes ago, PenguinPablo said:

    This is all a misunderstanding

    The Top G and his brother will be released promptly


    I don't think so. I'm a bit ashamed because I've endorsed Tate in the past but read the charges.

    "Cops say the suspects used 'physical violence and mental coercion' to force the women to comply with their demands, including 'intimidation, constant surveillance, control and invoking alleged debts."

    Doesn't that sound exactly like something he does and endorses? Tate is pretty unhinged, he's talked publically about doxing people and sending vans of guys to people's houses that shit-talk him online. I know specifically, he tracked down that journalist that said something bad about him and showed up to his house with Tristan and he also had that guy that was an addict that said he could beat him up and then Tate doxxed him and his parents and threatened to spend millions to sue them into poverty if the guy didn't humiliate himself in atonement.

    Threats, coercion, intimidation, surveilling and tracking down people, and blackmail are all things he's talked about and bragged about. 

    50 minutes ago, Ulax said:

    @spiritual memes Such brain rot.

    Also what an embarrassment for channels like valuetainment if indeed the trafficking allegations are legit.

    It's interesting since he does have legit good points. It's a nuanced situation. I don't think valuetainment should be ashamed of platforming controversial and nuanced discussions. We don't have to support and stand for everything the people we have conversations with do.

    5 minutes ago, fortifyacacia3 said:

    The April investigation was sparked by two woman who said they were being held against their will. With someone like him who quite literally sees woman as property, my guess is that he doesn't even realize it's sex trafficking. When his greatest successes have come from backlash and being rewarded for avoiding accountability, I'd guess he felt a little untouchable. He thinks the attention benefits him, which it does in a twisted way. 

    Good take, I think he's a narcissist and honestly doesn't see his behavior as problematic so he outs himself unintentionally.

  18. I think it's honestly pretty much impossible to predict the economic impact of AIs to the world. Probably the closest guess is for the next 5-10 years it will allow individual entrepreneurs to compete extremely effectively in the market by having the AI be like an outsourced team and help his/her creative process. 

    In the future beyond 10+ years though then it will inevitably bring some form of socialized economy as it will so ridiculously outcompete humans in every sector that it will make our current economy ludicrous. Because yes, it can already mimic emotion and will soon probably make it themselves. Ray Kurzweil believes we will have a general AI around 2029. It's a big debate in the futurology community if a machine can have consciousness but if you're a fan of this work I find it hard to believe that you don't believe in AIs having consciousness and emotions. 

  19. 16 hours ago, Hardkill said:

    But what should we do if China's invasion of Taiwan does cause a major global recession or unprecedented global economic depression?

    Who is we? If the last 5 years have taught me anything it's that there's no we. YOU better have a plan if things overnight get 3x more expensive. That should be something you've been working on and keep actively working on. If that happens and you're not ready, your country will let you starve and die on the streets as they do every day with homeless people and people that can't make it.


    16 hours ago, Stovo said:

    Yes, it's probably the number one most planned-for military scenario in history.

    I'd be worried about scenarios that nobody is talking about. What if China invaded and claimed much of eastern Siberia for instance?

    This is a very wise comment. I personally would say there's 0% chance that China invades Taiwan. It militarily, economically, and geopolitically makes no sense, it would ruin their country.