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About Karmadhi

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  1. Whenever I speak with anti regulation people the biggest argument they give is lack of trust in the governments. Scandals like Wiki Leaks have not helped much on the issue. They basically say that is government controls flow of information and speech than they will use it for their own devilry and to advance their survival, not for truth. Examples would be anti Zionist content being banned on Meta like Instagram which showcase IDF war crimes and Israeli devilry and manipulation (things you have often spoken out about). That is why people do not trust governments being involved with this stuff. I can give other examples ofc. The Israeli one is the most obvious but you got others. Personally I am all for regulation when it comes to stuff like drugs, porn, sexual abuse etc but not when it comes to different opinions or "hate speech".
  2. Fair points. However the Supreme Court ruling for him not paying Daniels was quite a ridiculous charge. You have Bush illegally invading another country (resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocents), you have Obama illegally attacking Libya and getting away with it and Trump got charged for some stupid thing. It made him more popular than anything. They should have either charged him with a serious offense or nothing. If you apply such a harsh standard, then the entire Congress should go to jail.
  3. Maybe they are busy or got better things to do. Also keep in mind that things like reputation, law etc apply to psychopaths too. Just because they do not feel remorse for raping someone or murdering for money does not mean that they will do it. It can risk you jail, your image etc. Way psychopaths see the world is like when you play a video game. You feel no remorse for killing a GTA NPC for example. That is basically how psychopaths see humans, as game NPCs. You can hang out with them, have fun with them but in the end they are irrelevant. Psychopaths often end up being successful people which is quite interesting.
  4. Do you genuinely believe he will install a dictatorship in the US or just regress democracy but still maintain at its core a democracy? I never seen you so worried about elections before, with Biden vs Trump in 2020 you seemed a lot chiller. And it was still Trump back then for the second term. I can understand the worry because we had the EU elections some months ago and many of my French friends were worried a lot that Le Pen would win (Trump European version) so I can understand it. But considering this same situation was in 2020, I saw you a lot chiller back then, idk.
  5. They are key politicans, what you mean? "Moderates" like Gantz are irrelevant since they are not in government. The current Israeli governement has been called as the most far right in its history. I said also Lebanon, UAE. Name me some Arab countries then. Iran and Afghanistan are not Arab countries. I said UAE, Qatar, Lebanon.
  6. https://www.livemint.com/news/world/pm-netanyahu-invokes-amalek-theory-to-justify-gaza-killings-what-is-this-hebrew-bible-nation-11698555324918.html https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-bengvir-jerusalem-alaqsa-cd27dfed6d63f4dec3eae2f51ee23ff0 https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/03/09/bezalel-smotrich-the-extremist-settler-is-making-his-mark-on-the-israeli-government_6018684_4.html "Not religious". Yeah right.... https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240705-israeli-soldier-films-himself-blowing-up-gaza-home-in-message-to-his-wife/ Right... Fire versus fire. Blue versus blue. Muslims form 65.5% of the Qatari population, followed by Christians at 15.4%, Hindus at 14.2%, Buddhists at 3.3% UAE: The other main religions present in the country include Christianity (12.9%), Hinduism (6.2%), and Buddhism (3.2%).[34] Zoroastrians, Druze, Baha'i, Judaism, and Sikhism are also practiced by some non-nationals.[36] 1.3% of the population is agnostic.[34] Lebanon is like a 1/3 Christian. Number 1: https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/06/middleeast/israeli-minister-smotrich-starve-gazans-intl/index.html Number 2: Number 3: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-12/ty-article/israeli-security-cabinet-member-calls-north-gaza-evacuation-nakba-2023/0000018b-c2be-dea2-a9bf-d2be7b670000 Number 4: https://mondoweiss.net/2015/10/refreshing-bluntness-shaked/ Number 5: https://www.timesofisrael.com/far-right-minister-calls-for-israel-to-fully-occupy-gaza-reestablish-settlements/ Please, before you lie realize we have the internet and can easily debunk your bs...
  7. Are they also an ethnic group or just religious? I find confusing information on that. Maybe in the rural USA. Come to Western Europe. Religion is totally irrelevant here now. I met hundreds of Europeans.
  8. How come the Christian countries in the 20th century, which had long evolved past fundamentalist religion chose Israel as a land based on religious reasons? To me, deciding where a new country should be created should be based on concrete factors, religion is basically irrelevant. Biggest factor in determining a land for Israel to be created would be so nobody was forced in mass to leave their homes.
  9. I find it very unfair that Jews around the world are being shat on because of Israel actions. They should keep the criticism for Israelis only, not for all Jews around the globe. People seem to confuse Zionism with Judaism for some reason.
  10. Hard not to when you are being murdered daily. Israel was murdering hundreds of Gazans every year and that was considering "the norm". Israelis meanwhile these days live comfortable lives and party while their neighbours starve and are bombed. It is a lot more justifiable and understandable for Gazans to hate Israel than Israel to hate Gazans. It boils down to how much are you personally affected. Most Israelis are not affected by Gaza. Most Gaza is affected by Israel.
  11. @Anton Rogachevski LOL. That is like taking a few hardline Ben Gvir supporters and framing it as if the whole Israeli society is like that. I can easily find people just as radical as these ones from Israeli side. There are radical lunatics in every society, especially polarized ones. This clip is a very bad attempt at propaganda. Seek a higher standard at this forum.
  12. Yes I do. Con artists require a good deal of wisdom and objectivity to be spotted out. They are not obvious for the average person to be determined.
  13. I do not follow American politics much since I do not live there. But normally if a guy is openly a massive devil, then the only people that would vote for him are people that operate under the same level. Because they do not see it as devilry, since they are devils themselves. So it means half of Americans operate under the same level as Trump? Or is Trump devilry not as easily visible unless you are developed yourself enough to see it?