
Don't know what kind of doctors to contact

34 posts in this topic

Posted (edited)

I'm in a dark place right now guys

having very weird symptoms for like a year now

extreme social anxiety to the point i can't control my body and facial muscles anymore, can't speak anymore, like literal dissociated loss of control over my body, can only stand

anxious paranoia energies constantly surging through my body when i'm with people

total mental closeoff

muscles literally feel so tense i can't move them fluently anymore, everything is very weird rhythmically and energy in my body just feels completely locked in 

main symptom is trouble talking which i feel in the mouth but also gut and groin, feels like my chakras are completely fucked unironically

it feels very weird, it feels physical and mental at the same time

extreme nervousness, low self worth, always feel like theres a threat, breathing and posture get extremely non-stoic (only way i can describe it), shakyness, anxiousness but to an extreme degree

constant trauma paranoia energy coursing through me

my life is almost destroyed honestly

I really don't know what kind of doctors to contact, interfacing with the outside world is extremely difficult




Edited by Bandman



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4 hours ago, Bandman said:

anxious paranoia energies constantly surging through my body when i'm with people

Could you unwrap this a little bit. Would you say you have been avoiding other people in fear of ....conforontation? exposure? 

4 hours ago, Bandman said:

interfacing with the outside world is extremely difficult

Somehow that pattern of your email keeps bouncing back to this theme. Tell us a bit more, especially about your typical day, your interractions with other people, the social component of your life and maybe hint a bit to your childhood. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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When it comes to serious health issues like these, it's really important to contact your general practitioner/family medicine doctor as soon as possible.
You need to get evaluated by a medical professional. There is no way around it.
Is there someone in your periphery (parents/friends) who could maybe support you taking the first steps?

As a secondary step, you could provide us with details about your lifestyle - as Jason & Michael already metioned above.
However, there is only so much you can convey through internet communcation. 

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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Posted (edited)

Maybe a psychiatrist.

Describe your situation to ChatGTP and see what docs it suggests.

You need to do a lot of deep research into your condition. Just on your own. Search the web for clues. Try to find others with similar conditions and study their cases and how they improved. A doctor is not going to do this for you. You need to be proactive here. Don't sit around.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Bandman have you ever tested for heavy metals? Do you have any reason to believe you can be toxic?

Feral Buddhist Critter 

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21 hours ago, Bandman said:

I'm in a dark place right now guys

having very weird symptoms for like a year now

extreme social anxiety to the point i can't control my body and facial muscles anymore, can't speak anymore, like literal dissociated loss of control over my body, can only stand

anxious paranoia energies constantly surging through my body when i'm with people

total mental closeoff

muscles literally feel so tense i can't move them fluently anymore, everything is very weird rhythmically and energy in my body just feels completely locked in 

main symptom is trouble talking which i feel in the mouth but also gut and groin, feels like my chakras are completely fucked unironically

it feels very weird, it feels physical and mental at the same time

extreme nervousness, low self worth, always feel like theres a threat, breathing and posture get extremely non-stoic (only way i can describe it), shakyness, anxiousness but to an extreme degree

constant trauma paranoia energy coursing through me

my life is almost destroyed honestly

I really don't know what kind of doctors to contact, interfacing with the outside world is extremely difficult




how often do you masturbate to porn?

do you workout?

maybe cutting that off and working out could help. just a suggestion. 

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thanks people let me meditate on your answers for a bit



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Posted (edited)

When did this start? Was there something that triggered it?

Something similar happened to me after getting off Zoloft years ago. I went through a lot of ups and downs for about 4 years before getting better. You might be in some half traumatized/fight or flight/dissociated state right now. If this is the case you may benefit from learning from someone like Jordan Hardgrave on YouTube. He teaches how to relax your body throughout the day to rewire your nervous system to not always be in a threat response. If you have a lot of emotional trauma I recommend reading Letting Go by David Hawkins and practice processing that trauma energy to get it out of your system 


Edited by Ryan M

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Posted (edited)

Seems like your nervous system is overactivated. Are you a highly sensitive person? Im sorry to hear you are in a dark place. I would do all blood tests, but you need to look up which tests you need, a primary care doctor is not gonna give you the right ones. There is also genetic tests. I would recommend a precision medicine doctor. Most importantly, like Leo said you need to do your own research, dont leave your life in the hands of doctors. 

Also don't forget everything has a spiritual meaning. After you do your part with conventional medicine, dive deep into spirituality. Depression is awakening, your body is definitely going through some deep downloads. Glad to see you are very aware of how you feel and what is going through 

Edited by MsNobody

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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Posted (edited)

On 2-3-2024 at 8:32 AM, Jason Actualization said:

Could you, in as granular detail as possible, delineate your diet and supplementation protocol?

How would you describe your sleep quality?

Diet consists of pretty unhealthy things as well as healthy things

Lots of grains and sugars honestly, lots of milk

also vegetables and meats, all various kinds

Sleep quality is ok, my rhythm is very off though, kind of forgot to mention it, i basically get up at 4pm and go to bed at around 8am

Guess it's also a part of coping with not having to be in the social daylight that exposes me


On 2-3-2024 at 10:43 AM, Michael569 said:

Could you unwrap this a little bit. Would you say you have been avoiding other people in fear of ....conforontation? exposure? 

Somehow that pattern of your email keeps bouncing back to this theme. Tell us a bit more, especially about your typical day, your interractions with other people, the social component of your life and maybe hint a bit to your childhood. 

I avoid people because I fail to be relaxed, its the extreme opposite in fact, just extreme energetic and mental anxieties that get activated, to the point i'm not able to speak or present myself normally, it feels like i literally don't have control over my body sometimes, its not really that but its like there is this anxious conscioussness always in the back that just wants to run and perceives anything as a threat and tries to take over my mind

I think its also because of traumas that i haveJ



On 2-3-2024 at 10:49 AM, undeather said:

When it comes to serious health issues like these, it's really important to contact your general practitioner/family medicine doctor as soon as possible.
You need to get evaluated by a medical professional. There is no way around it.
Is there someone in your periphery (parents/friends) who could maybe support you taking the first steps?

As a secondary step, you could provide us with details about your lifestyle - as Jason & Michael already metioned above.
However, there is only so much you can convey through internet communcation. 

I'm visiting my general practictioner in a few hours
Look, even though I feel like there's also some lifestyle/mental aspects to all of this, the weird thing about this is that it honestly feels physical/energetic as being the cause and not mental
My lifestyle is pretty secluded now because of my loss of social interactions because of my symptoms
I'll write up my lifestyle in a later post today



On 2-3-2024 at 9:57 PM, Leo Gura said:

Maybe a psychiatrist.

Describe your situation to ChatGTP and see what docs it suggests.

You need to do a lot of deep research into your condition. Just on your own. Search the web for clues. Try to find others with similar conditions and study their cases and how they improved. A doctor is not going to do this for you. You need to be proactive here. Don't sit around.

How do you do deep research like this? I'm having trouble even describing my symptoms as they are. many of them feel disconnected from each other yet show up at the same times, like stomach issues and rotator cuff shoulder aches coming together. my mouth feels like it's "hot" all the time, like there's a small electrical current always flowing through my facial muscles and tongue. one side of my mouth produces a whole lot of saliva while the other does not.

I was thinking of going to an osteopath, can you recommend this, do you have any experience with this?


On 3-3-2024 at 2:15 AM, mmKay said:

@Bandman have you ever tested for heavy metals? Do you have any reason to believe you can be toxic?

Never tested. What would be the reasons to believe i'm toxic?


On 3-3-2024 at 3:19 AM, Rinne said:

how often do you masturbate to porn?

do you workout?

maybe cutting that off and working out could help. just a suggestion. 

Yeah it does seem to help a bit but only marginally. the problem doesn't lie there I think.


On 3-3-2024 at 11:40 AM, Ryan M said:

When did this start? Was there something that triggered it?

Something similar happened to me after getting off Zoloft years ago. I went through a lot of ups and downs for about 4 years before getting better. You might be in some half traumatized/fight or flight/dissociated state right now. If this is the case you may benefit from learning from someone like Jordan Hardgrave on YouTube. He teaches how to relax your body throughout the day to rewire your nervous system to not always be in a threat response. If you have a lot of emotional trauma I recommend reading Letting Go by David Hawkins and practice processing that trauma energy to get it out of your system 


Out of the blue one day , like 7 months ago, although in retrospect symptoms had been building up for a few months but very marginally, one day it just became really bad

Thanks, I'll check out those sources, It seems like I very much have some emotional trauma in my system

Thanks for sharing your story

The most fucked up part is that i have no idea why this is all happening, it feels like a combination of a lot of things but it's really confusing to go through

Feels like i haven't even been able to accurately describe my symptoms to you guys here but i'm trying my best


On 4-3-2024 at 1:13 AM, MsNobody said:

Seems like your nervous system is overactivated. Are you a highly sensitive person? Im sorry to hear you are in a dark place. I would do all blood tests, but you need to look up which tests you need, a primary care doctor is not gonna give you the right ones. There is also genetic tests. I would recommend a precision medicine doctor. Most importantly, like Leo said you need to do your own research, dont leave your life in the hands of doctors. 

Also don't forget everything has a spiritual meaning. After you do your part with conventional medicine, dive deep into spirituality. Depression is awakening, your body is definitely going through some deep downloads. Glad to see you are very aware of how you feel and what is going through 

I'm pretty sensitive yeah, although also densesitized in a lot of areas

What do you mean with a precision medicine doctor?

Do you have some research tips, i often try to do research but get lost in the overwhelming amount of information to be found, and having trouble organizing notes and articles i have on a research subject

to be honest it doesn't feel all that spiritual what is happening to my body, i've had spiritual breakdowns and it was different, this feels more like my body is disfunctioning and turning against itself, and that all my energies are very much not flowing how they should be, it feels like energy can't be properly released and now my body is overflowing with energy

It feels strange to say it but Sadhguru once said you have an energy body that is deeper than the material body
My energy body feels overflowing, but my material body feels anxious, stiff and inert, it feels like i can't flow the energy from the energy body anymore to the material body in a smooth and proper way,
"energy dissociation" is honestly how i can describe it

my lower 3 chackras feel extremely constricted and blocked, especially my 2nd and 3rd chackra, my gut is always extremely tense, i can't control or move it properly, it's like the trauma energy is completely in charge of it, this also seems to be part of the cause of the speaking problem, since you need proper movement of the gut to be able to speak and project correctly

Because of my depressive state i've also been doing bullshit online and watching low quality content like ideological content and dogmatic religious content, part as a cope to maybe find some kind of monastic life in christ or something, but also because i have deep-seated questions and fears about the afterlife, and to be honest i've been going through some suicidal ideation, constantly leading me to the question of the afterlife, and about the would-be world left behind.

But yes all of this has also spiritually grown and matured me, thanks for reminding me of that reality. It has truly humbled me.

Thanks all for caring and reaching out. I'm visiting the doctor in a few hours and i'll see how it goes.


Edited by Bandman



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Posted (edited)

17 minutes ago, Bandman said:

How do you do deep research like this?

Like I said, you could just ask ChatGPT.

You're being kinda lazy. If you really cared about this issue you could sit down and google away for 8 hrs and get some good leads and new ideas. Then just follow those leads.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The doctor’s role is to guide you until you no longer need their guidance.

The shock thickens 

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Posted (edited)

@Bandman It seems like soical anxiety +/- depression that is causing physical symptoms.

what changed in your life recently?

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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If you're not sure, just go to a general practitioner. It's better than nothing.

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Posted (edited)

Start by describing all your symptoms to ChatGTP and ask it to recommend 3 types of doctors who would be most helpful. Then search for those doctors in your area using Yelp or Google Maps. Set up 3 appointments. Then report back to us what they told you. Then we can brainstorm the next steps.

This is how to troubleshoot mysterious health problems.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Bandman can you trace back to a specific event that was traumatic to you like a car crash or something? Or arised the symptoms out of nowhere and were just there?

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:


Leo, you make the typo all the time. ChatGPT. Also, I think if you have Windows then opening the Edge browser and using the Copilot is better than the free version of ChatGPT. Copilot is the blue-green icon in the top-right corner of the window.

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Posted (edited)

@Bandman Precision medicine looks at the genetics, environment, and lifestyle of a person in order to select treatment that could work best for you. It's more holistic and treats the root cause. Once they figure out your genes they will see if you have any underlying disease, what foods are best for your body ( they do a microbiota, extensive blood and genetics test), how your body process certain foods etc.

I know a good doctor but he is in Brazil, he even does work with psychedelics in his clinic, not sure how easy it is to find one here in US but finding a good precision medicine doctor will save you so much time, instead of going to all the other doctors that blindly scramble you to find an issue and then not even solving the root cause. The main thing for you to understand is that most of the doctors dont really care about you, they are deep into the conventional medicine system, brainwashed and just making money off of sick people. Take your health into your own hands, the same way our fingerprints are different so is your body, you know more about your own body than anyone else, we have a tendency to not trust our body because we were taught to disconnect from it, but this whole thing that is happening is your body communicating with you. 

Matt Kahn has a video where he talks about how the body is in the journey, not the consciousness. Our consciousness is already elevated, it's already there, the one who is not there yet is the body. It;s a process of descending to the body. Anchoring the soul to the body. For sure there is the spiritual part, dont overlook it. Trust your body to show you the way. It's just a phase, everything will be okay soon. I know from experience that when we are going through health issues, its easy to get stuck in the thinking that it will be like that forever. It won't. It will pass. Your nervous system is too active, try to slow down a little. It could be your gut, pay attention to the food you are putting in your body.

About the suicidal thoughts, there is a part of you dying in this process you are going through, and it's coming to the surface to be released. Let it play out and be the observer. The real you will stay, let the old be shed. Your soul chose to be here and to play this out. See it all from above. 

Edited by MsNobody

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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So far it sounds like PTSD. What happened that was traumatic in your life?

Focus on the solution, not the problem

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