Ryan M

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About Ryan M

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    Las Vegas
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  1. I’ll admit that I’m not very educated in this area but with inflation at the rate that it’s at and the cost of living becoming so high here in the United States I’ve been wondering where this country is headed. Will it only become harder and harder to afford to live here and get basic needs meet for the average person? 50 years from now will there just be homeless people and millionaires, with virtually no middle class? I ask this because it feels like we’re in a broken system where everything only gets more unaffordable over time. Is there any hope? Why is there no solution Luckily I work for myself and I’m doing fine but it’s kind of scary being an entrepreneur these days because if things don’t work out, having a job doesn’t even seem like an option. Life must just be nothing but survival at that point
  2. I'm confused where JulienGate comes from because somehow Google knows it's Julien Blanc even though the keywords don't show up. Only typed without the space too lol
  3. When did this start? Was there something that triggered it? Something similar happened to me after getting off Zoloft years ago. I went through a lot of ups and downs for about 4 years before getting better. You might be in some half traumatized/fight or flight/dissociated state right now. If this is the case you may benefit from learning from someone like Jordan Hardgrave on YouTube. He teaches how to relax your body throughout the day to rewire your nervous system to not always be in a threat response. If you have a lot of emotional trauma I recommend reading Letting Go by David Hawkins and practice processing that trauma energy to get it out of your system
  4. I basically found exactly what I was looking for haha. I tried Adderall (30mg) on two different occasions since making this thread and it’s honestly perfect. For me it feels similar to a mild dose of ecstasy. I tried some from a friends prescription so I know it was the real thing. Makes going out and socializing a blast and sex on it is pretty mind blowing. Comedown wasn’t too bad for me but it was hard to sleep despite taking it about 7 hours before going to bed. For some people this could be fixed with melatonin I’m sure but I tend to feel better getting bad sleep than good sleep that’s induced with any sort of sleep aid. This will be my go-to on special occasions but it would still be fun to try some of the other suggestions that were mentioned
  5. Is there a spiritual practice that can always be applied that will in a sense get you closer to god? I’ve been studying the lessons in the course of miracles hoping to find some answers. Can you evolve and reach higher states of being by simply letting go of grievances? By staying present and letting go of thinking? Or should I give up on ideas like this and accept I’m just human and will always be subjected to the ego and will always experience life in basically the same way. I have most of what I want on an external level so there isn’t much more to hope for other than reaching a better internal state, just don’t know if this is possible PS: the enneagram says that enneagram 9s are always trying to escape to nirvana or premature Buddhahood lol. I’m a 9 and this is how it always feels. Maybe it’s just flawed wishful thinking on my part based on trauma or my personality. I’m curious what Leo would think about this based on his experiences and expertise but anyone’s feedback is valued and appreciated
  6. What would you consider to be the closest thing to the perfect going out drug? Something that checks the most boxes -Improves mood -Improves social skills or at least your "vibe" -Doesn't have a nasty comedown or recovery period -Lasts a decent amount of time (I think 2-5 hours is ideal) -Isn't terrible for your health (neurotoxic) like say MDMA for example
  7. I’ve tried shrooms about 5 different times, both at a high dose of 5 grams and a really low dose of jump .3 grams and several doses in between. Pretty much all my trips ranged from being a nightmare at worst and not that good at best. Anyone else just not have a good experience with shrooms? I’m not sure what’s supposed to be good about them, they usually just feel weird, trippy and alien like
  8. Do you get sick when you take Mescaline? Also I'm curious what you mean by stiff trip
  9. Is there a substance that's anywhere near as blissful as MDMA? Looking for something that's at least somewhat close to as amazing when going out and being social with other people. Not looking to take something all the time, maybe just once a month. Only reason i'm looking for an alternative is because mdma is so harsh/toxic on the brain
  10. Which spiritual practices would say are worth while and could improve your overall well-being? Meditation, psychs, yoga, etc..
  11. I’d like to see Leo post fresh content on a clips channel. That way if there’s a topic that he wants to talk about without dedicating hours and hours to making a full length video, he can briefly riff on the idea for 5-10 minutes. In his “what’s the purpose to life” video he mentioned that he would make a video on how to give yourself the love that the word denies you. I think a 10 minute video about this would be much better than nothing if he doesn’t have the time to make a 3 hour episode about it
  12. How do you go about getting some of those herbs and things that you mentioned? Do you grow them yourself or is there a website where you can buy those products at their highest quality?
  13. What supplements do you take that you can say without a doubt make you feel better? To where you can honestly say that it's not a placebo