
Germany set to legalize cannabis

21 posts in this topic

Very nice!

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Good because that makes it more likely that other psychedelics will be allowed? 

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2 hours ago, Jannes said:

Good because that makes it more likely that other psychedelics will be allowed? 

It's the gateway drug ?

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Nice. They had announced their plans to do so a long time ago and it felt like it wasn't going anywhere, so I was kind of skeptical, but seems like they're actually doing it now. Finally I can grow my own plants... is what I would say if it wasn't for the fact that I was trying to quit weed at the moment. Like come on Germany, what's with the fucking timing... ?

Edited by DefinitelyNotARobot

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4 hours ago, ZenSwift said:

It's the gateway drug ?

I hope so ?

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Why is there such a strong movement to legalize weed and yet complete silence on legalizing psychedelics?


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4 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Why is there such a strong movement to legalize weed and yet complete silence on legalizing psychedelics?


   I know right? Marijuana might be better in liquid form than smoke, but that over psychedelics? What about psilocybin mushrooms? LSD? The actually more decent psychedelics that are better than marijuana?

   More than that, doesn't Germany have more pressing concerns than psychedelic legalization? Like at the societal, political, governmental and  geo political level, don't they need to figure out how to be more energy independent and less dependent on the gas pipe line coming from Russia? What about their immigration issues there and the rise of stage red gang attacks?

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Excited for this to spark a debate in the rest of Europe! HELL YEE!

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

More than that, doesn't Germany have more pressing concerns than psychedelic legalization? Like at the societal, political, governmental and  geo political level, don't they need to figure out how to be more energy independent and less dependent on the gas pipe line coming from Russia?

A government can do more than one thing at a time. Shocking, I know.

1 hour ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Why is there such a strong movement to legalize weed and yet complete silence on legalizing psychedelics?


If a child starts walking, do you complain why it isn't sprinting?

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1 hour ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Why is there such a strong movement to legalize weed and yet complete silence on legalizing psychedelics?


Rome wasn’t built in day.

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3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

More than that, doesn't Germany have more pressing concerns than psychedelic legalization?

Germany is like any other country. Politicians will do things that make them look good. I'm not saying that they're only doing the legalization thing for publicity, but it certainly is a significant part of it. They did polls where 50% of the participants said that they were pro cannabis legalization. I don't think they've done broader scale polls on legalization regarding psychedelics, but I'd be dumbfounded if any larger chunk of the population would be pro psychedelics being legalized (Edit: It appears the study also asked about legalization of drugs in general which only 5% of people were on board with. This also includes hard drugs, so it's not going to be accurate, but I thought it'd be an interesting side not) . There is a lot more stigma surrounding them then there is with weed and it wouldn't be a beneficial decision for politicians to make, because it isn't a popular opinion.

Edited by DefinitelyNotARobot

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I think that when the US legalizes weed and psychedelics at the federal level, the rest of the world will follow suit, aside from places like the Middle East and Asia. 

The US was and still is one of the world's superpowers. When they started the war on drugs, most other countries also jumped on board with it as well.

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1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

Germany is like any other country. Politicians will do things that make them look good. I'm not saying that they're only doing the legalization thing for publicity, but it certainly is a significant part of it. They did polls where 50% of the participants said that they were pro cannabis legalization. I don't think they've done broader scale polls on legalization regarding psychedelics, but I'd be dumbfounded if any larger chunk of the population would be pro psychedelics being legalized (Edit: It appears the study also asked about legalization of drugs in general which only 5% of people were on board with. This also includes hard drugs, so it's not going to be accurate, but I thought it'd be an interesting side not) . There is a lot more stigma surrounding them then there is with weed and it wouldn't be a beneficial decision for politicians to make, because it isn't a popular opinion.

   Fair enough, common sense tells me that if people like smoking weed, they're likely to also be pro psychedelics too. Just that other psyches are way better, at least with shrooms you get cool visuals and you feel deeply happy, but with weed you giggle like an idiot. Yes very biased take, doesn't help that other criminals groups more commonly sell weed and hard drugs than psychedelics for good reason.

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7 hours ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

Politicians will do things that make them look good. I'm not saying that they're only doing the legalization thing for publicity, but it certainly is a significant part of it. They did polls where 50% of the participants said that they were pro cannabis legalization.

How manipulative. Politicians adjusting their politics to the will of the people... almost sounds like democracy ?

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