martins name

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About martins name

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  • Birthday 06/17/1998

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    Stockholm, Sweden
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  1. @ShakazuluI don't find Steven's kriya very powerful. It's all about bliss. If it's blissful then it's powerful. I prefer SantataGamana's method. If you want to accelerate then SantataGamana's Kriya Supreme Fire is the best.
  2. @Shakazulu Yes but I think the standard is to do it all through the nose. The point is to slow down the breath effortlessly and make the breath consistent and smooth.
  3. Trump will surge in the polls. So much so that Biden will be losing by too much, at which point he will finally drop out. Then a strong Trump will face a decent Democrat. It will probably be a close run.
  4. Humans aren't crocodiles or hunters or gatherers, we are fundamentally malleable and adaptable. Humans don't have rigid set identities that we should follow. The freedom to choose our lifestyle and identity is what makes us human. It's human to hunt and it's human to farm and it's human to use higher reasoning to choose what desires to act on. I think you make the mistake of believing that we used to be primitive savages in ancient times. Some were but most weren't.
  5. Sleeping with low oxygen with your face towards a wall in a corner can disturb your sleep. Also breathing through mouth while sleeping. Fix your sleep schedule for a couple of days and see what happens.
  6. From what I've heard him say about it it's supposed to be the entry point to integral theory. It's long been a problem that these isn't anywhere great to start for someone who is trying to get into his work. Doesn't seem like there will be any new concepts in the book sadly. This one isn't for the hard core fans.
  7. Not enough emphasis on good attitude. So much of quality of life and character is having a positive and grateful attitude.
  8. @Evan Gill Thank you for sharing that channel. His bliss technique's emphasis on having a big smile is something I'm going to carry over to my energy work.
  9. When OM is chanted verbally a vibration is created in the head. The right way to chant OM mentally is by simultaneously recalling and creating the vibrating feeling of the verbal chant. Mentally recalled vibration becomes bliss which is the entire point of chanting OM. The more pleasant and blissful feeling you can generate, the better you are at chanting.
  10. A true pleasure
  11. @Leo Gura I've been meaning to write you this for some time and was promoted to when you said in the latest video that you've been overestimating the left. America is one of the worst Western countries to learn general lessons of politics from. The USA is so out of balance that just needs a strong turn to the left. So anyone who wants to go in that direction practically has the correct opinion. How far left is not very important as long as you vote for the progressive candidate in the Democratic primary and vote for whatever the Democratic candidate is in the general. Just vote the spiral. Vote green. Americans don't have to be confronted by nuances. Socialist, Marxist extremists like Hasan Piker generally make equally good choices electorally as moderates like David Pakman. Take my country Sweden for example, all the 8 parties with over 4% votes are social democratic, the blue, the oranges and the greens. They don't view themselves as social democrats, but non of them wants to fundamentally undo the system to an extent where it would no longer be a social democracy. I don't know who to vote for. It's too complicated. All I know is there is no easy answer. What is tax rate in an optimal government? Right now 43% of the total GDP in Sweden is taxed and the orange/blue coalition is in power. What is too much? Another example of things being complicated is that last decade the oranges with the greens cheering on had a retarded amount of asylum immigration from red/BLUE cultures that they now largely regret and blame on each other. This policy has been so disproportionally consequential in relation to all other policies combined, that it would have been better if the Sweden Democrats(blue nationalists) ruled for that period. If you engage with hard politics you would learn some lessons that are harder to learn from easy mode America. If you really want to understand the limits of leftism look at the countries where the rubber meets the road. One lesson that I've gotten from Swedish politics is that yellow seems to emerge from people with strong orange, light green rather than strong green, light orange. In Swedish politics, there seem to be more yellow memes in the orange camp than the green camp. So vote the spiral becomes a flawed rule of thumb. Which is something you might have seen if you weren't playing on easy mode. Famous Swedish philosopher Alexander Bard has given the advice to deeply study 3 very different countries to add depth to more than one dimension of political understanding. If you are interested I'd recommend studying a Nordic country. Particularly either Sweden for its successful businesses and probably being the stage greenest country in the world or Finland for consistently being #1 in the world on the happiness index.
  12. @universe In a sense you are right, if I'm understanding you correctly, that it's the most conducive to your own spiritual development. But I think it's bad for the collective level of consciousness on a 100-200 year time scale. We are talking about Ukraine rn which needs more than its standing army.
  13. Depends on the war and the country. Benefiting from the advantages of a good country but not taking responsibility for defending it from bad countries is parasitic. Receiving without giving. Duty is a social construct. It makes more sense to root yourself in responsibility. Do you feel responsibility if you take all the facts into account? @universe Is it high consciousness to be conquered and subjugated by illiberal despots? Should countries full of conscious people then let themselves be conquered? Doesn't seem like conscious countries would survive long if you had your way.
  14. It's an Abrahamic religion that is explicitly political, resists reform by rejecting reinterpretations of the Qoran and which worships a warlord. You couldn't construct a better tool for resisting cultural progress. Sadly Europe will only learn that it's its antithesis through hindsight.