Leo, Why Did You Speak Negatively About Semen Retention

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I remember few years ago.. when i was practicing semen retention.. and Leo made a sarcastic response saying smthing like : 


You may as well practice no sh*t.

This was probably the most low consciousness thing i ever seen posted from Leo.. and it really shocked me..... 

I don't know exactly what he meant. But if he meant what i think then that's pretty disapointing.

Because not reacting like an animal to all your urges is truly a practice. Not doing something can also be a practice and a super difficult one.

Not reacting to all your thoughts, fears, urges and etc is the hardest thing to do (or not do ^_-) in the world.

And Leo's video about Letting Go is similar to semen retention. It's exactly the same concept. Letting go, not reacting.

I have experience with this because i recovered from my severe OCD by doing exposure response prevention. Where you basically stop reacting to all the sh*t your mind throws at you. And it was the most difficult thing i ever did.

I think Leo has not much direct experience with semen retention and it's too hard for him to do(We all have our own weaknesses). Maybe in his 60s he will be saying something totally different.


Edited by SQAAD

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I think it's a ridiculous practice for most young men. It's gonna create more problems than it solves.

For a very small amount of people who are doing hardcore spiritual practice perhaps it is suitable.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Leo doesn't understand sexual transmutation. He still thinks sexual transmutation means no sex. Semen retention doesn't mean you can't have sex. It is bad look on him he doesn't understand basic spiritual technologies. For me sexual transmutation was transformational but you have to do it the right way and it will be one of the hardest thing you will do.

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I don't have a scarcity mindset when it comes to my sperm. I can make buckets more.

I can appreciate people who practice celibacy. What I don't appreciate is people who have sex but are so stingy that they don't even ejaculate. I consider this silly and unnatural.

But hey, I don't care what you do with your sperm.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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40 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Leo doesn't understand sexual transmutation. He still thinks sexual transmutation means no sex. Semen retention doesn't mean you can't have sex. It is bad look on him he doesn't understand basic spiritual technologies. For me sexual transmutation was transformational but you have to do it the right way and it will be one of the hardest thing you will do.


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The other day a girl grinded on me so hard i was left with such blue balls I couldnt walk. Good bless fapping

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter                   Restful Cube        

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Leo thinks it's ridiculous because clearly he does not experience any benefits from semen retention in his direct experience. These semen retention guys love to assume that anyone who claims zero benefit from the practice of semen retention is either deluded or too weak to find out.

Perhaps we all just have different physiology? 

Also, at what level of symptoms following ejaculation does that categorise one for a medical condition (POIS)?

And what level of symptoms following ejaculation is considered 'normal' for a percentage of men?

How many men in general experience day-lasting symptoms i.e., 'depletion' from ejaculation? Are men who experience day-lasting depletion from ejaculation in the minority? 

Am I biased to interpret many semen retention cases as POIS cases?

Could all 3 realities be true?

1) a percentage of men experience severe symptoms following ejaculation & therefore are POIS cases. May or may not be aware of their medical condition

2) a percentage of men experience mild symptoms following ejaculation & therefore benefit from semen retention - there symptoms are not severe enough for them to see it as medical though

3) a percentage of men experience zero symptoms following ejaculation. Semen retention not necessary at all, and actually looks ridiculous from their POV given that they do not experience any depletive effects

Edited by tezk

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I think it does more harm than good

unless you are also doing an energetic practice related to raising kundalini energy 

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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Sexual transmutation without the spiritual practices is not sexual transmutation. I’m tired of explaining this topic. Just keeping your nut in for the sake of keeping your nut in is unhealthy. This spiritual tech is also very hard to wield. That is why many people fail at it and then poopoo it from their own bias perspective because they are too attached to the animal orgasm. 

Edited by StarStruck

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@mmKay what does blue balls even mean? I always thought it was a disgusting trick men used to manipulate women into finishing them off.

I have touched my penis countless times and has sex countless times and I have never experienced blue balls or even came close to understanding what that means.

I've heard stories from woman saying their husband gets blue balls if they don't have sex. And other woman tell me that their boyfriend would tell them they have blue balls if they don't cum and need to be finished off. But its never happened or remotely happened to me even if I stop jerking  or stop having sex close to cumming.

Edited by Hojo

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You don’t need to hang on to everything Leo says, instead see for yourself. If you are obsessed with PMO then you need to check it for yourself if this brings a good change.


nothing in life can be taught to you by gurus, grow up.

Edited by Amit

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4 hours ago, Amit said:

You don’t need to hang on to everything Leo says, instead see for yourself. If you are obsessed with PMO then you need to check it for yourself if this brings a good change.


nothing in life can be taught to you by gurus, grow up.

I think you need to follow your own advice. Your comments have a certain terseness, a certain shaming to them. Do you wake up every morning to come onto Actualized.Org to shame people to be BETTER? Is this how you want to live? Telling people to grow up? 

You say nothing in life can be taught to you by gurus? Are you not trying to be a guru when you tell someone to grow up? You say you don't need to hang on to everything Leo says....but why should someone hang on to what you say? Maybe they should follow your own advice when it comes to you and ignore you....after all instead of seeking to encourage and empower them...you insensitively tell them to grow up.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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Don't practice this shit if you are not doing spiritual practices, it's a lot more harder that way.

Bhramhacharya would give you the same benefits + more. If you are going to leave ejaculation, might as well get over sexual attraction altogether.

Bhramhacharya done properly(with spiritual practices) is nearly not that hard.

Semen retention seems like constantly dangling your favorite food in front of your face while you are on a water fast. It'd be easier if you remove the food.

Counter-intuitively, letting go of all orgasm opens you up to even better states of pleasure. (Through spiritual practices)

Edited by Swarnim

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5 hours ago, Razard86 said:

Do you wake up every morning to come onto Actualized.Org to shame people to be BETTER?

Is that how you feel about me, or is this a question for me? 

If this is question than my answer would be a NO.. I visit this forum not often and when I see something that I have been through, I say few words that might help if person somehow absorbs them.

5 hours ago, Razard86 said:

Is this how you want to live? Telling people to grow up? 

If someone wants an advice, sure I can say that. Is this triggering you because you associate it with something negative? maybe something you don't like to hear. In my experience, a push like this can be a difference between bickering around and getting into action.



5 hours ago, Razard86 said:

You say nothing in life can be taught to you by gurus? Are you not trying to be a guru when you tell someone to grow up?

No, I am not trying to be anything. I am just being myself, expressing myself authentically.


5 hours ago, Razard86 said:

but why should someone hang on to what you say?

Please stop comparing me with Leo Gura, no one took me as seriously as him, simply because he has become like an authority. My words will be heard only if you are very sincere. 

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How do you not cum in your sleep when you haven’t cum for a few days? 

Sailing on the ceiling 


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Up to a week without busting I notice an increase in testoterone, drive, and ambition - but after that it's just too damn distracting. All you can think about is f*cking because your biology is screaming at you to release. Yes, it can be a good way to develop discipline and self-restraint for some people, but I think you just got to listen to your own physiology and body: if you're horny and want to nut, just nut. I think the problem is when your body isn't truly feeling it, but because you have some weird mental pattern and addiction to self-soothing through ejaculation, you do it even though you're not actually horny. And that's when it starts to drain you.

But for the average joe, with average testosterone, it's really not going to affect you to release when your body is telling you too. Its natural. A lot of the time I feel incredibly lucid and conscious after a great sesh with my girl. So demonizing it is definitely not the wise move, especially because it's such a natural part of life on Earth.

I mean just look at Elk when they are in the rut. Those dudes are so horny they are busting nuts all fall and winter into like 30-40 different cows. xD Now I know we are different beings than ELK, but I think my point here still stands. When you're feeling it - just let it loose man. No need to fight yourself. The whole idea of forcing yourself to be some specific way is completely antithetical to true spiritual maturity in my experience. 

You never see a master battling his own urges, constantly at war with himself. He is completely at peace. Why? Not because he fought against his own drives so much they finally subsided, but because he realized the whole endeavor of forcing and punishing yourself to be some specific way is never sustainable in the long run. Maybe for a little, but never in the long run.

You can't practice semen retention the rest of your life. We all know that's a road to misery.

Surrender to life my friend.


Edited by VictorB02

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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@VictorB02 I honestly have a different opinion and experience compared to what you're experiencing. A few months ago I would've agreed with what you are saying; that it is natural to jerk off and release, and that were just biologically horny creatures. I had tried stopping jerking off many times before recently and I had always relapsed due to either being too horny and it messing with my attention or sleepless nights from too much energy.

But, I just always felt like a slave to my desires. I understand that jerking off isn't an unhealthy habit in moderation but I just couldn't help compare myself to a helpless addict unable to give up his need for a dopamine hit. It angered me that I couldn't give up this one thing and that I just always seemed to be helplessly addicted to running off and stroking my dick for some short-term pleasure. I've always dreamed of myself becoming someone who has mastered my emotions, desires, and ways in which I reacted to life experiences. I really viewed jerking off as this part of my life which I had no control over and which I was just a slave to.

When I finally committed myself and accepted that there would be times that I couldn't sleep because of this, and that I would feel too energetic at times, I have finally been able to break my addiction to this thing. Tomorrow morning will be my longest streak of nofap since I started way back when I hit puberty. I know the ego likes control and you could say that this is just me trying to "beat my nofap streak" as some goal, but to me I really don't see it that way. I view this as finally being able to let go of something which I feel I have needed to function normally for the past 7-8 years of my life. 

Ironically now that I am breaking this long-term addiction I have never been more mentally clear and stable in life, more on track to what I deem as "my purpose", healthier and more fit than ever, and many other things as well. I see nofap as a clear marker in my self-development journey in life that I have been able to work on myself and my emotions enough to break this habit that I have NEVER been able to break, compared to any of the other many attempts in my life. 

On a side note, personally, I do believe that jerking off does lead to an addiction to it. (Although it may not be a very bad one). There is something called P.A.W.S. in psychology which stands for post-acute-withdrawl-symptoms. Many long-term drug addicts to hard drugs sometimes take several years for their brains to rewire back to a "non-addicted" functioning state once they go cold turkey. I do believe that the strong urges that people report after weeks and months of nofap is still just the brain rewiring. If you have been jerking off for years it may take some time to reset to normal for your mind.

Additionally, people who report "nofap" being too difficult, don't realize how sexualized our culture is compared to previous generations, The average male is bombarded on a daily basis with soft-core porn like instagram and tik-tok girls in sexualized outfits all the time. I have taken a serious break from social media for the last month and have found it SIGNIFICANTLY easier to do nofap and I have found myself much less horny. I have also put the increased energy I have felt into other creative projects and hobbies and have found my mind rarely thinking about sex and jerking off much less.

Anyways I just think it is what is best for oneself, and if you do not think you can give up this thing right now in your life do not feel guilty because only when you are ready will you be able to.

Much love 

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Oh yeah man I completely get that. Honestly, I was talking more so about semen retention as a whole and not specifically nofap, but if you were to ask me about it I would be hard pressed to say that masturbation isn't a problem for 90% of guys, because it is. They are just so damn addicted to it. But i still think my original point stands if you have a girlfriend or partner, because your physiology will literally let you know: its time.

I forget a lot of guys don't have a girl / partner and don't have the luxury of basically being able to f*ck whenever you want. So given that in mind, I would agree with you for the most part. If you don't have a partner and are addicted to fapping, your best bet would probably be to abstain or at least try to cut it back drastically. 

But on the other hand, If you're like me and have a partner that turns you on, and you're not hooked on porn, I totally think that busting when it feels like the day to bust is generally a healthy idea.

I think it really just depends on your situation.

Edited by VictorB02

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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I jerked off a couple of days after a 5meo experience and I had a pretty harsh reactivation the same night. I have been scared to jerk off since xD 

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It's pseudoscience, does nothing at all. I know because I naturally have a very low sex drive and go long periods without ever looking at porn or jerking off. Allegedly I should be reaping all these hidden benefits... But no...

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