Guest Annetta

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On the rollercoaster
riding the bullet.
Facing madness
while losing sight.
Coasting in love
enduring that existential terror
the world denies.
Knocking on the door
of your so called sanity.
if somebody's there.
Just one glimpse
is enough.
One look
through the gates.
Fallen in love
you will never return.
take the ride
and see
for how long
you're gonna take it.



What a feeling

After years
of drowning tears
of shipping storms
from one hell
into another.
After fighting
countless battles
in an endless war.
Finally surrendering.
What a feeling
when you reach the point
from which you can see.
Peace is near.
Just a matter of time
and persistance.
What a feeling
when the odds are in your favour
and you stopped
playing the losing game.
Everything starts
making sense.
Strangely paradox
but clear
of beauty.
What a feeling.




the sun rises
the moon wanders
and the stars sparkle
at night.
the wind blows
waves crush
trees grow
and birds fly.
wolves hunt
and men create.
I wonder.
Nothing stays.
All things change.
All things die.
And yet
they are the same.


Edited by yannick

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20180107_040726.jpgWip , if i ever finish it I'll post it sometime 


Edited by Annetta

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On 3/24/2017 at 0:24 AM, bazera said:

I drew a friend of mine last year, with her favourite painting in the background  :)


This is kool bro 

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Seed of Life pattern with 3-colored dimensions made visible, the 3-axis and the hexagon (most efficient/stable way to tessellate 2D space). Interesting article about hexagons in nature!\

Colored Seed of Life.png


Further more, a Pythagoras three growing in polar directions, it resembles how trees/lighting/energy grow in space-time and the term "as above so below is the symmetrical nature of a balanced dualistic growth in both directions of one dimension. This resembles only in 2-axis but you could of course create a third so it would approach a full sphere.

Pythagoras Tree.jpg

SeedOfLife 3D4.png

SeedOfLife 3D5.png

Edited by Principium Nexus

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Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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No photoshop, no special effects. 



I vote this thread to be featured <3

Edited by Dodo

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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