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About Soulbass

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  1. Hi, I just found this thread. I've never heard of tinnitus until 2020 when the smoke detection device in all apartments in my building went on because someone was cooking or smoking in the building. I didn't covered my ears, I didn't left immediately. I took 1 minute to gather my passport, hard drive, cellphone and keys... This 1 minute exposure to the 120 decibels noise at close range of the smoke detection device triggered tinnitus in both ears (a bit stronger on the right side). It's a high pitch, the highest frequency within the hearing range. I won't talk about the stages of acceptance, I'll just say that 6 months was enough to get used to it. Also, the best advice I've found on the tinnitustalk forum is "No cure for tinnitus" so you have to work your psychology around. I was hopping for a cure, and this was the cause of my suffering. Someone said on the tinnitustalk forum: tinnitus didn't prevented me to have the life I wanted to have, and do everything I wanted. Mine is quite discreet, I don't notice it most of the time, or I don't notice it anymore. On a scale from 1 to 10, I would say it's 1 or 2 now. And, it doesn't bother me much. Life goes on.
  2. Peter Menzel - Hungry Planet Portrait Gallery - What I Eat Portrait Gallery
  3. News Minimalist uses AI (ChatGPT-4) to read the top 1000 news every day and rank them by significance on a scale from 0 to 10. Significance is estimated based on seven factors: scale: how many people the event affected; magnitude: how big was the effect; potential: how likely it is that the event will cause bigger events; novelty: how unexpected or unique was the event; immediacy: how close in time is the event; actionability: how likely it is that a reader can act on the news for personal benefit; positivity: how positive is the event — used to fix media negativity bias; credibility: how credible is the source. The results are posted on the main page of
  4. Hi Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family section of the forum! This is the first time I post in this section, I hope y'all doing great! I single 30-year old kissed and hugged a married 40-year old woman. I was hesitant for a couple of days, then I thought "I gotta live, because people tell me that I think too much" so I jumped into it. That's usually not my style. The woman have had affairs for years, she's used to it. She have had several partners, outside of her marriage. I don't want to hurt the feelings of the husband. She seems to handle multiple situations very well - she lives "in the now" and don't give a sh* about consequences. She is very independent and she have a "secret garden". We both agreed that it's just "fun" without felling in love. I don't know her status on herpes/HSV-1, I'm clean and I like to have control over my life - I'm afraid that I've kissed her, I might have it now. I've asked about HSV-1 prior, she said something like "Herpes? What is it? I've never heard of that" her reply didn't convinced me. I just don't like the idea of having HSV-1, she's the kind of person who would lie about it, because she don't care about consequences, she just wants fun. In short, the two reasons I'm hesitant to go further: - I don't know the husband, in case he find out: I don't want to hurt his feelings. - I have no clue if she have herpes (or other things) without proper screening tests. My feeling about this situation isn't very good. It doesn't bring "joy", it's just a short term guilty pleasure. I'm the kind of person who's "overthink all the time" does that mean I should keep-up with her or is better to choose a safer path? Note: I didn't had something like this happening in my life for years. I'm not "pro-active" when it comes to meeting people and dating / I've kind of stepped back, since I was having health issues and I was busy with work. I'm slowly coming back to "the game" but I don't like the idea of not knowing if someone have herpes or other things. The husband might find out eventually, I don't know him and how he would react - there's a risk that he would beat me up. Your advice is welcome, I don't know if I should keep-up or not. Thanks
  5. Gluten: Public Enemy Number One a 1h-ish documentary produced by the franco-german media Arte
  6. Nevermind folks, I'm giving up: "5 Unexpected Side Effects Of Decaf Coffee" water is the shit..
  7. Has anyone read it? I just bought it, I'll start reading it soon... I've heard about it because Jeremy Couillard:
  8. I started drinking caffeine-free coffee I felt I was missing part on the most important ritual of humans, which I wanted to experience. I've been a fan of alcohol-free beers before, so caffeine-free coffee doesn't seems unfamiliar Being an outsider was fun, I'm 32 old now and I'm lookin for something a bit more casual... I ALWAYS been fascinated by people doing "x" because it's the normal thing to do... Doing these "normal" things are fun, I'm dissimulating Important: I'm doing caffeine-free coffee, I'm not a crazy at all and I know what I'm doing (don't try these stunts at home). As of nootropic @flowboy, I feel it's a bit too much, and impracticable because: - You can't rely of these chemicals, if the company/supply/FDA regulation is interrupted for some reason. - Running 20 km, cold showers and meditation always helped with mind clarity, I see nootropic as a "helper" when you have tried everything else before. Thanks all for replies.
  9. Alright guys, thanks for saving me
  10. I work in front of computers 50 hours a week, and looking for a way to improve my productivity. I have 8 hours of sleep, so no improvements can be done here (+I've read Matthew Walker's book: Why We Sleep...) I want to try having a drinking caffeine habit, I've heard people can't work without it and I want to try out to see if I'm indeed missing on something (looking for focus/productivity improvements, coffee as a nootropic if you will). I've tried Matcha in the past, but stopped quite quickly because of heavy metal contaminants. I've tried Yerba Mate as well, which I like and works, but it's said it's somehow toxic for the body (source: Michael Greger). If anyone have advice for coffee/caffeine, I would like to hear your voice and experiences. If you're coffee addict, I guess you're biased and can't really give good advice. My motivation for this is that I've seen interviews of my favorites artists working in the video games field, and everybody seems to be drinking coffee. I don't buy into the cultural aspect, I've always poo-pooed coffee since I was a kid, saying it was for normies. Am I missing on something, or what?
  11. Hi, on April 7, 2021 a sudden pain appeared in the left side of my head, I freaked out, I did MRI scan of the brain but everything looked normal, after 1 year of looking for info and asking doctors, i made my own diagnosis: occipital neuralgia. It's been 2 years now. I did MRI scan and X-Ray for the neck, everything looks normal (which is normal for occipital neuralgia). Is there anyone here who knows how to reduce pain, for things related to nerves? I tried almost everything, except the heavy medical procedures, and i haven't tried pills neurologists can prescribe (antidepressant, opioids...) which i might do soon... Pain is between 3-4 and on a scale of 10, this week i have a flu so it's 7-8 (i just lie in bed). Any suggestions or experience with nerves pain is welcome (also related to trigeminal neuralgia, since it's very similar). I did chiropractors, without improvements.
  12. Is raw cacao powder concerned as well? (I use some on my smoothies)