Leo Gura

Are You A Narcissist? - Take The Test

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I don't consider this a good test though.The questions aren't nuanced enough...they're too black-and-white.You can score a 5 or a 20 depending on your mood on the day you take the test (I took this test 2-3 weeks ago and scored a 10 lol)

Maybe taking this test multiple times would give you a more reliable score of your average narcissism level.


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My score was 4, higher than 9.7% of people who took the test, lol.  


In my opinion one could still be selfish even if they are not narcissistic, as I can still recognize my own selfish traits in myself.   A low score like mine is probably indictive of a boring and/or passive person as well. I'd imagine most "narcissists" lead more exciting lives than mine, but my life suits me.   

Like most tests like this it's probably the most healthy to be somewhere in the middle, and not on one extreme end nor the other. I found my ego to be so mis programmed I decided transcending it via being was easier than reprogramming it. The peace of mind has gone up, while my interest in participating in the world has gone down. I prefer to be a passive observer of human nature, watching the game play out, with a curious fascination of the outcome. :) 

Edited by sholomar

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12, but used to be 16 with vanity and entitlement topped out.

It depends how I feel and see myself when doing this test (Myers & Briggs on the other hand, I always get the same one)




Edited by Felliks

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I got a 13/40. With Vanity being maxed out. I believe because I look at myself in the mirror a lot. Not that I give any fucks about fashion or beauty culture. 

This test is very simple and with it's either / or questions. 

Like someone wrote here in the comments. Narcissistic answer = narcissist points. Humble answer = No points. This is basically the pattern on the test. 


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These are your results on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory.

Your score is 10, out of 40. Higher scores indicate greater levels of narcissism.


Rock-bottom exhibitionism and entitlement (which is weird because I'm rather entitled in some respects), but vanity is maxed out. What the fuck? xD

Based on the (very black and white, as a previous poster said; and toss-up) questions, it's probably not a perfectly accurate test though.

Edited by The0Self

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Your score is 6, out of 40.

I would potentially score a little bit higher if the questions weren't black and white, as suggested by others.


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I'm a narcissistic idiot. 

Score - 38/40


Edited by Enlightement

You should seek to transcend the limitations of the ego and the mind in order to experience a sense of unity with the universe or ultimate reality. You can do meditation,sef inquiry and contemplating for that. To recognize the underlying oneness that is believed to exist beyond the realm of dualistic perception.



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NPD test.png

I scored 28 out of 40. xD

But I'm not surprised because I had always known I have significant similarities with NPD humans. And the high score is just a manifestation of my high self-love. But I guarantee that I'm the opposite of NPD, believe it or not.

There's truth in this test. But it's not very reliable. There were only 2 options. There were times I felt the 2 options equally described me, but I was forced to choose one. There were also times I felt the 2 options did NOT describe me, but I was forced to choose one.  

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