
Andrew Tate Arrested

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Is also very healthy to become a role model to oneself. For me I dont feel the need to be any like any Goggins,Hubermans,Rogans,Tates, and even Leos. Anyone must  be engaged being themselfs (instantiations of consciousness) and trying to overcome their own limits,bias and so forth. Of course some can serve as inspiration for change. 

For me, the best moments are those when I am alone, either walking, swiming, reading, having a breakfast, watching a stand-up comedy, playing drum,harmonica, signing, or looking inside in a psycadelic journey.

Those characters griffters or not are doing their own thing as well collecting the consequences of their actions. 

This constant chase for role models is riduculous. I understand the need for it in a community level. For me personality if I listen a guy speaking and the way they behave online I just ask myself if I would enjoy to pass a day with the guy and if it would be fullfilling? Same with a woman, if you be honest you know if you connect or not with someone. If I feel it would be a waste of my time I try to not spend time online with this guys. Anyway, I follow very little people, and unfollow the ones I feel BS without  thinking twice as soon as I smell lack of Integrity. But I know not everbody have a trained nose for horseshit. 

Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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The military diagnosed Andrew Tate's dad with narcissistic personality disorder, and Andrew's dad is probably his biggest role model in life. Something to think about.

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On 1/6/2023 at 0:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

All you need to know:

There is no mystery here. Open and shut case.

Here's the original video they're reacting to, shame they don't credit him in the description:


“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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2 hours ago, StarStruck said:

Schwarzeneggar is a dinosaur and although I like him, he does have some skeletons in his closet.

He cheated to get the career he wanted but somehow he never got slack for it because his movie career success outshined his cheats in body building  

He cheated in marriage and has a bastard son that he disowns and doesn’t care about. 

If you read Arnold’s biography, he wasn’t that different than Tate. At least Tate doesn’t get in street fights but does it in the ring. Arnold got in street fights and fucked other people’s girlfriends and shit. He was just too stupid to make a business out of it. 

@StarStruck Nahhhhhh Arnold is hella different than Tate imo.

He didnt human traffic. comparing that to cheating is like comparing a magnitude 10 earthquake to a magnitude 3 imo.


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59 minutes ago, Osaid said:

The military diagnosed Andrew Tate's dad with narcissistic personality disorder, and Andrew's dad is probably his biggest role model in life. Something to think about.

   Enough said.

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4 hours ago, StarStruck said:

Schwarzeneggar is a dinosaur and although I like him, he does have some skeletons in his closet.

He cheated to get the career he wanted but somehow he never got slack for it because his movie career success outshined his cheats in body building

Cheated how?

All bodybuilders use steroids so that doesn't count. That's just the biz.


He cheated in marriage and has a bastard son that he disowns and doesn’t care about.

Yeah, Arnold slept around, however you are mistaken in characterizing Arnold as not caring about this son. He supported his son in secret, obviously because he could not admit he had a son from not his wife.


If you read Arnold’s biography, he wasn’t that different than Tate. At least Tate doesn’t get in street fights but does it in the ring. Arnold got in street fights and fucked other people’s girlfriends and shit.

I have read Arnold's biography and it is nothing as bad as Tate. Yes, Arnold was no angel. But he is still a good rolemodel overall for men. Listen to the speech Arnold gave last year after Putin invaded Ukraine and compare that to the toxic shit Tate says.


He was just too stupid to make a business out of it. 

Arnold is way smarter than Tate.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Rafael Thundercat

5 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Is also very healthy to become a role model to oneself. For me I dont feel the need to be any like any Goggins,Hubermans,Rogans,Tates, and even Leos. Anyone must  be engaged being themselfs (instantiations of consciousness) and trying to overcome their own limits,bias and so forth. Of course some can serve as inspiration for change. 

For me, the best moments are those when I am alone, either walking, swiming, reading, having a breakfast, watching a stand-up comedy, playing drum,harmonica, signing, or looking inside in a psycadelic journey.

Those characters griffters or not are doing their own thing as well collecting the consequences of their actions. 

This constant chase for role models is riduculous. I understand the need for it in a community level. For me personality if I listen a guy speaking and the way they behave online I just ask myself if I would enjoy to pass a day with the guy and if it would be fullfilling? Same with a woman, if you be honest you know if you connect or not with someone. If I feel it would be a waste of my time I try to not spend time online with this guys. Anyway, I follow very little people, and unfollow the ones I feel BS without  thinking twice as soon as I smell lack of Integrity. But I know not everbody have a trained nose for horseshit. 

   I just want a simple life, with a simple job really, maybe drawing stuff. So really I don't resonate with Andrew Tate or this workaholic culture among young people in the self help or entrepreneurial side. This may be due to how I was developed in stages, cognitively and morally developed, personality and people problems, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences so far and other developmental factors in parts of life.

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@Rafael Thundercat

1 hour ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Apparently people can use Twitter in Jail. or is a paid social media manager.

   I can't believe you can still post in Twitter while in jail, maybe it's his social media team? Also, nice examples of echo chamber ideology, group think and denial.

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29 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Rafael Thundercat

   I can't believe you can still post in Twitter while in jail, maybe it's his social media team? Also, nice examples of echo chamber ideology, group think and denial.

Good for people in jail. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Speaking about different voices on the topic here is it:

Is not explicitly touching on the Tate event but on the overall cultural topic of relationship area and the mentality around it. 

And by the way Chris also was part of a Reality Tv Show but was able to choose a different route of how express his creative energy.


Edited by Rafael Thundercat
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The idea of masculinity is based on exclusivity. Every masculine guy is striving for perfection. So it's hard to find a true single masculine role model. Because one thing they did or did not do is enough to disqualify them from being a masculine leader. 

You should be able to pull off things that others won't be able to do and with brutal efficiency & pragmatism. Get shit done. 

His values should be physical strength, intellectually smart, have money, social skills and charisma with women, value excellence and speed, talk what he thinks with no fear of what others think, challenge norms of society if necessary, value Truth, freedom etc. 

Above all he must instill inspiration in the minds of men to be the most best version of themselves. 

Tate comes pretty close although his ways are morally questionable. In other words the best role model for men would be Tate minus his sociopathic traits. He should be a little more considerate to other people and stop the Bugatti cringe. He should have more to his life than cars and models. 



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1 hour ago, Bobby_2021 said:

The idea of masculinity is based on exclusivity. Every masculine guy is striving for perfection. So it's hard to find a true single masculine role model. Because one thing they did or did not do is enough to disqualify them from being a masculine leader. 

You should be able to pull off things that others won't be able to do and with brutal efficiency & pragmatism. Get shit done. 

His values should be physical strength, intellectually smart, have money, social skills and charisma with women, value excellence and speed, talk what he thinks with no fear of what others think, challenge norms of society if necessary, value Truth, freedom etc. 

Above all he must instill inspiration in the minds of men to be the most best version of themselves. 

Tate comes pretty close although his ways are morally questionable. In other words the best role model for men would be Tate minus his sociopathic traits. He should be a little more considerate to other people and stop the Bugatti cringe. He should have more to his life than cars and models. 



One question I would do for myself to check if a man would be a good role model ( even knowing that this can be very subjective) is:

If I would travel for 6 months and I would need a men to take care of my Wife and Kids and manage the house for this time in a way that when I get back I can find everything well. Would I trust this in this mans hands? 

I am even taking in consideration that maybe  my wife would need to receive love, emotional and physical. And this guy should meet the requisites to give as much love as I would give myself to her. So in this way of being, first and foremost I  need to be the rolemodel of what kind of men I would chosse to give my family to be taken care. 

So, anyone in his sane mind would trust their beloved to Tate to take good care? 


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17 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Rafael Thundercat

  I just want a simple life, with a simple job really, maybe drawing stuff. So really I don't resonate with Andrew Tate or this workaholic culture among young people in the self help or entrepreneurial side. 

I totally relate to this.  Most people aren't wired to relentlessly pursue success like this.  Kudos to those who are.  The world needs people like that too.  It just ain't me.  I really like this Einstein quote...

"A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness."

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I like the takes on the topic in this short talk. A online Avatar, mainly one that can influence young minds have impact.

So there always resposability. Because everything one do and say creates ripple effects in the field. Influence is something people take to ligthy. 


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Tate has been sent to the hospital from jail. Details still unknown.

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@Osaid Probably his eye condition.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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8 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Probably his eye condition.

or his asthma

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