Leo Gura

Taking Down Solipsism Video

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13 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

Are you diagnosed with a mental illness? I've noticed that people with specific mental illnesses have a very easy time having epiphanies just from things like watching a video.

Yes. I was diagnosed with ROMC. That stands for Radical Open Mindedness and Concentration.

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27 minutes ago, Derek White said:

To me this insight has always been relaxing to the core. It brought me serenity. It is not that hard to get either. Once get it it so obvious. How can it be otherwise.

The question is, why? Everything you experienced before realizing Oneness, was part of Oneness. Your "pre-realization" was Absolute Truth. Nothing changed.

Glory to Israel

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2 hours ago, AdamR95 said:

If you are disappoited because of that video being taken down, you dont need to be. There was nothing new that if you studied this work, you wouldnt already know by now.

Well, what a shocker. xD


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To all of those who are angry with Leo, just do the work yourself for fuck's sake. He obtained the experiences which caused these realizations almost certainly through the use of potent entheogens, so just go and do it yourself.


@Leo Gura In my judgment you've made a wise decision, why cast pearls before swine? In fact, many of the most conscious and powerful beings I've met aren't even willing to tell humans that they're God(unless you're already aware of that fact as I am). Instead, they often resort to obscurantism whenever they even remotely want to communicate high-level truths with ordinary humans.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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solipism is true, you are alone. absolutely. it's easy to see it with 5 meo or any psychedelic if your ego dissolves. the problem is : and the others? everything is my mind, without mind there is nothing, only being remains. all the bubbles look like one. but how to explain the others? it is obvious that they have their own apparent experience, just like you. ok that they are illusory experiences, ok they are you, but to say the disturbing idea that no, they are just extras from your movie... what's the point? it is obvious that it is not so. this is what I do not understand? why not explain it clearly?

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@Leo Gura: Isn't it possible to make the video available for your Patreon-members? The audience there is 450 people. I am sad that the video is down. I had a very deep awakening last year when I realized that Everything was me and Me only.

You could ask: "So what's the problem? You know already!"

The problem is like you described at the beginning of your video: sometimes you need to double check and verify your findings. In this world, there are only very few deeply awake people and sometimes it is good to see that others had the same experiences. Actually the video could help people with such awakenings to make sense of it. I can imagine that some people will be compeletely shocked after such deep awakening.

What I want to say is that some people could benefit from this video. It will do more good to them, than harm them.

Of course, if you decide against making the video available for Patreon members, I understand.


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Other radical videos of yours are unapologetic and irreverent.

What happened to radical openness?

If it’s true, it’s true. Who cares? xD:D

Come on man, post it on the blog then.

Edited by UnbornTao

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I didn't get to see the video, but I think things happen for a reason. Personally, while I acknowledge sadness in me that I won't be able to enjoy this most recent explanation of solipsism, I take this as sort of a wake up call because I just realized how dependent I am of your explanations of reality and, to be honest, I haven't been doing the work as much as I should and trusting myself and instead have been taking your work for granted. This is just another reminder that the map isn't the territory, and your conceptualization—no matter how good it is, will never be an actual 1:1 "experience" (if you can even call it that) or understanding of solipsism. I have to do the work to find Truth myself. A shame that there are immature folks who led to the video being taken down but also it's probably predictable that it happened and, knowing Leo, him making this decision was most likely not some impulse and keeping the video up may have done more harm than good. 

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Some people watched it, and some didn't. It's unfair. The ones who didn't watch it feel outside, like they missed out on something, while others don't.

Now some people here can say: "Ha! I saw the video, and you didn't. I'm now further on the path than you are!"

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1 hour ago, Scholar said:

I get an immature vibe from this post. It feels like you got annoyed by something and now you are "Well, bad luck you idiots now I won't share my treasures with you! See who will laugh last!".

It is fine to not share it but why can you not explain this in a more reasonable manner? I don't know what happened, but if there was a negative reaction that hurt you feelings so now you don't want to expose yourself like that anymore than just say that, it's fine. Or if you think it could be damaging to some people then say that. But the way you frame it, it looks more like you are too immature to handle the backlash.

I also got the feeling that he did it because of a emotional reaction. And that's ok, he's just a apparent human in this reality. But hopefully he will upload it again soon after he has calmed down.

Edited by Blackhawk

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Solipsism is the ultimate solution to not knowing the things that can be known. The Universe has a structure, has rules, has laws that can be known, in terms of what is a Soul, what is God, what is Love, what is the true origin of human, why this all, why good why evil, why suffering and all that. The problem is your lazy ass! You want to have all your worldly possessions and pleasures like limitless sex, limitless wealth, control over others while you also want to know what is God and why all that. 
You can’t just skim through a religious or esoteric order’s teaching and draw conclusions and validate your preconceived assumptions by swallowing a psychedelic on top of it. It just doesn’t work like that. Bad news! I know it’s painful to hear this but it just doesn’t work like that. When you actually go inside those religions or esoteric orders, and you don’t dabble around just to label yourself an open minded, to quench your thirst of knowing all the others, then you will realize that True christianity and their notion of God as a Deity (Father), or other esoteric and mystery schools are QUITE SOMETHING. Once you know the truth, Which is not solipsism, of course you will become free. But there is a path that you need to follow. Don’t listen to me, don’t listen to Leo. Stop your stupid solipsistic worldviews and actually go and get initiated in a mystery school. Research about them and join. Endure the pain of keeping your long-love solipsistic views away, and actually go and get engaged with those schools (Given that you will be admitted). You will then realize. Once you know, you know it. Stop wrecklessly taking psychedelics. There is a good reason for why there are Psychedelic Shamans. Let me also tell you this: Psychedelics, meditation and yoga is not the only way for spiritual growth. Spiritual path is not at all waking up from a dream or something like that. Go and actually become a member of an esoteric order or mystery school with a good reputation. Make sure you do your own research. And on the proper divine timing, you will know. What you will know is not communicable, it’s ineffable. And that knowing will set you free. 

Blessed be

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Lol, you guys don't get it. If you haven't awakened to the truth in the video, you don't want to watch the video. If you have awakened to it, it doesn't matter if you watch it or not. The video is entertainment for the awakened, and a disaster for the seeker who seeks awakening.

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28 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

solipism is true, you are alone. absolutely. it's easy to see it with 5 meo or any psychedelic if your ego dissolves. the problem is : and the others? everything is my mind, without mind there is nothing, only being remains. all the bubbles look like one. but how to explain the others? it is obvious that they have their own apparent experience, just like you. ok that they are illusory experiences, ok they are you, but to say the disturbing idea that no, they are just extras from your movie... what's the point? it is obvious that it is not so. this is what I do not understand? why not explain it clearly?

I agree. Leo is saying that other gurus are vague about not explaining that solipsism is true. But he is doing exactly the same thing explaining from one side that his bubble of expierience is true and then that true is only your bubble to who he is pointing to.

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The point is that solipsism isn’t true; it is a belief system.

Whatever the truth is is something to become conscious of by oneself.

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@Leo Gura Why not just post it on your blog?

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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1 hour ago, Batman said:

Yes. I was diagnosed with ROMC. That stands for Radical Open Mindedness and Concentration.

Lol I was actually being serious... I've definitely noticed that Bipolars are prone to spontaneous awakening experience, with or without "learning" things. There is a Bipolar on this board who will surely confirm @BipolarGrowth and also Frank Yang has Bipolar disorder.

And also on many non-spiritual self help related videos, there is a personality type where it's just like "omg my entire life is changed by this video!" flooding comments. I'm very curious as to the relation. I enjoy psychology a lot.

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I don’t believe it is possible to awaken by feeding information to the entertainment-seeking intellectual mind, which will always makes a mess of it.  There needs to be a path.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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