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About Jodistrict

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    San Diego
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  1. No. My heart rate doesn't even go up anymore. I know someone who has had a heart operation who recently took it. But you need to keep the dosage reasonable. I can go deeper by improving my concentration through meditation practice rather than increasing dosage.
  2. My normal ceremony dose is 100 mg of Bufo Alvarius, which would roughly be 10 mg 5-meo.
  3. I never have any body load with Bufo Alvarius. I have never had nausea. It feels so pure and when I open my eyes everything is brighter and more clear. I have never done synthetic 5-meo.
  4. There is also the possibility of long term benefits. I know one entrepreneur who takes Bufo and says it improves his ability to think and solve problems.
  5. I don’t recommend doing a full dose alone. My only experience is with Bufo Alvarius. I talked to a facilitator who had someone’s heart stop and had to do CPR. The other danger is if you are deep in a trance you can forget to breath. You can also move into some dangerous position, start choking, moving around violently, or any other number of things. The facilitator’s responsibility is to keep you safe. I do microdose alone, but only after four years of ceremonies.
  6. In the Lincoln-Douglas debates you had two master rhetoricians addressing the important issues of the day. Their debates are still worthy of study. Today you have word-salad Kamela vs. name-calling Trump. This is called degeneracy of a culture due to top down control. The ideocracy is now complete.
  7. Telling other people how to vote is bullshit. One person, one vote.
  8. His wife Usha Vance is a practicing Hindu which is freaking out the far right. They don't seem to know that Hindus can be pretty conservative.
  9. It's an impressive experience when it is happening, but the next day it becomes a memory which fades over time. It doesn't seem to even change long term patterns. It's not a substitute for a long term yoga path.
  10. This is a good site if you want to get educated on the dog issue.
  11. The Brave browser blocks all ads on Youtube. And Firefox has addons to download videos.
  12. She was an ex prosecutor so they can do the "Prosecutor vs. Felon" angle. But she still seems like a lightweight and not up to the job. If the democratic party would try democracy just as an experiment, they would get better candidates.
  13. Jerry Brown's father developed the California University and Community College system which use to be affordable until more recently. The education was important to the high tech industry.