
Why should eating meat be bad?

36 posts in this topic

I'd like your opinions about something. 

I have been advocating peace and non violence to all beings and been living as a vegetarian or pescatarian at least for a good while now. 


But I see that in Africa many deities are being nourished with animal blood of course that is only the ritual but the animals serve as food for the community but they thank their deities giving them their blood. 


So that is African spirituality in some places and it really works because I have had contact with one of the deities too. 

Other than that death is not real and while looking at nature eating and being eaten is fairly common. 

So why is it that psychedelics made me feel bad about eating animals? 

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Psychedelics are just making you see things more compassionately. There’s nothing wrong with eating meat, but it certainly is a phase of moral growth to notice you’re having these feelings. A plant-based diet done right can be really healthy for yourself and good for the planet, but eventually you’ll see that it is okay to go against that limitation if you want. It’s just personal preference. I’ve been vegan/vegetarian a number of times. It’s overall really great, even spiritually, but if it’s unsustainable for you or causes too much suffering to you, you’d better serve the world to remove the excess stress the diet can sometimes cause and focus on awakening to Love and Emptiness directly. 

If eating that way is congruent with who you are, by all means continue that great decision. If it limits you too much and makes your life worse, consider that this itself could perpetuate more suffering in the world than just eating meat. We are part of nature. Part of it is death. Part of it is suffering. Part of it is survival of the fittest. Part of it is compassion for animals. Just be natural man. However that looks for you. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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5 hours ago, Schahin said:

So why is it that psychedelics made me feel bad about eating animals? 

I don't know why, but I feel bad about eating animals either, so I don't do that.

I don't like the idea that because of my demand for meat, someone die and suffer.

Even if it's just a cow, for me personally it's not just a cow, I hate when people say: "It's just an animal, so what", you all also just animals, actually, there's too many of you BTW, let's kill you and eat you then, idiots.

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Well, the truth is that death isn't something bad. Death being something bad or wrong is your judgement, there is no truth in that. Killing and selfishness are a part of reality you will never get rid of.

They are just a part of Gods creation as everything else is. God doesn't judge you, he only invites you to set your own moral standards and adjust them to whatever might suit you best. If you truly cared about animals, you would kill yourself. Because just by taking one single step, you are killing. Bugs are dying, grass is dying, the CO2 you emit creates global warming by which forests are drying out, continue the argument...

Stop making assumptions about things you do not understand. Stop thinking that you know what death is and accept the fact that you currently don't know. A possibility to truly know might present itself in that unknowingness.

See the relativity of all your moral judgements and then feel free to construct any moral construct that suits your highest version of yourself and humanity.

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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your'e conditioned by ideals and belief systems, and you wont get rid of them in your psychedellic trips, they come with you as a baggage.

You need to watch the bigger picture, from nonduality you are eating yourself, every day your body eats your ill-dead cells and recycle them, some die and you dont even realize. Forget the dramatic scenery of dead and blood from killing a animal for meat consmuption, focus on the beauty of the sacrifice, he dies so you can keep being alive. Isnt this beautiful? Just be greatful.

Edited by Shawn Philips

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5 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Psychedelics are just making you see things more compassionately. There’s nothing wrong with eating meat, but it certainly is a phase of moral growth to notice you’re having these feelings.

Am I the only one I am truly unable to cook just about anything that is animal-product when I'm on the comedown of a Trip ? LOL It just seems disgusting, I see the pain, the lower energy, and suffering in the pan. In the oil. In the dangerous heat. Fruit seems like "I am glad and happy for you to eat me" Haha. Really, like... Why only Fruit seems "Glorious and Valid" after a trip ? That tells you what foods are high in the energy/consciousness/spiral and which of ones doesn't. Unfortunately not everyone of us lives like Sadghuru Lol so meat has its place for certain people. (Myself included since Im exploring and integrating masculine energy and stage orange).

Edited by Javfly33

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Just now, Javfly33 said:

Am I the only one I am truly unable to cook just about anything that is animal-product when I'm on the comedown of a Trip ? LOL . Why only Fruit seems "Glorious and Valid" after a trip ? That tells you what foods are high in the energy/consciousness/spiral and which doesn't. Unfortunately not everyone of us lives like Sadghuru Lol so meat has its place for certain people. (Myself included since Im exploring and integrating masculine energy and stage orange).

it's true one time i had to eat a steak after 

because otherwise i'd have to throw it away and obviously didn't want that

and it felt really weird to eat that bloody steak at that time

while fruits are delicious

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11 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

it's true one time i had to eat a steak after 

because otherwise i'd have to throw it away and obviously didn't want that

and it felt really weird to eat that bloody steak at that time

while fruits are delicious

11 hours ago, PurpleTree said:


11 hours ago, PurpleTree said:


But there is no life in that meat. 

The life which inhabited the meat left it the moment it died. 

I suppose that as human beings are never confronted with death, we start to develop ideologies about it but at the end of the day when we die we will get eaten by animals in the ground and it will happen certainly. 

I find it difficult only to eat fruits, the sugar content quickly makes me crave for other food, and bread and lentils only exist because of agriculture, so eating meat must be something important maybe

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13 hours ago, Random witch said:

I don't know why, but I feel bad about eating animals either, so I don't do that.

I don't like the idea that because of my demand for meat, someone die and suffer.

Even if it's just a cow, for me personally it's not just a cow, I hate when people say: "It's just an animal, so what", you all also just animals, actually, there's too many of you BTW, let's kill you and eat you then, idiots.

When I use the argument "your dog is also an animal, did you know they eat dogs in China ?"

The answer I get is usually is "it's not the same ! Chinese are crazy, this is wrong !!!"


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I'm not going to go into the health aspects. 

All I will say is maybe there's a reason a lot of the greatest sages- Ramana, Buddha, Rupert, Sadhguru, Francis, Jean Klein etc are vegetarian. 

Maybe there's not though.

Guess its for each of us to figure out right? 

Personally, haven't eaten meat / dairy for over 6 years, started for health, continued for compassion. Can't see myself ever going back, unless I developed health issues as a result, but so far the opposite has been the case.

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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10 hours ago, Shin said:

When I use the argument "your dog is also an animal, did you know they eat dogs in China ?"

The answer I get is usually is "it's not the same ! Chinese are crazy, this is wrong !!!"


Lol, and what do you say next?

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@LfcCharlie4 ???

23 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

and it felt really weird to eat that bloody steak at that time

while fruits are delicious

Yeap. Its truly a challenge to eat low/dense vibrational foods on higher states of Consciousness than usual

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30 minutes ago, Random witch said:

Lol, and what do you say next?

Well nothing, iit's funny enough to see the bias in other people coming out like this :D

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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Meat actually contains a lot of nutrients, vitamins etc. 

What's important is the quality of your meat. Some packaged bs meat from your local cheap supermarket is complete shit in comparison to meat from an expensive, high-end butcher shop who has a deal with the local farm.

If you're in the US you can distinguish between the USDA Select, Choice and Prime 

Edited by QandC

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I just ate some eggs, later I'll have some chicken. It is what it is. There's obviously nothing ultimately bad about doing anything so w.e. it's just our judgements via the lens of human morals.

22 hours ago, Shin said:

When I use the argument "your dog is also an animal, did you know they eat dogs in China ?"

The answer I get is usually is "it's not the same ! Chinese are crazy, this is wrong !!!"


The Chinese are psychotic. Dogs were bred over many years to specifically be companion animals and friends to humans. Eating pre-domesticated dogs or dogs bred to be livestock would be different.

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9 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

I just ate some eggs, later I'll have some chicken. It is what it is. There's obviously nothing ultimately bad about doing anything so w.e. it's just our judgements via the lens of human morals.

The Chinese are psychotic. Dogs were bred over many years to specifically be companion animals and friends to humans. Eating pre-domesticated dogs or dogs bred to be livestock would be different.

I'm sorry but the only difference is that you don't spend time with them.

When I go take a walk and see the cows/chickens/goats in my suburb, and pet them, it's equally disturbing in my mind to imagine myself killing it to eat it.

As if those can't be friends with human, some of them recognize me and come directly.

Basically you're saying we're biased as hell as human xD

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I don't consider death bad in any sense at all, I think what is most important is if the lifeform suffers when they live, not if they are bred to die.

Personally, I consider fungi and plants sentient beings capable of pain and suffering as well, so I am incapable of living without causing suffering.

They are merely far more different from us than something like a dolphin is, so we have trouble having empathy towards them.

The problem is that we do not know how sentient they are exactly, due to how different they are. They might go through as much subjective pain as any animal does, but due to our forms of experience being so different, we cannot even start to conceive this. Alternatively, they might be less aware than animals, in which case, they indeed would be the better alternative to eating than animals, since this would inflict less suffering in general. But I think we are just biased towards the latter option due to how different they are.

In the end, I eat meat and will never stop eating meat, and I completely support the notion of being eaten myself after I have died, in fact, I would loathe to die in a grave instead of being taken back to the cycle.

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21 hours ago, Shin said:

I'm sorry but the only difference is that you don't spend time with them.

When I go take a walk and see the cows/chickens/goats in my suburb, and pet them, it's equally disturbing in my mind to imagine myself killing it to eat it.

As if those can't be friends with human, some of them recognize me and come directly.

Basically you're saying we're biased as hell as human xD

Most animals can be friends with humans but I mean, dogs were specifically bred for that purpose out of their natural species (wolves or w.e.), so it seems more like a betrayal IMO...

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