
There are good and bad

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2 minutes ago, No Self said:

If everything is good, the word good has no meaning whatsoever.

Things are all good until somebody feels like saying something is bad. Good is the default state.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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15 hours ago, RedLine said:

What is the relationship between Love (the Absolute) and love (I love my mom for example)? 



If you say you experiencie the Absolute as Good/Love you are relating to the relative concept of love/good know by you; but this time it looks like this sension/concepts/whatever is infinite/absolute.

It’s still be your relative concept of someone else saying something. 


If you say the Absolute is Good then it implies there are good and therefore there are bad too.

It’d still be your implication. This is like receiving Morris code, and rather than slowing down and decoding the message, saying “Morris code”, “Morris code”, “Morris code” over & over, and believing the message was understood & received.


I am gonna try to define good and bad here:

good: what goes towards compassion/egoless

bad: what goes away from compassion/egoless

Good can’t define good & bad, it has only Good to work with. This is like making a car & a house out of legos, and believing there are legos, cars and houses. (There’s actually still just legos). Good can believe appearances are actual (thoughts) and believe there is then, good & bad. To thoroughly convince itself, it must hold belief it is not itself. To believe it is not itself, requires actively believing it is something else. 


Of course there are not fix good and bad in the relative world. I am gonna use a thermometer analogy. The higher degrees the better, the lower degrees the worst. The count never ends, there are infinite degrees or good and infinite degrees of bad but whe can say +70 is better than -6.

In the believing of itself to be other than itself, by default ‘the world’ seems other than itself as well. 

2 hours ago, RedLine said:

I am an INPT, my passions lead me to look for the Truth again and again. What is the problem? The Truth is incompatible with the existence. The Truth is everything is Love/Good but in order to opearte, in order to be funciontal, we need preferences, as long as you have an ego you have prefernces, and even the greatest masters have an ego, a little ego, yes, but and ego, otherwise they wouldn be functional.

An example of said identity belief is “I am an passions...”. From that belief / narration, Truth is something separate, and thus something the a priori ‘you’ looks for. The next belief is that the “you”...operates, or functions (is looking). That belief justifies, or masks the prior belief that the ‘you’ & the world are separate. This doesn’t resonate, but rather than inward inspection, outward projection again masks... “You...this & that....the greatest masters....this & that...they....this & that”. (“Morris code”, “Morris code”, “Morris code”.) 


The problem here is the hardcore search for Truth -who Leo Gura is promoting by the way- leads ultimately to dead, and I dont´mean death in a symbolic way -death of ego- but biological death.

This is an interpretation being projected in the same manor. An outward movement faster than is recognized, and thus believed. Meditation slows this down, and it is seen. 


The virtue is not to pursue the Truth to their last consquences. The virtue is the renunce to Truth to love others, even when you know love is an ilusion. The virtue is to renunce to Truth, because ulitmatley the search for Truth is vanity. That is the example of Christ, he sacrifice himself for others, He did not stay in a cave in a trance state.

This is another interpretation & projection. Jesus didn’t say he sacrificed himself. He was crucified for speaking the Truth (so to speak), like you are doing to Leo. 



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26 minutes ago, Nahm said:


It’s still be your relative concept of someone else saying something. 

It’d still be your implication. This is like receiving Morris code, and rather than slowing down and decoding the message, saying “Morris code”, “Morris code”, “Morris code” over & over, and believing the message was understood & received.

Good can’t define good & bad, it has only Good to work with. This is like making a car & a house out of legos, and believing there are legos, cars and houses. (There’s actually still just legos). Good can believe appearances are actual (thoughts) and believe there is then, good & bad. To thoroughly convince itself, it must hold belief it is not itself. To believe it is not itself, requires actively believing it is something else. 

In the believing of itself to be other than itself, by default ‘the world’ seems other than itself as well. 

An example of said identity belief is “I am an passions...”. From that belief / narration, Truth is something separate, and thus something the a priori ‘you’ looks for. The next belief is that the “you”...operates, or functions (is looking). That belief justifies, or masks the prior belief that the ‘you’ & the world are separate. This doesn’t resonate, but rather than inward inspection, outward projection again masks... “You...this & that....the greatest masters....this & that...they....this & that”. (“Morris code”, “Morris code”, “Morris code”.) 

This is an interpretation being projected in the same manor. An outward movement faster than is recognized, and thus believed. Meditation slows this down, and it is seen. 

This is another interpretation & projection. Jesus didn’t say he sacrificed himself. He was crucified for speaking the Truth (so to speak), like you are doing to Leo. 

you are avoiding the problem that I raise in this thread.


You always use that non-dual rethorical that is pretty dishonest and childish by the way. I know that your intentions are good but this answer style you always use is narcissistic.


-Somedoby: Gravity is 9.8m/s2. Prome me wrong

-Nahm: There are no such thing as gravity. Gravity is a relative concept. 9.8m/s2 is also a concpet, can you see  9.8m/s2 in your direct experience?; of course not. You are imagining all this.


Of course Nahm is right here but don´t you see how ridiculous this kinda aswers are? 



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51 minutes ago, RedLine said:

Of course Nahm is right here but don´t you see how ridiculous this kinda aswers are? 

Relatively ridiculous, yes. Ultimately ridiculous, less yes. Every answer is ultimately ridiculous (including this one).

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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It seems you believe ‘your’ ‘problem’ is ‘out here’ and ‘everyone has it’ and Nahm is ‘avoiding it’. As far as I can see there isn’t actually that problem.



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22 minutes ago, Nahm said:


It seems you believe ‘your’ ‘problem’ is ‘out here’ and ‘everyone has it’ and Nahm is ‘avoiding it’. As far as I can see there isn’t actually that problem.

Nobody has this problem unless they realise it. Probably you have problems that I don't have and I have problems that you don't have. It has to do with personality and circumstances. 


 Everything is perfect asi it is but if a thristy men comes to you, you would probably give him water to quench his suffering from thirst because you think -and act follwing that thinking- that do not suffer from thirst > suffer from thirst .  This is an intelectual mindfuck. The thing is you probably dont give a fuck about this intelectual mindfuck but it is not my case, this problem make me insecure in my life.

Edited by RedLine

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@RedLine imagine that you are an infinite consciousness that creates itself in a compulsive way, and that evolves in complexity without limits, that elaborates an increasingly sophisticated dream in real time, of unimaginable complexity. She does not mind suffering because she is made of love, if she has to go through millions of autchwitzs, billions of 18th century asylums, trillions of torture rooms for pregnant women, she will do it because she is made of love and she wants more more moreeee!! The crazy dance of the dream of god, where the pure light of love springs from terrible human pain

Edited by Breakingthewall

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4 hours ago, RedLine said:

But you cannot let it go completely and continue to exist.

Have "you" experienced that?


This is beyond grasp & trying to fit it into a castle.

Go for direct experience. It is right here. You don't even have to do anything.

Presence. Goodness. Feeling.

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29 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:

Have "you" experienced that?


This is beyond grasp & trying to fit it into a castle.

Go for direct experience. It is right here. You don't even have to do anything.

Again, even the greatest masters have preferences, they want to alleviate the suffering of others, they opearte trough their little ego. The closest master who went trough what I am talking about was Ramana Mahasi when he as young and left his town, he literally would have died in a cave if some monks hadn't helped him, because he had no preferences. Then he changed a bit and decided to live and answer those who asked him questions. If you goal is Absolute Truth then your goal is biological death

Edited by RedLine

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You are talking about the absolute that no human can understand because it is not our job to understand it (we are not capable to). 

We are living on this earth/dimension where we can encounter the bad such as murder, steeling, rape … etc or the good such as selflessness, generosity, peacefulness … etc.  

For example, people who say rape is Love … simply don’t know what they are talking about, they are just pretending to understand. 

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I can recall reacting to thoughts behaviorally which didn’t feel good. I might have believed it was ‘just how I am’, or personality. I might have believed it was ‘just how it is’, or circumstances. I might have also believed people who didn’t see things my way were just being rhetorical & avoiding my point. I might have even told people who saw things differently than me that they were being dishonest, childish & narcissistic. But I got tired of the stress,  tension, frustration, anxiety, depression, etc. I chose to be aware of the thoughts & reactions, to feel it, and not buy into it, not react. Upon slowing down and inspecting, it turned out it was not my personality or circumstances. It was just attachment to thoughts which didn’t resonate, with goodness. 




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9 minutes ago, Nahm said:


 chose to be aware of the thoughts & reactions, to feel it, and not buy into it, not react. 


And here you are, reacting to my commentary.

Shadow theory ultimately leads to death. Why? because if you push in one direction, you are gonna react when reality push in the opposite direction. There is no men without shadow. The only way to have no shadow is to wait for death in a cave, like Ramana Maharsi.

God chose to create dualities - suffering - over his infinite goodness. Never forget that. Don't be blinded by Absolutism.

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50 minutes ago, RedLine said:

And here you are, reacting to my commentary.

Reacting would be in kind, name calling, assuming, blaming, writing off, projecting, etc. Responding does not equate to reacting. That is one of the nuances I became aware of in what I shared in the last post. When I slowed down and was honest with my self that those behaviors didn’t feel good, it was readily seen and naturally concluded. 


Shadow theory ultimately leads to death. Why? because if you push in one direction, you are gonna react when reality push in the opposite direction. There is no men without shadow. The only way to have no shadow is to wait for death in a cave, like Ramana Maharsi.

Theories can be not believed also. Especially in cases where they don’t feel good. 


God chose to create dualities - suffering - over his infinite goodness. Never forget that. Don't be blinded by Absolutism.

The suffering is in the misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and misidentification. Essentially, thoughts which don’t feel good, but are believed in spite of feeling.

The misunderstanding is due to believing assumptions in lieu of direct experience. You’ve not experienced God, so you believe God is separate from you, and like you, can choose to create dualities - suffering - or anything other than or ‘over’ infinite goodness. God never suffers. God does not know suffering. God is only knowing of infinite goodness, because that is all there is. Your suffering is released either by the recognition & relinquishing of presently held assumptions & beliefs, or the direct experience of God. These are actually the same, but as a course of action either would suffice. 

The misinterpretation persists only in reinstating & affirming it, in spite of how it feels. The trouble with assumptions and beliefs is one believes their belief is true. One then see’s no reason to inspect, because they are already ‘right’, in spite of how being ‘right’ feels. These assumptions are at the most fundamental level, and all experience is tainted as such. It is not easy to see, because it effects the whole of experience. There is never a shortage of how it feels though. Feeling is always decisive & clear. To remain believing the assumption, requires one to avoid feeling. To avoid feeling, is to avoid the goodness, the truth. 

The misidentification is derived only of thought attachment. The belief you are Redline, a person, a human, form, separate, physical, etc, and that there is a God which is separate of you. Meditation is great for detaching from thoughts & getting some ‘space’ for inspection of thoughts. Inspection is great for releasing beliefs & assumptions which don’t feel good, and realizing truth which feels amazing & inspiring. Writing about feelings clarifies misunderstandings, and understanding arises. Then there can be open mindedness. With open mindedness, a fresh approach can be undertaken to contemplate new perspectives, and ‘listen’ to feeling going forward, as not to create more assumptions & beiefs. 

Stuff you might contemplate or consider if & when...

God doesn’t make choices. There is nothing to choose from. God is unconditional.

God forgets God is God, by appearing as Redline. 

God does not experience suffering, or unconsciousness, because God is infinite consciousness.  

Death is an assumption, a belief. 



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@RedLine I'd say that love with a lowercase l is characterised by clinginess and neediness. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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8 hours ago, RedLine said:

I agree. But you cannot let it go completely and continue to exist.

Sure, in terms of existing as a biological entity and person there needs to be distinctions and biases. At a subtle level, I need to be able to distinguish between food and a car to survive. 

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@RedLine Yes I agree. Like good and bad forum posts. Forum is at the very low end at the moment :ph34r:, looking to COVID-19 rampage a supermarket for nappies and send via express post wherever most of those thread creators live around the world.

Biologically there is good and bad, socially there is good and bad because we fail to socialise appropriately if there aren't some basic customs followed, politics there is good and bad because it encompasses the laws that socially we will have to follow and be pissed off or fortuned by depending on those laws, changes, government spending, etc. Your reference frame of good and bad, which should be a good one but is very tough to do because then you'd know precisely how to act between now and the end of your life which almost no one knows how to do so its always a work in progress, is dependent on your intelligence, cultural influences and level of learning and subsequent wisdom you've generated from those influences.

I swear someone please shoot me (taking some time off from the regular forum here I think)

If I owned a gun the odds of me shooting myself in the head have gone up by at least 0.1%.

Is that completely bad or good? No, in a way it's kind of humorous. Sounds like something that would be in a comedy scene of some series, film, or whatever.

Your only option is to advance your mind (inclusive of consciousness and intelligence), I've learned the hard way, that's the only way up from here Mr/Ms theoretical rollerblader of time's running out in all of our lives!

In answer to your question, at least you're keeping someone tangibly happy! Are you though? Take it to the extreme, figure out every conceivable way in which she doesn't feel your love. How far could you take it, how much could you make mommy dear happy? "Mom? How much could I make you happy? Please. I'm desperate. I love you, I want to be a good little boy." That'll help you figure out the finer details of your answer. Otherwise the absolute in its absolute does not give a damn what you do in its grander plans, it knows you have your faults as the 7+ other billion people do.

I do expect some form of accountability though. So if you want the answer of all answers on how to live your life, the answer lays in solely contemplating the previous sentence. Make your time count, for the best good you can workout. Look at me, I'm kind of a sarcastic asshole that's going to get penalised in some way, but I embrace it, and I'm giving you good advice at the same time. So who's to say I'm going to hell anyway if there is one? I'm serious though, focus on that word, accountability. It'll change your life, its a much deeper word than what's popularised in self help culture as well, its worth more cosmic dust than Pamela Anderson's boobs when she was in her prime and that's from the point of view of teenage boys with a secret magazine collection hidden from mommy and daddy.


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Obviously there is good and bad. There are two (✌) opposing forces which both have a pull. Choosing to see and anchor the + in every or most situations is that, a choice. But there is definitely also -.

The devil just says he doesn't exist so your guard is down. A magnet does not work with two positive sides. The negative is absolutely necessary and if we deny it, we are just ignoring what is. 

I have seen acts of cruelty and I know there is unnecessary crueltyin the world. To deny it is to close your eyes an have wishful thinking. 

The world is a battlefield between Two very powerful forces. Its kind of like star wars. 

Edited by Dodo

Absolute Law of Love reveals Infinite Source that Welcomes Every Life as Light

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Good & bad exists only from a relative/finite POV.

It's as real as you shopping for food.

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