
Do girls in western Europe pick up guys?

16 posts in this topic

Hi.  I live in Poland.. People here are really closed to each other, if they go to a party (nightclubs), they mostly do that in small group of friends. Making new friends at the party hardly ever happens. I go out partying a lot too, however sometimes i go alone (when none of my friends are able to go too). I've been single for some time, and of course I was thinking about meeting someone, but picking up a girl in the club is something that I still find very intrusive (yes, I had bad experiences in the past when I really liked someone, and the girl didn't find any interest in me). So I thought that maybe someday someone will just approach me at the bar or at the dance floor and say "Hi, how are you?" or something like that, but it never happened. I always dress good, and I feel at ease at the party, I dance a lot, and I'm not sitting in the corner. I'm really opened towards people and I know how to make a good conversation. 

I visit my family abroad every year (western europe). I noticed that people there are more opened to each other. Maybe girls are also more confident in picking up guys at the parties there and in other western countries than in Poland? What do you think? Had girls flirted with you at the clubs?

P.S. I think that the issue here in Poland might be cultural, girls might think like "Men must fight for me, I don't need to do anything" 


Edited by supercat253

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I am from Bulgaria.

Its not common girls to pick up guys, although it can happen.



Actually my coworker get approached by women pretty often.

However i dont know how many men in the world have this kind of gens:

Height 198

Big muscles

Handsome face



Edited by Kiko

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It would be nice if girls could also approach. 

Maybe it happens on the western side of the planet. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I've lived in Poland before and picked up a lot of girls there through daygame. Clubs are a pain in the ass, just approach girls on the street. They love the balls and the audacity, cause virtually nobody is doing it.

However, if you're asking for girls to do the work for you, you'll be alone for a very long time... you need to accept your responsibility as a man to make things happen.

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Sometimes. My stepbrother got approached by a girl and now they’re  buying a house together.

Happened to me about a month ago. It’s more common for guys to approach girls though.

Edited by Spiral

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I think it is more common for girls to approach guys in countries where equality has come further, typically stage green countries like Canada and Scandinavian countries. But it's still much more common even in countries like these that guys approach girls. If you're not very good looking you would have to approach most of the time. However, In these countries the girls don't respond that well to things that are supposed to make you look valuable, and it's much more easy to come across as too cocky which will turn the girls off. Most of the girls also prefer to be more active in choosing the guys and not just the other way around. That's at least my experience.

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The most surprising thing that I've ever seen in dating & flirtation is that american girls are lesser secure than the girls in sweden. of course I'm talking about majority. so it might be possible in eastern europe but not as severe as USA. I've found most European girls decent and shy

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The girls don't pick up guys but rather they express interest in more subtle ways. 

If a girl is interested she can smile at you, preen her hair while looking at you, ask you for a lighter even if she doesn't smoke, :D etc.

If you a are smart guy you will pick up on their signals and pick them up. 

If you are not smart, well, girls don't like dumb guys. ;) 

PS. I live in the Netherlands. 

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Happened to me once in London, asked for my number straight up, but that was just a very rare rare thing. Don't expect to happen at all and it hasn't happened to me again ever of course lol

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On 10/8/2020 at 6:59 AM, Gili Trawangan said:

Clubs are a pain in the ass, just approach girls on the street. They love the balls and the audacity, cause virtually nobody is doing it.

Absolutely. Past summer I challenge myself to approach at least 3 girls every day in the street. It works 10% and no works 90% aprox, maybe less, sure for a more handsome guy works much better (it works I mean have a conversation, change number and have the possibility of a date), but the fact is: you feel good with yourself, you want anything? Go for it, simple. 2 the girls who accept your conversation and want to meet you again think that you are courageous, not another one who needs the official place where is allowed to start a contact: a club with loud music and drunk people, or tinder... pathetic. 3 it's funny 4 more times you do, you do more natural. Problems: you could feel bit looser if 30 persons rejects your approach...but be strong , if you find "the one" sure you will feel better with yourself doing like that than in a tinder date

Edited by Breakingthewall

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It happened to me twice. One of them was drunk ? Another one was half my age and saw me elsewhere before and tried to get to know me. I do not go out to crowded places too often. It's so rare that it's not a matter of place, you have to be lucky. It wasn't western Europe.

I was also pursued few times but I assume that we are taking about 'cold approaches'.

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They will make the first move sometimes if they've had a few drinks in the bar... then again girls will do that anywhere if they've had a few drinks. 

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One day I made eye contact with a woman in the street, she came straight to me and proposed a blowjob. I later knew that they were prostitution going on in this area, so I guess that she was a prostitute.

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USA male here. I get hit on by girls at parties and also at work. Had girlfriends through just this. I never get hit on in class (college) or in bars though, I always approached in those situations. Never used Tinder. I’m a bit of a recluse.

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