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I am serious, I had just buy a bunch of books from Leo’s book list and I am sitting with all these books. I was very excited at first but now I don’t know but when I tried to read the books, I can get to the next 10-15 pages then I start to get kinda bored and zone out. Also taking notes and while reading can be exhausting sometimes. I’m just not that motivated in reading books. How can I change this? How can I make myself want to read books and not hate it? Thanks!

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Good question! 

It's all about consistency.

10-15 pages a day means about 2 books per month which is fantastic.

It is important to choose books that resonate with you and that are relevant to current problems that you feel you have in your life.

Dont feel like you have to read every book cover to cover. Sometimes you will get bored of one and switch to another. As long as you're reading SOMETHING consistently.


Also, it is entirely possible that certain books are too hard for you as Leo has many advanced books on his list that may not be relevant enough to your life. 


About notes:

I also find it difficult to take notes every time I read. But I always read with a pen and underline and make margin notes. So if I feel like it is a very dense book that I will read a second time. I will go back through all the underlined passages and add important ones to my commonplace book.


If anyone has found an effective way to take notes while reading then please share!

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Books are boring when you don't need them.

Perhaps you're happy with your life and you have no problems with it.

I hardly read books anymore, I don't find joy or value in most of them.

However, I don't feel guilty about it.

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Working on " general self-help knowledge" is a trap. Pick, choose, divide and conquer.

Go for the books with topics that genuently spark your curiosity and that are relevant to the current chapter of your life, either about something that you are going trough or looking forward to improve in. Imagine you have a math test about adding and subtracting but instead of focusing on that you decide to read some geography. No wonder you wouldn't get traction reading.

Also, maybe you have too much stimulation going on in your life. Obviously If you binge on Netflix, Youtube, junk food and other distractions you will literally be bored by books since by comparison they offer more subtle amounts of "entertainment". But now imagine you literally locked yourself in an empty room for a day. After 15 hours of staring at all the walls, a book would be pretty interesting.

I'd say reading is an acquired taste. You learn to love it by doing it more. Surely there are people who would rather open a book than watch some Game of Thrones. Is it common? Hell no.

On the other hand, ask yourself what are you reading books for? Are you hoarding random information to feel like you are improoving ? Are you rushing through them just so you can say " I've read 5 books this month"? . Many of us have to take a hit in the ego and admit that quality of reading and implementation > quantity read. 

Remember that Learning = Behaviour change. Otherwise, after you close the cover, you can have a couple of cool ideas to share with your friends or to post on the forum, but have you really improoved?

Overall, the most practical tip that also will give you the most real life results would be this: Make reading part of your daily routine and apply intuition to manage the hows. You will see what works and doesn't work for you. It is a life long process of discovery.

Personally I have to improve a lot when it comes to reading, taking notes and consistency&discipline since I've decided over a year ago to go for Autodidacticism rather than plugging into the College system. I'm also eager to read some more ideas here (:

Feral Buddhist Critter 

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Try audiobooks while lying down closing your eyes. This way your mind can focus entirely on the content rather than reading words off a page.

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You might find a lot of benefit in reading say 10 pages a day and finishing a 300 page book in one month. You'd be surprised how much information you can retain even stopping and starting each book! Some books are much more effortless to read when it is exactly what you need in that moment.

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Listen to audiobooks. If you need to build up concentration try reading essays instead, by authors you like.

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Take pleasure in the fact that you are working on your concentration skills by reading.

It's an exercise on multiple levels.

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Testimonials thread: www.actualized.org/forum/topic/82672-experience-collection-childhood-aware-life-purpose-coaching/

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Read interesting books like The Song of Ice and Fire.

Edited by hyruga

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@Adam M I like the not having to read the book cover to cover and that it’s okay to read a different book but be consistent about it. I had just implemented this and realized that I just needed to switch and find a book that was more relevant to my problem and got me more interested. But I do still resist sometimes.

@mmKay You nailed some good points thanks! 

I was just doing more research on how to help myself become a better reader and I found this useful technique that if you use a debit card to help you see and read better by underline the word and move down as you’re reading. It helps me focus a lot better and it works



Edited by ExodiaGearCEO

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Ya know i understand you because i also have felt this way. I felt personally it had to do with my level of consciousness. The more you develop the more you will resonate with the books on leos list. Im not saying you shouldnt read them now but youll start to find yourself getting excited by the profound wisdom in these books. If you find yourself resonating with fantasy or romantic novels or some shit let that be an indicator of where you might be on the path.

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@ExodiaGearCEO Not sure if it's applicable to your case, but the ability to maintain interest in books may have to do with attention span. If you do a lot of multitasking or impulsively use the internet and social media, it will make tasks requiring persistent attention more difficult. There's a constant craving for the dopamine rush of something entirely new and different. Whereas when you practice healthier and more mindful habits with regard to electronics, you may find your concentration ability goes up. Just something to think about, as I've definitely found it true in my own case.

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@ExodiaGearCEO IMO, books ARE necessary for personal growth. There's just no way around it. Try doing a mix of audiobooks and regular books, and start slow. Like 15 minutes each every day. Trust that with consistency, you will learn to enjoy them over time. I also find that I'm more engaged and excited about reading when I have 3 books going on at once. I don't know if you've downloaded songs on iTunes or Spotify, but when you click "download album" it does 3 songs at once, alternating a little of each. I find this to be a powerful technique for maintaining interest. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

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You probably have internet-induced adhd, so it would be good if you took a break from the internet for long stretches in the day and go for walks in nature/do do no-thing meditation. Hope this helps :) 

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Do you have ADD? try smoking a tiny bit of Marijuana and then read a little bit at a time, really focusing on what its saying

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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