Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread

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”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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How could I forget Aamir Khan's Satyamev Jayate!


It's a TV series which basically focuses on sensitive social issues prevailing in India including domestic violence, rape, untouchability and even the criminalisation of politics. The guy himself is very green (and i feel a bit yellow as well) using his status and position to a very positive use. He's recently working on the drought condition in Maharashtra. Also, all 3 seasons of his show are available on YouTube with english subtitles. While the primary language of the show is Hindi, it is simulcast in eight other local Indian languages, and subtitled in English, to ensure maximum reach.

Here's the last episode which tackled the issue of Masculinity (from the green perspective)


Also what's interesting is that he likes to take up work projects which embodies the values of green (for instance his films like 3 Idiots, PK and Dangal)

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Not sure how much of it is true, but it seems like Bhutan might be the first proper green country around.


I have a general question about green, because a lot of examples picked in this thread seem to me to not be fully green at all, but rather partially green, in fact sometimes even less than 50% green (if one could actually quantify it).

For example Bernie Sanders is not fully green at all, I would not even say he is more than quarter green. Though I do think that even less than quarter green would explain his behavior and worldview. It doesn't require a lot of green to see social injustice and environmental destruction. Just like that mother Leo posted who confronted the orange person. Simply by the way she spoke it seems to me like she wouldn't be more than 25% green, but whatever part of her is green is enough to motivate the actions she is taking.

Someone who would be over 50% green would be someone like Jesus Christ to me, so I really don't see how the examples collected are actually green. Maybe because green is actually so rare to witness it seems to us like even part-green people are fully green? In the same way that a partly yellow person will seem completely yellow to an orange person. I don't know, maybe I have misunderstood something.


I would look at it like this:

If we compare collectives to individuals, the abolishment of slavery was a very green action, though in no way was the majority of the population green. In fact I would go so far that even the individuals pioneering this movement were not even fully green. In the same way the mind-structure of an individual does not have to be majority green to take green actions.

Edited by Scholar

Glory to Israel

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@Leo Gura Do you think in hundreds of years western societies will get to the point where basically everybody is at least green, and green will become the new orthodoxy? And the conflict of world views won’t be green vs orange/blue but green resisting yellow? 

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What about the Dude? :D

Definitely green elements, no healthy green of course. Live-and-let-live attitude to the fullest.


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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, in the end, Trump will be a good thing for mankind. We need Trump to learn the lessons of electing narcissistic morons.

Of course this lesson will come with some great costs. As all lessons do.

Trump's depravity is shedding light on many weakness in our institutions which need shoring up. We are lucky Trump is too incompetent to be an effective dictator. In the future, we might not be so lucky.

You always say something like, "Trump is a moron", but never why. Trump is obviously not stupid. Many of the things he has done is indeed quite hard and takes som IQ. All I know is that I disagree with him on some things, and agree with him on some things, and most things I'm not sure about. In terms of policy, I don't think he seems much worse than the other republicans, maybe even better. He basically says the same things, just in more interesting ways, but is less ideological. You seem too caught up on how he appears in media. 

I think fundamentally that republicans and far right policies are bad, but Trump is not particularly excessive when it comes to this.

One example of dishonest media:

When Trump supposedly mocked a disabled person, mainstream media of course didn't show you several other clips of Trump doing the same kind of mimicking immitating non-disabled persons.

The only reason I defend him is because people are so biased when talking about him that it's insane. They are not looking at him in an objective way, like I think someone like Kyle Kulinski on Secular Talk is doing quite well. And BTW, there are several cases where the media and corporate Dems are attacking Trump from the right.

Edited by Edvard

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Pink Floyd bassist and singer Roger Waters about his current tour which is heavily anti-Trump, anti War and pro love for all people.

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I see stage green as a lost battle against entropy. Trying to manipulate the world to make it the way we want, isnt ego driven? Shouldnt practice acceptance instead of attachment to defend one side and discard the other? Fighting in this neverending battle is a  guarantee of unhappiness.

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, in the end, Trump will be a good thing for mankind. We need Trump to learn the lessons of electing narcissistic morons.

Of course this lesson will come with some great costs. As all lessons do.

Trump's depravity is shedding light on many weakness in our institutions which need shoring up. We are lucky Trump is too incompetent to be an effective dictator. In the future, we might not be so lucky.

During this whole series I was debating how much you were driven by your own clarity and how much you were just serving your own political agenda. You revealed yourself with this post.

In your last blog video after the 15 days retreat I noticed how you said you couldn't judge anymore : the nazis, the racists, the far right and so on you cited them all but the name of the person that you resent deep down. In all the forum posts where the orange people try to challenge the claim of upward evolution (orange < green), that by the way you never bothered to back so far,  you go on saying that they are just resisting and should contemplate and imbibe instead, if they want to climb to the next stage. But you can't contemplate and imbibe Trump it looks like, even though you think you're so much more evolved than him. You wouldn't use such demeaning terms on a full red person even.

Relevant video : 


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11 hours ago, Outer said:

How is #MeToo and weed legalization relevant to Green? I've read pure donald supporters and they don't seem opposed to weed legislation. Most of them are salt of the earth. Just go read the_donald on reddit.

Blue/Orange is opposed to weed.

Case in point: Jeff Sessions has a hard-on for criminalizing weed.

Legalizing weed will open the gateway for psychedelic experiences, which spells doom for the Blue & Orange paradigms. Orange doesn't like weed because it: A) hurts profits, B) undermines Orange's mindless materialistic ambitions, C) undermines capitalism.

Weed will help Green win the progressive culture war. Which Blue/Orange doesn't want. Weed helps open the mind and heart. So a closed-minded, closed-hearted ego will not allow it.

It's no accident that weed is legalized in the most developed Green countries and states in the world first. Alabama is not about to legalize weed. Because they are too Blue.

If California is the head of the snake, Alabama is the tail.

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2 hours ago, Moreira said:

I see stage green as a lost battle against entropy. Trying to manipulate the world to make it the way we want, isnt ego driven?


That's LIFE: A battle against entropy that we will all lose.

That's not the issue. The issue is, HOW will you live life? What is the healthiest way to live? That's what Spiral Dynamics is about.

Manipulation of the world must happen for life to live. The question, which ways of manipulating are the healthiest, the most sustainable, the least harmful?

Even after enlightenment you will still have to manipulate life if you want to live.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 7/2/2018 at 11:44 AM, Joseph Maynor said:

Jordan Peterson is not at Stage Green.  I hate to be the reality-check police.  I'm not gonna argue with you about it here either.  Go figure it out for yourself.  Do the work.


You thought Joe Rogan was stage yellow dude. 

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On 7/2/2018 at 0:24 PM, Ferdi Le said:

Yellow is of course also into non duality etc. but has the big picture understanding of how hard it actually is to liberate your mind.

Not sure if all Yellow people have a huge interest in non-duality. I consider someone yellow when I see that they are good at deconstruction/ systems thinking and also not emotionally attached to their ideas/ judgmental of lower stages.  

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@Nick Jones

On 7/3/2018 at 0:22 AM, Nick Jones said:

I cant decide if Wim Hof is really Yellow or Green what do you think?  

I initially think he's a very healthy green but maybe if I spoke his native tongue I could hear him express more complex worldviews resembling that of yellow.  

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The more I watch a lot of these the more I feel like I like green lol. I love Russel Brand and Noam Chomsky so much. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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8 hours ago, Tetcher said:

But you can't contemplate and imbibe Trump it looks like, even though you think you're so much more evolved than him. You wouldn't use such demeaning terms on a full red person even.

Because to take Trump seriously is to go too far. The proper response to Trump is ridicule.

You don't engage someone like that in serious discussion because he is not an honest actor. He's a con-artist and he doesn't care about truth. So there can be no serious philosophical discussion with him or his ilk.

This is not really judgment. Yes, it's my subjective evaluation. Trump is who he is and he cannot be otherwise. In fact, he is a facet of myself, so for me to demonize him would be just me demonizing God. Which is silly to do. But that doesn't mean I have go along with Trump's machinations. Trump is just very unconscious, and there millions of unconscious people all over the world. I can refuse to take part in their unconsciousness without making it a personal thing.

For me to concede ground to unconsciousness when I know better would just be foolish. Whether you agree with me or not is not my problem. You are free to disagree with me and love Trump. Ultimately you have to learn to think for yourself. I am just presenting my ideas here.

There is always a point at which you have to draw a line. For example, if someone comes to you and says, 1+1=5, you laugh him off. If you took every such case seriously, you would be very open to manipulation. People could just overwhelm you with false information to push their egoic agendas through. So there needs to be a firewall. The key is tuning your firewall properly so it doesn't reject legitimate points of view. It's always possible to miscalibrate one's firewall, but in the case of Trump, I'm not too worried about that being a problem. He's just not presidential material. This should be obvious to any unbiased observer. If you disagree, then we'll just have to agree to disagree and we'll see who wins at the ballet box in 2020.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Of course the epitome of Green in the UK is Glastonbury Festival, the biggest non-annual festival in the world. An experience like no other.


glasto arield.jpg

"Find what you love and let it kill you." - Charles Bukowski

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There is an ignore feature guys, not that it makes any sense to use it. Lot of joy on the other side of compassion & understanding. 

Not what you’re here for? Doubtful.  ❤️




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Just now, Etagnwo said:

@Nahm All fine and well. But is it nice to get accosted by green when you're trying to work on enlightenment? Are we not allowed to take our path without some moralizing troll policing our words because we are currently not interested in what they are? 

What do you mean when you use the word “enlightenment”? That is a very confused message. 




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