
Attracting hot women

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Am I thinking what you're thinking?

I thought he meant some other place. 😭

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1 hour ago, Schizophonia said:

Why wouldn't it be? Do you think it's pure coincidence that you were triggered for something? That being triggered by the idea of being crowded is a genetic mutation?

Lol, in fact I don't believe in the illogical, in randomness at all, or rather I just see it as yet another illusion. 🤔

What are you talking about

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3 hours ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura do you feel comfortable calling women ugly? Don’t you feel that’s bit of a derogatory term.

Seriously, some women would take that as a compliment compared to the real derogatory terms guys use for women.

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura do you feel comfortable calling women ugly? Don’t you feel that’s bit of a derogatory term.

Look. Some people are hot and some are not. I didn't invent this system.

What politically correct term should we invent for ugly people which would not hurt their feelings?

Mating is a brutal system and it's not fair. Lots of feelings get hurt all around in this game.

Edited by Leo Gura

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50 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Look. Some people are hot and some are not. I didn't invent this system.

What politically correct term should we invent for ugly people which would not hurt their feelings?

Mating is a brutal system and it's not fair. Lots of feelings get hurt all around in this game.

People act is if the “ relative “ “bad “ or “ “negative “things don’t exist, like ugly, incompetence, terror, fear, bad, drugs like crack or meth , you don’t do them because what they’ll do to you is ugly, 

stop acting like you’re accepting of all things ( relatively speaking ) 


yeah the formless god is accepting of all, not You with your current name, form, and capabilities.

me as pure god might fuck a fat ugly chick 

me as yousif would certainly not, it’s a bias I know, maybe when I’m more loving and selfless I will, but am I not that loving and selfless right now.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

ugly people

so long as you are not using the term to reduce someone to their looks, as if that's the only thing that matters about who they are as a human being, then it's fine to use that word for all practical purposes. @Leo Gura


Edited by Yali

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Just now, Yali said:

so long as you are not using the term to reduce someone to their looks, as if that's the only thing that matters about who they are as a human being, then it's fine to use that word.

It's the first thing most guys look at, women too, but for guys it's a sexual thing for women more of feeling, more emotional. Believe it or not, some people are attracted to ugly people like @bebetalk here, cant get his name to pop up, but you know, the guy who hates hot women because he can't get them to look at him. Lol

Know thyself....

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43 minutes ago, Yali said:

so long as you are not using the term to reduce someone to their looks, as if that's the only thing that matters about who they are as a human being, then it's fine to use that word for all practical purposes. @Leo Gura


The only reason I brought it up was because someone here was claiming that all Russian women are hotties. Which is not the case.

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For most women, especially feminine women, the most important thing is how she feels. So if you can make her feel ok you are already 80% of the way. And if you have everything set and you don’t make her feel ok you are back 80%. So to answer the question of the thread, you have to feel ok in your own skin. I have noticed that if a feminine girl likes you she will just mirror your psycho emotional state. And if you think you are the shit she will think you are the shit and if you think you are a piece of shit she will think you are a piece of shit. A relationship is like a salsa dance. You lead and she follows. But there can’t be two leads or two follows in the same dance. 

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On 15/03/2024 at 10:42 PM, Leo Gura said:

You just need more experience talking to girls until you are confident and charismatic and don't give a damn about what hot girls think of you.

With lots of experience you lose that insecurity around hot girls because you just stop caring and you are in a self-assuming flow state.

Of course hotter girls have more value and more options, so they will hook up with you less often. This is just how it is. The hotter the rarer. To consistently sleep with hot girls you need to play a serious social and status game. You gotta intice them with more than just a date. You have to build an elite social circle which you can invite them into, which offers them status and other perks. The hottest girls are often chasing high status. So that's the bait you must use to catch them consistently. You do that by building an elite social circle and hosting your own social events like parties, fancy dinners, social outings, etc. And then you invite girls not for dates but to your exclusive social events.

You have to realize that once a girl is in the 8/9/10 level of hotness she is basically in model territory. That means she can make lots of money just from her looks. And such girls will use that to get free shit. They make a whole lifestyle out of milking their looks. Free parties, free travel, free dinners, free events, etc. So if you cannot offer that then why would they sleep with you? You're just one of 50 dicks who surround her every week.

so then build a lifestyle that most people don't lead as it's reserved often for people of excess wealth?

how does this help a guy in his 20s who has a university degree, works in a junior position in a national office of a global firm, and earns 30k a year? and has hot co-workers on a similar level to him? 

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I am certainly ugly to some groups of people, and I don't tell someone they are ugly because I know I could have been in their place and even worse. If you're ugly, don't give a fuck about what others say or don't take it personal, and if you're beautiful, remember you can always lose that or are not entitled to it. Both bullshit themselves in different ways, and most of them don't realize that sometimes being ugly or beautiful is universal for all and sometimes not, which they can also use to justify why others are ugly or beautiful. So, whether you're ugly or beautiful, you can't trust anyone to know what you really find ugly or beautiful, however convincing they might be.

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Posted (edited)

13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The only reason I brought it up was because someone here was claiming that all Russian women are hotties. Which is not the case.

They are definitely not

And those that are suffer from the same problem that hot girls face everywhere - they are typically very dumb

I don't know why we have such a craze for russian girls on this forum. If you are fairly high in your development they are overrated

Edited by Hello from Russia

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Posted (edited)

12 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

we have such a craze for russian girls on this forum.


2 guys != a craze.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Russian girls are almost always hot, even when they are not. 

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Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter // Full time Restful Cube living on government welfare 

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Hot women are overhyped. 
Sure, it's good to date people one finds attractive. But looks aren't everything in a partner. 

It's a bit infantile to want the hottest babe. For whom? One's ego? to show off to others? the point of dating is connection. it's about wanting a trophy. 

hot women are scummy people anyhow. the brain of every hot woman alive is just been warped by early life experiences of being spoilt due to looks. they assume others have to look up to them, and don't comprehend nor get give and take. they get their bfs and husbands to beat people up who don't look up to them. and they don't get they add to social situations and it's all about them. they assume they are "on top" in every situation, even when it's not warranted. 

Even if a hot woman was a passive angel, her looks would still turn me off on that basis. 

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1 hour ago, bebotalk said:

Hot women are overhyped. 
Sure, it's good to date people one finds attractive. But looks aren't everything in a partner. 

It's a bit infantile to want the hottest babe. For whom? One's ego? to show off to others? the point of dating is connection. it's about wanting a trophy. 

hot women are scummy people anyhow. the brain of every hot woman alive is just been warped by early life experiences of being spoilt due to looks. they assume others have to look up to them, and don't comprehend nor get give and take. they get their bfs and husbands to beat people up who don't look up to them. and they don't get they add to social situations and it's all about them. they assume they are "on top" in every situation, even when it's not warranted. 

Even if a hot woman was a passive angel, her looks would still turn me off on that basis. 

I completely agree with you.

Still, I'm sure you would agree that Russian girl's are by far the hottest 

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11 minutes ago, PenguinPablo said:

I completely agree with you.

Still, I'm sure you would agree that Russian girl's are by far the hottest 

No, i won't agree. they're nothing special, just one nationality out of many others. 

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, mmKay said:



If you notice they show all the young women as hotties in the skit, so Family Guy agrees that most Russian women are hot:P. Old women everywhere get ugly so this doesn't count. 

And even so, I still prefer growing old with a sweetheart babushka over a stern Anglo or Germanic grannie. 

It's not just about physical "hotness" it's a whole other dimension of feminine energy and grace. 

Edited by Vrubel

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On 3/15/2024 at 8:15 PM, Leo Gura said:


There is no such country. You are just blind to all the ugly girls in your country.

Go to brazil 

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