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About bebotalk

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  1. American conservatives are retarded. Carlson espouses infusing personal beliefs and inner thoughts as facts. And him professing his Christianity, whilst then literally in the next sentence he utters saying something very unChristian is funny asf. As in "I'm a man of God, I have trust in Christ. But I'd love to just beat the living shit about of that guy!" American conservatives have a collective critical thinking bypass.
  2. So people pay taxes for your student loans to just socialise? lol. talk about abusing the purpose of university.
  3. You seem to revel in creating narratives in your own head and assuming it's a fact. Humans are a separate genus - homo. Whilst we're part of the wider great apes family, all hominids (essentially upright walking ape descendants that have or haven't used tools) are in a distinct grouping of primates. Ever since hominids used tools, then this includes the genus homo. Which further incorporates ourselves (homo sapiens), the Neanderthals, homo habilis, homo erectus, homo heidelbergensis (believed to be our direct ancestor), etc. Genetic studies and just basic anatomical views shows we're related to chimps, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans. You'd have to provide firm evidence that we're not as such.
  4. It's surprising how much traction this movement got, and still gets. People don't see how some of the major shakers back then are now using their real names or have moved on (Eben Pagan). Or how 2011-esque PUA techniques were very shallow and hyper-specific. If a person isn't into bars or clubs, they're fucked. Using subtle insults to women makes you like them more.
  5. With respect, you're not going to be very objective regarding a close family member. It's like those mothers on TV who say their criminally-minded children are such "good kids". They actually believe it. Humans can be blinded and we're not computers. none of us. it's not how humans think or reason or process the world around us. So pretty women are not superior. they are not people who should be looked up towards. You'd probably use some spiritualist logic to disprove my point, when it's totally valid. People are biased. I am. Every human is! it's funny how spiritualist ignore facts to suit their own agendas, and claim to be "expert" at sociality. "the Sun is a ball of plasma" "cool, bruh, thanks for the fact!" "And humans don't think nor reason like computers" "NOOO! FALSE!!!"
  6. What's amusing here is the double standard. Apparently, it's fine for people to be racist. there is a right to be racist, as many would say. but this isn't extended to all prejudices. lol. Why not? Surely it doesn't take much mental energy to be consistent with one's values. I believe it's just how people were raised in their temples. their gurus/pastors taught them bravado and false confidence, so evidently they believe their attitudes are better off. No one person's perspectives are ever a "social benchmark".
  7. PUA was always bullshit. It was too focused on clubs and bars. Those aren't the only places to hang out in or engage in, or otherwise find women. It's a very hyper-specific ideology that cannot apply to all, so it's trash in that regard alone, amongst others.
  8. People enabling incels is the issue. they need mental re-orientation.
  9. PUA is as childish. Redpill is just a modern manifestation of such.
  10. so some edgelord guy who has an "alternative" economic system that he cannot implement and will just "say" it works? How do we ensure all have jobs or access to wealth without economic growth?
  11. Porn can be an addiction. Addiction happen via alleviation of boredom.
  12. hehehehe lol What makes you think you can "read me" like this? Odd that "wise people" have this level of social discourse. What else do you "think" you know? loooool. Your attempt to "scope" me will just lead me to being more abrasive than I normally would have been. I don't date. your inane and comically baseless assumption has no real merit. Moreover, what's Indian people's relevance here? I'm not Indian, nor do I think about them often. Your entire points are based on a misconception in your mind - Mr. "wise and expert communicator". As for Eliot Rodgers, I'm not dumb enough to assume any pretty woman owes me dating and sex. I'd further argue that people of integrity and decency can acknowledge "privilege" and overcome such. We're not slaves to our circumstances, and whilst circumstances control our lives we can overcome them. I've said numerous times that it's not about dating. It's about their overall toxic attitude. Nobody has to contend with them. It's not my fault they lack basic awareness, and that people can and will respond to their behaviour.
  13. I dont care if I look "bad" for these views. So what? people have dark views. If it is the "norm" that people can be racist, sexist, etc. then I don't see the issue. let people have bad views. Or will some pretty women (since they're the arrogant people who get to "decide" who has views or not) who gets off from being "human" and having prejudices? people are human. we're imperfect. maybe others should be consistent in their condemnation, or not assume they're "above" things. or "regulate" who does what.
  14. How are you so sure? I seldom date. Like you know my life and soul and intent.
  15. So are people in Gaza attracting that? Does this apply to all negative occurrences? Seems hard to believe.