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About BlessedLion

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    Nomadic Traveler
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  1. Yeah, even with that, seems extremely unlikely and improbable But who knows these days, it’s not completely off the table.
  2. Keep open the possibility that your subconscious fears (you said you’ve been fearing this since 2015) are showing up in your trips. It sounds like your falling into some paranoia imo
  3. Perfectly put. I had a friend with this mindset. He once set me an email about how much he loved to manipulate people and how good he was at it. It was the most psycho thing I’ve ever read. He ended up addicted to heroine and in jail with no friends left. Also, don’t be so sure about Karma. You really think God/The Universe wouldn’t input any kind of system for getting back what you put out? Leo doesn’t know everything and it’s unwise to just assume you can get away with fucking people over. Karma is real and it’s not a joke. Some people have such bad karma they end up living lives as schizophrenic homeless drug addicts who live in a literal hell everyday with no escape. They simply have to move through all that karma and suffer it. Suicide is not an escape and many traditions say just adds to your karma. Dont fuck with your Spiritual Karma. That’s no joke.
  4. I know we’ve had this conversation a few times Davino, but why the need for 5MEO to see your own Godliness? What about the path of natural awakening through yoga, contemplation and meditation? Then you can naturally begin to manifest as God in day to day life. Not just while being high on a chemical.
  5. Because deep down it’s what everyone truly longs for. There’s no escaping it All material, romantic, drug, sex pursuits are just a form of the pursuit of God, dissolution, Love. Most people just don’t know that actually going straight for God is an option. When we see or hear about people who attained our highest aspirations Love, Peace, and Fearlessness unconditionally it is much more inspiring than any egotistical king, celebrity, or war lord. In this way reality is fair in that the Truth wins, it’s the highest valued thing whether we will admit or not. Drake Taylor Swift Trump will all be as relevant as cat shit in a few decades. Christ will never become irrelevant
  6. Care to share any of the guides, masters you’ve found?
  7. What’s sad is all the businesses that are going to get wrecked by this. Not only that, the American consumers will just have to pay more for goods. These are our allies and neighbors and Trump is treating them like enemies. It’s extremely unwise. Tariffs are basically just adding on invisible price tags to people trying to do business. And all this to “enrich the American people” - that’s his reason! There’s no shame or even hiding it anymore.
  8. Of course Trump turns it into a political blame game. Absolutely spineless, no shame.
  9. Meme coins are a such way to go broke. Even alt coins are rocky right now. Bitcoin is a fucking beast tho
  10. I also see this will social media and all these platforms. It’s so silly. I owe them none of my time or attention when I can take a beach walk and dissolve into pure consciousness. Although, it’s all God. I can look, smile, and appreciate the play. But still socializing does require my focus and energy and I’m becoming more and more wise with where that goes I will add, having a bae is different. If you can find a chill Goddess who understands you like that. You can have sex and meditate with her and it’s a great way to connect to God. But the day to day socializing and dinner parties are so lame.
  11. I agree deeply with Leo’s post. In fact I’ve been contemplating this a lot lately. Similar to Leo, I’ve been fortunate enough to gain full autonomy and financial independence in my life. I stopped needing to work at age 28, I’m 31 now and can literally do whatever I want with my time. I’m completely free. I’m not a billionaire, but I also don’t have to work, because I’ve greatly simplified my life and live abroad. But I’m not like a broke hippie, I live very well, right now I’m in a private house on a ranch in nature by the beach. Anyways, I live in this village and it’s a highly social place, I’ve been doing about 5-6 months of deep spiritual work (a training) and upon finishing decided to go out and give the old ego some fun. I did pick up, went to dinners, talked to people on the street. Yeah on the one hand, it’s all God and there is beauty in relating and connecting. But also, it’s not nearly as satisfying as being alone and basking in the bliss of God Realization that I’ve cultivated over the last decade. Leos post is correct, if you truly raise your consciousness enough, there’s little that another human can say that really hits you as deeply, it becomes kinda…time wasting I guess. And it’s not a bitterness thing, I genuinely just don’t feel this loneliness or need to connect socially because I’m connected to God at all times, as consciousness and as others. I can sit at a restaurant and eat alone and from the outside I’m a guy eating alone but in truth I’m the whole restaurant and everyone in it. Call me full of shit but that’s the exact experience I had tonight. Pick up, parties, I’ll still do, I’m actually in a phase right now where I’m really going deep into parties to “burn through the karma” or at least see experimentally what’s actually there with my new level of consciousness so far what Leo’s said checks out love the post
  12. I’ve spent a lot of time in Brazil and dated many Brazilian women. I can fully say without a shadow of hesitation that they are by far the best women on the planet. And it’s not even close. They are fun, warm, sensual, caring, they actually appreciate the masculine, easy to talk to, have strong values, SEXY as fuck, and don’t take things too seriously. They are also fiery and wild in their own way but I also feel they are naturally drawn to more spiritual and deep ways of living and seeing life. Brazilian women are very tapped into their feminine energy (which is appreciated there) and they are the best in bed. Im actually dating a Brazilian now and its super chill, the sex is fire as well. I’ll be there for carnival in a month. Every time I am there I am amazed by these Women and they just continue to prove my point Keep it on the down low though I don’t want people to find out. If Western men knew what they were giving up and the shit their putting up with (western women) they would all be down there right now.
  13. The only thing psychedelics are good for is busting open the closed, materialistic, scientific mind. Then drop them and do the fucking work