The White Belt

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Posts posted by The White Belt

  1. I want to know what makes one of these magnetic, alluring mystics, different from somebody from the science and non-duality crowd. 

    Is it to do with depth of enlightenment?

    For example, folks like OSHO and Sadhguru are so alluring to many.

    Where as, not to be insulting, but guys like Peter Russell and Gary Weber seem to be great, but there is a blatent, yet not so obvious

    difference between these guys?

    Is it just personality? Or is it something different?

  2. I have ordered some shrooms, in the form of truffles.

    According the to website, the strength of the first lot I ordered are 3.5/5, and the second lot are 5/5.

    They come in 15 gram packets each, and they state that that is two servings.

    My previous experience with psychedelics are as follows; About 8 months ago I had a mushroom 'shake' in Thailand (I don't know how many grams of actual shrooms was in it), and about 7 months ago I had quite a potent Marijuana pizza in Laos. Surprisingly the pizza was a lot trippier.

    Anyway, some questions for my upcoming psychedelics experience:

    1. What is a good dose to take based on my limited previous experiences with shrooms?

    2. Do I need a sitter?

    3. Is it a good idea to do this with friends who aren't interested in personal development and may be nervous, or do to it alone?

    4. Is it a good idea to take it and then go to trip in a public place, I.E. a park?

    5. Is it a good idea to do this with people, including children, walking around, or being noisy outside of my bedroom or do I need to be totally undisturbed?

    6. Is it a good idea to engage in any activities such as meditation, self-inquiry, contemplation as I trip?

    7. Is it a good idea to get some YouTube visuals up to look at as I trip or is this a waste of time?

    8. Is there anything else useful you can think of to tell me?


    Excuse my naivety.

    When you answer these questions please don't take a shot in the dark. Select only the ones you know based on direct experience, or strong intuition.


    Many thanks! 


  3. 4 hours ago, Afonso said:

    All my friends and family tell me that I'm much more calm and not alive as I used to be. Since I started personal development and meditating, I've become more relaxed throughout my day. Before, I used to get all pumped up and speak a lot, scream, dance, do a lot of stupid shit at school, make a lot of jokes, being all over the place.

    Now, I find myself to be more centered and less excited. Is this something to expect from Meditation and Shadow Work?

    It's not that I feel bad or sad, therefore I'm calmer. It's just that it's my normal state now.

    Exactly the same has happened to me. People say that i'm so passive now. I was very silly. Maybe I just need attention a lot less than I used to. It's a good thing.

  4. When you actively invite awareness to the present moment, to aide you in something, such as becoming aware of the feel of a touch on the plates as you unload the dishwasher, the gravel under your feet as you walk in the park, the feel of the air on your face, then soon awareness will be no stranger.

    Invite it to be with you again and again and again, and eventually it will know it is an always welcome friend.

     Awareness will just invite itself, and it will help you to find passion, contentment, love, purpose as its gift to you, for giving it a warm and gentle invitation time after time.

  5. 1 hour ago, Martin123 said:

    @BeginnerActualizer Zeus descends from the skies, smashes your head in, pukes spiritual shit into your mouth and makes you suck his dick.

    Who else but @Martin123?! :x:ph34r::|xD 


    Guys, please note, that this is just a fun rhetorical question. I'm not contemplating doing it, just want to hear peoples input on my silly, random thoughts ;).

  6. E.G;

    I go to a Buddhist monastery, because I want to spend time learning how to hold my concentration, to meditate, to contemplate etc.

    This teacher tells me I need to shave my head. 

    I tell them shaving the head is an unnecessary dogma that I don't believe is necessary to progress on the spiritual path and that hair growth is a product of nature.


    What happens now?

  7. Some practical meditation questions.


    Please take the time to overlook and answer these questions for me to help me get the most out of my practice.


    What's better, to concentrate on a sensation, i.e, the breath, or to let the mind loose?

    If my mind wants to kick off, like a child, should I let it, or should I just focus on the breath?

    Should I have steel concentration or have a little leeway for the mind to do its thing? If I get lost in a thought story should I take that seriously, in the sense that I failed to keep concentrated or just return to the object of concentration and shrug it off? 

    Will trying to keep concentrated on a sensation rather than watch the mind, stir the mind more in my daily life? 

    Should meditation be an opportunity to let to mind run lose, in order to calm it a little for the rest of the day, or an opportunity to tell the mind, that it has is fun all day, and now it the time to concentrate on other raw sensations?


    By the way i'm currently reading Daniel M. Ingram's Mastering the Core Teachings of The Buddha. His first consideration is on concentration so that is what is inspiring me to right this.

  8. Thanks everyone for your inputs. Every one had valid points.

    I love having a platform to be brutally honest, I feel like nothing is a taboo here. It's a special forum indeed.

    I watched Leo's video today on moralizing for the first time, and I actually feel like maybe a large part of my issue is feeling as though I SHOULD be happy. Hey, i'm in another country, I can do this, and that, and I SHOULD be happy.

    Maybe I should just like go of that assumption. That I should be happy, and relax into whatever emotions come up at whichever time. I think this will be a help alongside what you guys are saying.

  9. After a few months of not missing a day of meditation, some self-inquiry work and general contemplation/reflectiveness, I keep getting these really old and never thought about memories. 

    They hit me and i'm like WOW, I remember that! The earliest i've gotten is probably like aged 3 years out. The freakiest part is that i'm never remembering as a first-person, but more of an observer.


    Anybody else?!

  10. Hey guys.

    All the time i'm looking for something to make me feel fulfilled and happy.

    I get all excited about a new thing or hobby, a new place to travel. I get into it, and then i'm back to feeling empty and unhappy.

    I traveled Asia, and don't get me wrong it was special, but there's always this underlying dissatisfaction, and then I look back on the memories of my trip, and I feel like i'd like to go back, but then I remind myself it wasn't all that, you know? It's like I can't appreciate things properly. Also i'm really bad at bullshitting myself into believing i'm enthusiastic and happy.

    Currently, i'm in Spain on a sort of exchange. Once again, it's nice to be here, but also I just don't feel like the happiness I imagined I would get is with me at all. It feels mundane. Everything does.

    Is the only way to break this cycle of chasing things, enlightenment?  

    Is there anything else I can do? Does anybody else feel this way often?



  11. @renegade_bee If this is truly it, the end, if you've given up; then you're truly free. If you have the money, get on a plane, go to Asia, go to a monastery and they will take you, free of charge. If you don't have the money, walk. Go to a homeless shelter, get a little job, save a bit of money for a flight and fuck off somewhere. Piss yourself whenever you feel like it, fuck it, who cares? You did it a lot when you were a baby. Go get a load of shrooms, trip your nuts off. You're talking about becoming a corpse soon. Fuck your parents, fuck your comfort, fuck it all dude. Seriously. Try being free before suicide, and if then you still want to leave. you're free to check out. Don't even feel bad for being suicidal, you don't owe anybody anything.