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Posts posted by levani

  1. 5 hours ago, Loving Radiance said:

    Insisting to be right on the matter is like the warlord insisting to be right in making you his slave

    no, universally i am not making anyone my slave, i don't want to... i value freedom like the guy or girl next to me bro.


    5 hours ago, Loving Radiance said:

    What would you have to believe to want to change the stick? How would it help you to change the stick? Answer that first before going to the questions below.

    ∵ she is my mom aka my best/only friend and to a certain degree her health impacts me bro, we don't live together but her emotional immaturity aka excessive weight will bother me if i communicate with her for in the future.


    honestly i don't really care about family, it's not one of my values or whatever (i think)


    1 hour ago, Nahm said:

    Responding instead of reacting


    1 hour ago, Nahm said:

    Inspecting instead of believing what doesn’t even feel good



    yeah bro, i see what you mean, i'm going to re read that a few times innit see if i can make sense of the full thing

  2. @Kalo

    5 minutes ago, Kalo said:

    Meditation is shallow. I wouldn't waste my time on it. 


    5 minutes ago, Kalo said:

    Take high enough dose and surrender, let go. That's the way

    maybe, but anyway i don't understand this "letting go"


    this whatever happens, happens type of thing is shallow itself i think, when the ego is at play, i think it won't "let go" so east brudda

  3. 7 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

    Ordinary and extraordinary seems to be the best way to describe it. ❤

    @VeganAwake that's titties bro, so definitely hasn't happened yet, when didnit happen to you and how would you describe it ? and how does one have an awakening ?

    4 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

    lets end all of your pretending even with this no "me" and Everything else

    i don't get it too bro

  4. 4 hours ago, Loving Radiance said:

    Imagine a red warlord imposing his will on you and making you his slave because he thinks it is the best for you and him. The dynamics are the same - can you see you do this with your mother (to a lesser degree)?

    yeaaaaaaa fuck i can see now... this is a good analogy, but bro i know nahm will hate menfor this but my perspective IS right, i know there is no right or wrong and there is no "me" but he doesn't understand that I don't understand that so for now my small self (which is all i know atm) believes that i am right but i see the analogy with the warlord, that is the closest to what makes sense.


    5 hours ago, Loving Radiance said:

    Thats why I wrote "being level".

    what's "being level" ?

  5. 5 hours ago, Michael569 said:

    Your mom or the other people do not see your attempt to help as an attempt to help but as an attempt to sabotage

    this is helpful bro, but still even out of the blue, fresh day i come down and the "negativity" aka "me trying to help them with life" with my perspective sort of wants to radiate from me


    5 hours ago, Loving Radiance said:

    I know you want the best for your mother. If you cannot help her, you can return to loving her as beautiful & perfect (being level) as she is right now.

    but she isn't, she's purposeless and killing herself with all the food that she eats as a replacement for her emotional immaturity... god this isn't easy lol


    4 hours ago, Nahm said:

    Imagine being sea level looking through a telescope at the top of a mountain and claiming “I am stuck in the mountain!”. Then picture someone saying “put down the telescope”. And you says “I can’t I’m stuck in the mountain!”. 

    Awareness of a belief can’t truly be said to be stuck in a belief. 

    The apparent sense of superiority & importance is an illusion. 

    the whole life i'm living and typing from is an illusion too though innit

  6. lately i've been having trouble, i feel unease when someone says something which I think is incorrect, particularly my mom, like for example if she is trying to lose weight and she starts applying resistance/discipline to it and i know it won't help her, i feel like i should say something but i know if i tell her to apply intuitive eating (meditation), awareness and acknowledging her emotional immaturity, all of which are the actual cause of her weight problem, she will not believe me, and other small things too, i know judging is wrong but somehow it feels like i'm doing it? Other scenarios pop up like people talk about politics or something about death or love and they completely do not understand what those are or how they work and a part of me feels uneasy and wants to explain to them but even if i do they reject/stay in their materialist, dumb incorrect paradigm (again i know there is no such thing as right and wrong, but there is such a thing as right and wrong!) and i know that if i think some people's perception is wrong that is unhealthy, that's why i am writing this, to seek help in a way.


    i understand my perception isn't the best/most accurate (or maybe i don't) but i know my view is better/more correct as shitty as it sounds ∵ I was in their shoes before and some of these people are 2/3x my age


    what i want is to just enjoy life and have fun at all times, smile and laugh at all times but something isn't allowing me...



  7. @Shmurda mad, yeah bro we pay well, in different ways to different services, can't really get into it here but the more unique the service that someone provides the more they get paid, or aka the more value they provide the more they get paid and shit


    @hyruga yea broo, airbnb fucked you and your whole industry (hard)

    @Yahya you should find likeminded people and open one of those unique stage green/yellow schools