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Posts posted by tuckerwphotography

  1. 4 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

    Ime; this issue of 'are there others' arises prior to self-transcendence. One must be able to make distinctions in order to see it all as One. 

    It is important to be conscious of what we identify as - at any given moment. If I identify as just a person, with my name, gender, etc; then I'm clearly not embodying God consciousness. And I do not experience reality as God. Telling myself, in that state, that it's all just my imagination and nobody besides me exists would be delusional and quite frankly; psychologically damaging.

    However; If I was to truly transcend that identity and rise to a 'place' where there is only God and nothing but God; then it would all be perfectly clear. Without me needing to tell myself that there are no others and it's all my imagination. 

    My point is; know where you are and who you are. Be true to that. It all comes down to how conscious you are right this moment. Not what you think about it.

    Honesty is key. 

    @ivankiss Well said. Wise words.

  2. On 1/9/2021 at 7:36 PM, Inliytened1 said:

    And when you finish being you, you will experience being "them" . 

    @Inliytened1 How do you know that you will experience being "them"? Why can't others just be an imagination, and consciousness will never actually embody those characters, instead they are just illusions in this one character's life which consciousness is embodying?

  3. I had my first experience with Ayahuasca. A romantic relationship fell apart the morning of the ceremony, so I thought for sure it was going to be a rough ride. But instead all I experienced was pure Bliss. 

    The best way I could describe it is a Cosmic Orgasm. I was nonstop giggling and at times bursting out in laughter for hours upon hours. It felt like I reached the last level of the video game called Life, and I was let in on the cosmic joke. I became Infinite Mind, seeing how everything is just this Thought which leads to this Thought which leads to this Thought, on and on for infinity. The line that kept being repeated was, “This is it. This is it. This is it.” Meaning, this right here right now, is all there is. There is nothing else but This. This is it. Every time I “got it” felt like an organism, not in a physical/sexual sense, but like Bliss was enrapturing my entire being. Words fail to describe it, but it’s impossible for me to conceive of any greater, higher or more potent form of ecstasy. There was live music being performed during the ceremony, and it was like angels from Heaven were engulfing my entire world. I will never experience more beauty in my life - it’s impossible to conceive how anything could be any more Perfect. 

    I’m not really familiar with the concept of Infinite Mind. But that’s definitely what it felt like I became. Just pure Imagination creating Reality one Thought at a time. Not “thought” in the regular ego sense, but Thought in the Cosmic sense, like pure creation. 

    If anyone has any insights (or if Leo has any videos) that might help explain more in-depth what I experienced, please let me know. I have two more ceremonies coming up this week, so we’ll see what unfolds next :)

  4. 5 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:


    Or maybe green is just content with healing the members of its commune & living separate from society while not concerning itself about the continued enslavement of people by the system.

    @Loving Radiance That hasn't been my experience of the people here. Most seem genuinely concerned with what's happening outside of this bubble, but that's where the conspiracy theories galore kicks in. Evil cabals of aliens vaccinating us with microchips to control our every move, etc etc. Many of the otherwise Stage Green people here come razor close to classic far-right ideologies. Like my friend who sent me this meme earlier today, lol.


  5. 12 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:

    @Husseinisdoingfine "The people on the news lie to us. We see through them. They keep us in the system which corrupts the world. Let's live in our own little commune outside the system, cause every action in the system feeds the system."

    I'm currently at a Stage Green spiritual community, and this is verbatim what people say here on the regular. It's a conspiracy theory to not believe in conspiracy theories here, lol.

  6. @Leo Gura Yeah, I looked into Mooji's ashram which also has tons of critiques floating around it, but I still want to go :) If it doesn't feel right when I'm there, I can always leave. That said it's probably healthy to be aware of the shadows before going there, so I'll research Shunya a bit more before making any decisions. 

    12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @tuckerwphotography Be careful of the trusting gossip from unknown people.


  7. Hopefully more places like the Future Thinkers Smart Village will be created in the coming years and decades. I'm at a healthy Green intentional community right now in Costa Rica. Some people are beginning to dapple into Yellow territory, but by and large I've found it very hard to introduce Yellow concepts as Green tends to dismiss them as overly intellectual and too rational. It's been frustrating to deeply connect with people on an emotional level but to feel so underwhelmed on a values/perspectives level.


  8. I'm at a GREEN spiritual community in Costa Rica right now, and I've been surprised by how rampant conspiracy theories are here amongst people from all over the world (not just Americans). The base operating perspective is that if you DON'T believe in conspiracy theories than you are either insane or completely brainwashed by mainstream society. 

  9. Sending so much love your way, @Preety_India. I know it's impossible to see now, but perhaps the tiniest smallest sliver of you can rest in faith knowing that one day everything you're experiencing right now will be a great gift and blessing designed to help you heal, transform and grow in ways that are impossible to imagine in this present moment. Hang in there, my friend. Some good advice offered by fellow Actualizers. 

    When I was in a really dark spot post-breakout a couple years ago, I started seeing this coach/therapist named Deborah Wilder. She's more like an Angel. You can book a free 30 min consult with her to see if you resonate. I've recommended her to all my closest family and friends, and everyone has had really beautiful experiences. 


  10. 8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Yeah, that's life in a nutshell. On the one hand you want to be selfless, on the other hand you cannot because it would kill you. So you're stuck somewhere in the middle.

    The only thing capable of truly unconditional Love is Infinite Consciousness. Anything less will be a lesser manifestation of love. Form and finitude itself limits Love.

    Thanks, this is actually really helpful to hear. Reminder that I shouldn't try to be something that's impossible to be while still embodied as a human. [Sigh of relief]

  11. 18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Orange likes to not go far enough on economic issues.

    @Leo Gura What's an example of what you mean by this?


    21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Don't forget, Bill Maher is a Boomer. You can't expect too much from him. He's not gonna be a foaming at the mouth socialist. For a Boomer he's doing all right.

    Agree. Maher represents the common sense no bullshit wing of the left which is always refreshing and much needed, IMO.

  12. The Bill Maher clip is classic ORANGE/Green thinking GREEN has gone too far. From a Green/YELLOW perspective, I tend to resonate with Maher's overall point, yet I also see his arguments tainted by judgement and condescension as being likely counter-productive to his goal. Will be interesting to see how it all plays in context of the Democratic Party. At some point it will probably be overthrown by GREEN like Trump did with Republican Party. Bernie came close but the country wasn't ready yet. I only hope that when this does happen it will be by a Bernie-like character who has broader appeal beyond GREEN and not a social justice warrior type of who will be highly polarizing and push the country to the extremes in ways that backfire. 

  13. I met a woman recently who I feel a great amount of love for. She brings out aspects of myself that I enjoy, and I find we have great chemistry together. We are not currently in a relationship but are becoming close friends. 

    As I contemplate the love vibes arising in my awareness, I notice a few things:

    -I oscillate between truly wanting what’s best for her aka whatever she wants for herself (unconditional love) and wanting to have my own needs and desires met (romantic love). I’m very aware of this and can tell when my ego is regressing into attachment.

    -There are many qualities that I’m projecting onto this woman that I know are classic shadow projections, aspects of myself that I see in her which I want to grow in myself, like confidence, playfulness, presence, etc.

    -When I’m in a place of unconditional Love, I don’t really feel any sexual energy. It’s strange, almost like that energy is transmuted into some higher form. Instead I just see how beautiful she is, like a deeply soulful work of art.

    -Being “in love” is different than simply being Love. One feels like a Dream character desiring another Dream character, and the ladder feels more unconditional, like a deep gratitude for the immense beauty and wholeness of this individual arising in Awareness. 

    -Meditating becomes significantly harder when I’m “in” love. More difficult to remember that I AM Love. I find thoughts and emotions about this woman become much stickier and harder to witness without getting absorbed in the content. 

    -While I love being “in love” I also feel the deep suffering and pain of this desire, especially since the prospects of us entering a romantic relationship are currently low due to the fact that she just ended a longterm relationship and is still processing that grief. 

    -My deeper desire is to Be the unconditional Love that I feel for her when I’m at my best, embodying that same level of Love in all my interactions with all beings. I trust that the Universe has created this situation to be a teacher for me on the nature of Love, and yet at the same time this Dream character ego also just wants what he wants, and I’m trying to practice acceptance of that rather than repressing these feelings or forcing them into some artificial “elevated” state. 


    Any thoughts or suggestions on how to balance romantic desires vs spiritual pursuits in the context of Love would be much appreciated!

  14. 11 minutes ago, Fadl said:

    I respect your opinion but my question is how do you know that? I’m not talking about their funny hats or their hair style, I’m talking about their principles. 

    @Fadl Hasidic Jews are textbook stage Blue. Read the description of Blue below then watch the videos you posted and decide for yourself. Certainly there's also aspects of Purple, Red and Orange present, but the community as a whole is SOLID Blue.


    Blue “Order” vMEME

    After the very individualistic Red vMEME, the next level goes back again to the more community-focused orientation. The Blue “Purposeful/Authoritarian” vMEME, as the fourth “awakening,” began about 5,000 years ago. The basic rules for the Blue vMEME are:Life has meaning, direction and purpose with outcomes determined by an all-powerful Other or Order. This vMEME brings discipline to the spiral because you are now “following a higher order.”

    The characteristic beliefs and actions of the Blue vMEME include:

    Sacrificing of the self to the transcendent Cause, Truth, or righteous Pathway.

    Allowing the Order to enforce a code of conduct based on eternal, absolute unvarying principles of “right” and “wrong”—there is one right way to live and deviations from the path are punished.

    Following the right path produces security now and guarantees future reward; if you don’t follow the path, well, you’ve made your choices.

    Displaying missionary zealotry, which can be short on evidence and long on belief and faith, as well as closed minds. When you run into people with very rigid thought structures, you are dealing with someone who is residing at the Blue vMEME.

    Engaging in pleasurable acts is seen as frivolous; humor is rare; actions are based in judgment not compassion, although there is a lot of talk about compassion.

    Operating from a fundamentalist, conventional, traditional, and conformist worldview.

    Where do you find the Blue vMEME expressed? The following provides a sample:

    Christian and Islamic fundamentalism, Puritan America, Dickensian England, Singapore’s strict discipline, witch hunts, codes of chivalry and honor, the Spanish Inquisition, the caste system in India, Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life, Boy and Girl Scouts, and patriotism.

    The Blue vMEME includes 35% to 40% of the world population, and 25% to 30% of the power. The figures are somewhat lower in the United States.

    The following provides more detail about the typical qualities seen in the Blue “Order” vMEME.

    Characteristics: Only one right way; Purpose in causes; Guilt in consequences; Sacrifice for honor

    Decision making: Orders from authority; Do right, obey rules; Adhere to tradition; Righteous earn spoils

    Education: Truth from authority; Traditional stair steps; Moralistic lessons; Punishment for errors

    Family: Seat of truths and values; Proper places for all, respect for parents; Codes of conduct; Teaches moral ways

    Community: Peace-and-quiet; Cautious and careful; Tidy, green, and neat; Born into society

    Life space: Law abiding citizen, Places for everybody; Seeks peace of mind; Rewards to come

    The Blue vMEME is one the core constituencies of the Republican Party and comprises the “moral majority” in the United States today.