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About Dwarniel

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  • Birthday 10/29/1992

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  1. If I see some traits of Feminism as a threat or unfair is because I´m biased?
    If I see some traits of Feminism as a threat or unfair is because I´m biased?
    Women had less rights because for the majority of mankind's evolution the state of consciousness was so low that physical force determined rights and power hierarchies. Survival was unbelievably brutal and physical. The strongest dominated the weakest and established "rights" and rules which served them.
    But now we are starting to move away from brutal animalistic survival and now the physical strength difference between men and women is becoming less and less important.
    It is not a matter of men deciding to give women rights, but rather the entire species is evolving in consciousness and society is developing hard and soft infrastructure which allows for non-violent means of existence. This is not a process anyone controls. Men do not control it. Both men and women are puppets of larger evolutionary forces which drive the entire universe towards greater consciousness and love. Those who are physically weaker are treated with more compassion. This is true not just of women but children, the sick, the disabled, the mentally ill, animals, the environment, etc.
    Once you are conscious enough it is no longer tenable to dominate others even if you happen to be physically bigger or stronger than them. It hurts your own consciousness to do so. Ego is slowly realizing the existential equality of all beings by looking past the material differences -- which are not fundamentally important.
    Rather than seeing all this as a fight for rights, see it as an expansion of consciousness, love, and self-identity.
    If you were highly conscious and had high Self-Love, you would not have a desire to dominate anyone, even if it gave you some temporary material gain. The material gain is inferior to Selflessness.

  2. Jordan Peterson is in no way 'profound'.
    Jordan Peterson is in no way 'profound'.
    JP carefully avoids serious discussions of policy. He's focused on culture wars to distract from real issues like corporate corruption, environmental destruction, military-industrial complex, gross income inequality, gerrymandering, voter suppression, suppression of unions, anti-trust violations, etc.
    Because in his world these are not important issues. His world revolves around silly happenings on college campuses. You can't make a good career out of talking about serous policy issues. It's much easier to make a career out of being a cultural warrior who wages a lesser Jihad.
    The fundamental conservative position is that things are basically fine if we just return to the way things were and stop rocking the boat with progressive ideas. The need for structural reform isn't evident to them because they are busy defending the system to which they have hitched their identity.
    A Christian doesn't see a need to reform Christianity, he sees the evils of Islam instead.
    A scientists doesn't see a need to reform science, he sees the evils of religion instead.
    A democrat doesn't see a need to reform the democrat party, he sees the evils of republicans instead.
    This is classic self-deception: create a distraction by projecting the problem outward at some scapegoat. Meanwhile, no deep self-reflection is done and no real internal structure change is made -- which his exactly what the ego wants.
    JP doesn't want to seriously investigate the structural limitations of capitalism. So he scapegoats liberals as Neo-Marxists which creates a loud flashy sideshow that draws in a crowd of mouth-breathers who also have no interest in a deep analysis of capitalism. As that would actually require some mental and emotional labor. It would be scary and unsettling to admit that maybe you are part of a corrupt and mindless capitalist regime that perpetuates the needless suffering of millions. Especially if that regime earns you good money and feeds your children.

  3. A list of +300 documentaries of a wide range of topics
    A list of +300 documentaries of a wide range of topics
    Another list of the newest documentaries that I just found
    Some really interesting stuff there, and most links are still working

  4. Resources
    A list of +300 documentaries of a wide range of topics
    I think this was shared somewhere in the forum way before, but I thought it would be fitting to repost it here, enjoy.