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  2. Happy birthday Leo
  3. Oh right! Before I forget: The Jewish state and the alt right Zionists retaliated against GB army after they were trained, and after they knew that GB wanted to divert the flow of Jewish immigration onto Palestinians. Can we expect a reasonable chance there'd be resistance similar to this if America decides to reign in Israel?
  4. 😂😂 The most toxic and cult-ish meme I have ever seen.
  5. I don't think it's genetics.. There's just bound to be at least periods where you have almost no interest with the outside world (except the rare souls you might find). And a period of, well shit literally I cannot find anybody here that can understand me. And maybe eventually arrive at some occupation/paid work that can tie your spiritual progress together. I mean you don't know how Leo really lived his life, he prob also had periods where not much "money making work" was done if you know what I mean. I mean he already set himself up with actualized so seems like to me most of the later stuff was done after he had already gotten the financials taken care of.
  6. @MellowEd That's a lot of counties threatened by Israel...IDK how America will handle this.
  7. Israel is a hard-necked people that defends against terroists. Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves. America will fight in the upcoming world war and suffer heavily.
  8. Do you think another court case right now would make any difference? Do you think there is more evidence of a genocide now?
  9. @Davino Well IMO this hyper mind is just a hyped mind, yes pretty different but there's little practical value of a hyper mind. Realistically nobody here or in a group is going to have alien minds in our lifetime, maybe neural link but nothing that is mass psychedelic, which is fine and good because I don't want to get into a car accident just because I suddenly have alien mind.
  10. Starting a nuclear program in the 90s would have been the best decision any country could have taken. You never know where the threat comes from. So taking a defensive position and preparing for it is pretty sensible.
  11. @Jodistrict It's not that John Mearsheimer is being misquoted, it's that we're seeing a pattern and implying from it that it's this doomer mentality and apocalypse story. I technically agree here that Mearsheimer is also inferring just like us, and is commenting that things will get worse.
  12. Thank you for your response @mmKay, I have found a lot of info and motivation to figure it all out in your Chelation Journal I ultimately decided to do a hair test since it's the cheapest way to get data, and feedback on the ACC facebook group is that I almost certainly have mercury poisoning. I just wanted some hint outside of my intuition to greenlight chelation as a worthy investment for me. I'm attaching my hair test result in case you have comments, which would be welcome
  13. Mearsheimer has an academic position but he's considered to be a kind of crazy laughing-stock. To give one anecdote, in the 90s he went around telling European countries to start nuclear weapons programs to counter the threat of a reunified Germany.
  14. @lina Okay, let's say you're right, we're all past arguing if or that is genocide, and Carthage really wasn't wiped out by Rome, fine. Okay, how do we move forwards from this though? First of all, if you say protesting is gonna do it, it's least likely. Netanyahu and cabinet still gonna move forwards with this war even with an unhappiness level of 10 points or below. Believe me, I've played enough Civilization games, mainly Civ 5 and UniCiv, that it's possible to send armies out even with an unhappy population. Also, considering the geopolitical and geographical nature of this conflict, sorry but Israel functions as a beach head onto middle eastern growing powers from which western powers can exert some influence, so they aren't going to not stop being relevant one way or another.
  15. lol. I did actually. But the mind kept worrying about the end of times and the Apocalypse and the sins i was committing so I had to turn to Spirituality to try and make amends and to get it right so I don't burn in hell. So all my dreams and aspirations just flew out the window even though i'm back where I started. So I'm just expressing those desires on the forum so I don't die with my dream still inside of me while I burn in hell.
  16. Ive had some serious injuries to my heart and head trauma with scars to show for it. It's a miracle I am alive. Ask God if He can heal you.
  17. Mearsheimer is being misquoted. He never gave a doomsday narrative. Referring to the global situation with all the conflicts, he said things are going to get worse. I think that is accurate unless the West gets better leadership.
  18. @Danioover9000Sure. I meant there is no point in sharing a LonerBox tweet regarding the meaning of the ICJ ruling because we're already past the point of arguing whether it's genocide or not. There is already a clear evidence; esp with the recent mass graves discovery. At this point a legal definition from a 3 month old hearing is actually useless.
  19. Lol. Must be, it's quite funny.
  20. @Princess Arabia Have you thought about screenwriting? You would make a good film or TV show, respectfully.
  21. @lina Definitions are important in discussions and arguing/debating because definitions establish common ground between arguers, establishes valid reasoning, establishes an exchange of ideas even though sometimes it can get heated. Without definitions enforced or even implied then language itself and communications break down. Might as well redefine Nazis as chocolate bars to sell in rave parties.
  22. @zurew who cares about definitions? We've reached a stage in which mass graves are being discovered and still some of you insist to argue. Both-Sidism no longer holds, it's past 6 months already.
  23. @Bazooka Jesus this one? or not? or this one? or that one? or even this one? I honestly lost the overview: Jesus... and where does the Bazooka come from? And since we are here happy nondualistic (and some even solipsistic) folks, who would rejects the validity of MellowEds statement that Jesus is God. Since there is only God...
  24. Yes, 20 mg is .02 grams as I said in my previous post.
  25. Humans are so arrogant. Thinking the world is about them. We are the only beings in existence that have to worry about sin and going to heaven and doing right and doing wrong, when the tigers are massacring each other the wasps are stinging people in the eye, the bugs are nuisances and pests, the cats are clawing out each others tongues, hurricanes are wiping out neighborhoods, the sun is causing cancer, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis are destroying the planet and not to mention cockroaches. We're the only ones who are fucking doomed if we don't follow the rules and convert to whatever we need to convert to. Where the only species who look like apes and gorillas and orangutans but they get a free pass to massacre each other and live a happy life eating bananas. We're the only ones that can figure out how to invent smart phones and tvs, and computers and the latest gadgets and use our intelligence to destroy the world but can't even figure out what thoughts are, and who am I, and what am I, and where did I come from, but we have to repent or else.....It's just another proof that nothing exist. So obvious.
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