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  2. Happy birthday legend!
  3. The pink haired guy is great. Very calm, fair and reasonable. Emily (the Jewish one) has indeed for a moment attacked Hassan too much when wasn't necessary, but she is quite right in her claims and most of the time answered to the point. Hassan kept repeating buzz words without explaining them. I understand he tried to show points about the Palestinian's problems that are real, but didn't succeeded much with that and always regressed to false slogans.
  4. Right to exist. If you are seeking such a context. That's what you'll get. Because what else are you capable of realising at the moment. It's basically like saying karma doesn't exist for the one who is aware. So, yes. You have to earn the right to live.
  5. @Raze I mostly agree in terms of arguing and debating, albeit the nature of arguing/debating is the arguer trying to establish frame control, optics, and be more persuasive and convincing, It was never about TRUTH, but the SURVIVAL OF YOUR IDEOLOGY VIA ARGUING. So yes I mostly agree the weaseling, dodging and deflecting and other fallacies Destiny strings doesn't paint him in a good light. Some people with a praising or level take on Destiny are those who are introduced and view his last 1-3 years and think he's so reasonable on just those years when the majority of his past is sketchy and very weaselly at best. Main problem is Destiny positions himself as a public figure with strong intellectual liberty and freedom when it's his entire career of public outrage and winning debates in the most bad faith way.
  6. Just look how delusional it is to think God wants to acknowledge itself.. so it's fallen low. Because God is lonely πŸ˜‚.
  7. @Bobby_2021 That's partly true to a degree, they're a type of liberal that's hard to neatly categorize. Important to not that not all blue hairs are made equal, exception being Destiny. Some blue hairs do support Palestine as well.πŸ˜‚
  8. What do you want to hear? Everyone is a hypocrite and the world is a shitshow.
  9. Happy birthday Leo! πŸ₯³
  10. If you are not willing to provide evidence for your claim(s) - then you need to walk them back its very easy. Don't make a claim that you are not willing to defend or just clarify that it just a guess or a belief of yours but nothing serious. The claim about "No one even takes the effort to go through the proof even if it's provided" is false and you and me had our debates in the past, and I showed you how your own source disagreed with you - that clearly demonstrates that I did gave enough fucks to read through what you sent. But even if it is true, that most people won't go through your source , that doesn' t give you a free ticket to just make any claim about anything without any need to back up that claim. I can generate 100 false claims, but that doesn't mean that its on you now to disprove them - no I need to demonstrate how each of them is true. Throwing around sources is not an argument. Do you think if I provide you a 1000 page pdf and say "what about this" without clarifying where the relevant info is and without clarifying which example(s) I agree with and why, that automatically means that you need to disprove that whole 1000 page document? No, If I try to be good faith even the slightest - then I will at the very least make it clear if I agree with everything in the document or if not , then clarify which points I agree with so that the other side potentially won't waste time questioning points, that I don't even plan on defending. and If I try to be actually good faith not just slightly good faith , then I will spell out the arguments myself and then showcase which piece of evidence is connecting to which part of my argument - that way I can showcase that I actually did go through the document that I sourced, and I don't just want to make you engage with something ,that I haven't gone through myself . Now that it is clear that you agree with all of the examples in the video - we are going to go through step by step each of them. But first you will need to clarify what you mean by disingenious and extremely biased. For example: How do you differentiate between being unclear vs being disingenious?
  11. @Leo Gura I'm Sorry if I and other users seem it looked like I'm 'dragging you' into a Destiny drama, but you first interjected here: To my post below: ' Not necessarily. Someone can also be both intelligent and wisdom with some demagoguery, for example the Buddha was apparently really good at debating and convincing even spiritual masters in different circles and is also spiritually talented. IMO he's both wisdom and charisma mixed together. But I agree Tucker's obviously a demagogue with little intelligence and self awareness. Just like Destiny Divorcelli.' It felt like you were attacking me first and I had to defend myself there. Also, if you don't want to get dragged into drama, then you have to do some research yourself into the character that is Destiny then. I assume when you say 'From everything I have heard Destiny say, he has reasonable, grounded, and nuanced positions, moreso than most leftists.' what is this based on? the last 2-3 years of Destiny? Because I'm an ex fan of his for roughly a decade and I can tell you straight up he is being deceptive here intentionally, intentionally disingenuous here! 'You don't have to agree with him on everything to acknowledge that. Destiny does a good job of understanding conservative positions, unlike much of the left who act like the left is always correct no matter what.'. Again, on what basis do you have to say this? Because it's one thing to be genuine but it's another thing when a person is being deceptive and intentionally charismatic and rhetoric and optics secure to say all that just for the clicks and views and public support. Destiny is actually not for the TRUTH, but Destiny's whole game is to ALWAYS win arguments and ensure the survival of his IDEOLOGY.
  12. The opposite side probably thinks the same. Can't they also act out?
  13. Truth needs no defense. If I say the word "the" 1000x, or if I say 1000 words, the difference would be repetition. If I keep saying the same thing about a particular thing, that's not having a lot to say about that particular thing. I respond to questions being asked and comments being made.
  14. I will repeat my answer in a shorter form: Right-wing governments require an opponent, they require an enemy. They need to think of themselves as heroes. They cannot accept or process the opposite of this because it breaks their worldview, and their ability to remain in power. All the countries you just named have right-wing governments: Germany: USA: France: Netherlands, You'll have to settle for articles here: Example 1 | Example 2 You'll struggle to name a country that doesn't have a far-right government. People don't even realize it. They exist there are just not many. *Thank you for getting closer to the point though. Its much better than these people are bad, these people are good. That's just the same old cycle of uselessness.
  15. Thank you! I will be sure to watch! And thanks leo, for making the video! Yeah, i hear you. I recently had a talk with a new friend and she said have you been hurt recently by someone? I reflected on her comment a bit and i was inferring she said that because my heart was a bit closed. I'd been getting comments like that recently. After reflecting a bit I was like yeah, i have been hurt, would make sense why my heart may have closed up a bit. It feels that way. So been working on forgiving and opening my heart back up, and I'm feeling less blocked and my heart more opened.
  16. @Vrubel Sorry, but if you represent Israel it's a disgusting place then if they have to lie to themselves this deeply.
  17. have you forgotten to take your pills today ? @Schizophonia
  18. The Jewish women. For women, it's more excusable to act out a bit I understand her but arguing with loudmouthed idiots is a game that's not winnable.
  19. I can touch a pencil, can you touch an emotion. That's what I mean when I say physical. Everything is imagination. But this is not about that, and I don't want to turn this into some existential Spiritual convo. So I'm trying to stay as practical as I can. Muscles is energy. It's all energy. I won't even begin to dissect this one and leave it at that. The only thing I'll say, though, is that it is still energy responding to energy. I don't go to the spa, but I've had personal massages and I love them. The person doing the massage can feel the tension and also the person receiving them. Emotions can appear to be stored in the body and can appear to be released through massages. It's energy flowing through the body.
  20. I was hinting at our tendency to conflate self-survival with happiness. The latter seems to be independent of circumstances. Still, not sure what it is.
  21. btw @Leo Gura i imagine hyper-mind to be more advanced than the unitive mind (of the nine stages of ego development), if that's the case can you make an entire episode explaining hyper-mind ?
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