
Sorry, but yes, Death is the End.

136 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Let me explain to you why my post is not irrelevant. If you truly truly were conscious you WERE ACTUALLY GOING TO DIE would you keep repeating the same personality and karmic patterns all your life?

I get you. I also agree. I should have said irrelevant in what way, because I didn't mean irrelevant on a general scale or just in general, but compared to the big picture. 

Know thyself....

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On 22/02/2024 at 8:16 PM, Javfly33 said:

This is a game you do not win

Because you’ve already won. You won before you won now and you won later. The most perfect, the most loving and the most amazing thing you’ve created for yourself.  @Javfly33 I hope you can join a taste this. Enjoying the infinite number of beings infinitely winning forever.

Also reminds me of what’s happened to Leo in the past he keeps having awakenings where they feel like the top total awakening. He won in life and there and there is no greater thing to do. yet somehow out of the infinite will of God, he wins again, and reaches the end again, and bathes in the unimaginable, glory, and joy of that. Somehow greater than before yet still the end, still the ultimate winner.

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Exactly, be enlightened doesn't mean that you know anything. If fact I'd say that "know" must be removed. Same than understand. Is to open now to what is, and realize that it's what you are. Simply that. then you can remove the circumstance from what you are, all the meaning, and discard it as a mental illusion, and be left with the bottomless present that is. totally empty of any content, without meaning, sense, purpose, cause, finality. It's only now, bottomless.

but there is also something else. There is a strange, powerful, living revelation. If you penetrate into the bottomless now and open yourself to it, the force of what lives opens in you, it is like a source of unlimited energy, of creation. intelligence of a power that blinds, that destroys your mind and disintegrates all your structures to manifest its magnitude and its absolute reality. It is the cosmos that lives, monstrously alive. Is that an illusion? I don't think so, seems absolutely real, is the infinite manifestation, as absolute than the empty being. what do you think? Deceived?

The Infinite Reality/Universal Mind/Being is in nondual unity with its (temporarily and always changing) appearing manifestation. Since there is no constant object (none, it all is in flux and changes), one could call it temporary illusion. 

The Infinite Reality/Being containing and manifesting/imagining it (like dreamer in a dream) is the constant, although it literally is formless. Yet, it has the potential for the illusion/manifesting creation, and also for awareness/sentience/self-consciousness. And that potential awareness becomes consciousness/self-aware if manifestation happens.

So yes, all you write is correct. Although you separate the  empty Reality" bottomless present that is. totally empty of any content, without meaning, sense, purpose, cause, finality. It's only now, bottomless" a bit too much from its manifestation/form, which you mention as " It is the cosmos that lives, monstrously alive. Is that an illusion? I don't think so, seems absolutely real, is the infinite manifestation, as absolute than the empty being. what do you think?". I dont't know if I got you correctly and if you mean it like that, but it reads like that. The manifestation is as real or unreal as anything else. It is temporary, not constant, so in the end illusion/appearance and not "out-there". But "real" as appearance.

The potential to manifest is the potential of Reality itself. But it doesnt need to do that to be. What it is for sure is temporary and changing. Reality/the essence of True Infinite Being is not changing. Although it is formless.

Most often: Reality = formless Reality/Being + manifestation

also possible: Reality = formless infinite Reality/Being + NO manifestation (cessation, Deep sleep)

not possible: Reality = no formless infinite Reality/Being + manifestation

The question is always: What is more fundamental. Or constant. Or timeless. Or always here. And do I identify with that on a deep level, in daily life (truly nondual then, and nobody separate home), or with passing arisings. The arising of (self-)consciousness is NOT constant, see for example deep sleep or cessation. Any form of I-feeling/I-thoughts (these can be very subtle) is non-constant arising, or not ones True-Self.

Any form of resistance to what is right here right now is also just false-separate-self/resistance/arising/illusion/ignorance. And if the not-from-this-earth- consciousness is also just an arising, temporary form of (self-)consciousness, and with that a manifestation in True Being/Reality.... well...


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18 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

question is always: What is more fundamental. Or constant. Or timeless. Or always here. And do I identify with that on a deep level, in daily life (truly nondual then, and nobody separate home), or with passing arisings.

What I wanted to say is whether it is possible and real to penetrate deeply into the nature of what arises and realize in part the structure and nature of the cosmos. the cosmos, what arises, is inevitable and absolute, or so I think. It is not a dream that appears on a screen, it is something more. I explained here more or less 


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I think there are two things. On one there is a reality, even Though is a proyection of the ego, so there is not solipsism. You can Talk to other people and assume they are real.

In other, i feel THAT is Still a limitation. Unitary reality/"Infinite Love", etc... Doesn't feel totally quite right.

Because merging with all beings Still is limitation, there is that thing that IS over there and i am merging with. And also to merge with other beings or things, there must be a so called reality (even Though It might be quantic, imaginary, or whatever), so there is a subtle fear Still of something Bigger than you existing).

The Next step feels Empty Bliss within Yourself. In that, there is no others, universe, other realities, povs, etc, you...etc absolutely nothing. 

IMO Empty Blissful Intense Silence feels better than merging with all beings. And it doesn't seem that you can have both things, you have to choose between a more limited experience but with more 'illusion' and a more unlimited experience but more 'empty' of whatever the mind has projected.

It seems The more you clean the house the better it feels xD

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Is death real and what's the evidence? 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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21 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Is death real and what's the evidence? 


@Someone here Is evident physical human body will die

Ego is based on physical body. 

Ego thinks is inmortal, is hilarious. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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6 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:


@Someone here Is evident physical human body will die

Ego is based on physical body. 

Ego thinks is inmortal, is hilarious. 

Do you really know that to be true or were you brainwashed by society and religion to believe in that?

Be careful. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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14 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Do you really know that to be true or were you brainwashed by society and religion to believe in that?

Be careful. 

hahahaha. Do you really think human body will work for ever?

Dude, it has an expiring date. Notice how the ego rejects this truth. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Javfly33 On what grounds are you making your claims? Source? Obviously you're still here, aren't you?

Edited by vibv

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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11 minutes ago, vibv said:

@Javfly33 On what grounds are you making your claims? Source? Obviously you're still here, aren't you?

Where are we?

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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20 minutes ago, vibv said:

@Javfly33 On what grounds are you making your claims? Source? Obviously you're still here, aren't you?

I´m just saying human body stops working at 90-100-110 years old at most. 

All that you know about yourself is body+emotion+thought/memory.

This 3 things will be absolutely gone soon. Each day ego is closer to totally disappear.

This is not a bad thing. Is the greatest news. Whatever the ego tries to do is useless. 

The Real Wins. The False completely loses. 

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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1 minute ago, Javfly33 said:

Are you guys tripping or something? As far as I know Elon Musk hasn´t still developed an immortality device for human body.

I´m just saying is obvious human body stops working at 90-100-110 years old at most.

All that you know about yourself is body+emotion+thought/memory.

This 3 things will be absolutely gone soon. Each day ego is closer to totally disappear.

This is a celebration for the Real. Bad news for ego. 

This is all nothing but a huge assumption with no base in your actual experience. Just admit it.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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Just now, vibv said:

This is all nothing but a huge assumption with no base in your actual experience. Just admit it.

hahahaha lmao.


Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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It can be healthy to have near-death experiences. Makes you appreciate life more and not take it for granted.

I AM nutz

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an ego is but a front row seat in the mind of god


He has not left His Thoughts! Rather you forgot His Presence and remembered not His Love. No pathway in the world can lead to Him, nor any worldly goal be one with His. What road in all the world will lead within, when every road was made to separate the journey from the purpose it must have unless it be but futile wandering? All roads that lead away from what you are will lead you to confusion and despair. Yet has He never left His Thoughts to die, without their Source forever in themselves.

He has not left His Thoughts! He could no more depart from them than they could keep Him out. In unity with Him do they abide, and in Their Oneness Both are kept complete. There is no road that leads away from Him. A journey from yourself does not exist. How foolish and insane it is to think that there could be a road with such an aim! Where could it go? And how could you be made to travel on it, walking there without your own reality at one with you?

Forgive yourself your madness, and forget all senseless journeys and all goal-less aims. They have no meaning. You can not escape from what you are. For God is merciful, and did not let His Child abandon Him. For what He is be thankful, for in that is your escape from madness and from death. Nowhere but where He is can you be found. There is no path that does not lead to Him (T-31.IV.9-11).


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54 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I´m just saying human body stops working at 90-100-110 years old at most. 

All that you know about yourself is body+emotion+thought/memory.

This 3 things will be absolutely gone soon. Each day ego is closer to totally disappear.

This is not a bad thing. Is the greatest news. Whatever the ego tries to do is useless. 

The Real Wins. The False completely loses. 

4 hours ago, Water by the River said:


Sure, that's our normal perception, then is structured by the mind to make a map of what existence is in the level that we can see. But the thing is that is possible to see deeper, open the doors of our perception. It's not just realizing that we are the unlimited, but realizing how the unlimited organized and synchronized itself. Many mystics of all times ve talked about reincarnation, their sight is long but sure still limited. Real mysticism is possible, deep perception too. I'm not talking about the....I don't know how to call, of watching some videos and then repit that im god imagining the reality, but about real opening. At least I will try to go to the deeper that is possible. The key is to understand how to start, breaking our limitations. I know that it's impossible to see infinitely, just to realize that the cosmos is infinite, but deeper you see, better, more beauty inside you

Edited by Breakingthewall

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21 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Sure, that's our normal perception, then is structured by the mind to make a map of what existence is in the level that we can see. But the thing is that is possible to see deeper, open the doors of our perception. It's not just realizing that we are the unlimited, but realizing how the unlimited organized and synchronized itself. Many mystics of all times ve talked about reincarnation, their sight is long but sure still limited. Real mysticism is possible, deep perception too. I'm not talking about the....I don't know how to call, of watching some videos and then repit that im god imagining the reality, but about real opening. At least I will try to go to the deeper that is possible. The key is to understand how to start, breaking our limitations. I know that it's impossible to see infinitely, just to realize that the cosmos is infinite, but deeper you see, better, more beauty inside you

Yeah with my insight or conclusion doesn't mean thats the end. 

But reminding me each day that the constant cycles of identity are useless, helps me, that there is one day the cycle ends.

When there is no brain memory or physical body, the Circus of this insane character that thinks is real ends.

nowing this Life is not of the ego, i think it helps to separate Yourself from It. 


Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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If this Life was unmarked by identity, that would be total freedom.

But right now this Life thinks is personal, is of a character. Then from that point, the character of course each day wants to make sure every thought and act is contained within the barriers of identity.

The ego steals the Life each day, but is nonsensical, how much life can It steal? How many days? The end of this constant robbery is coming, because body and brain has an expiring date. The False is not surviving. The more we remind him this, the faster he Will stop doing this nonsense.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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