Princess Arabia

Question For Any Enlightened Beings Here.

52 posts in this topic

@Keryo Koffathanks for your input. A bit complicated to read and understand in a flow state as i had to keep going back to register what I read to process it; but that's just your personal style of writing which I've noticed and it's quite interesting. You remind me of an intellectual autistic genius who would drive me crazy with all the complicated analogies and rhyme and reasoning that I would have to meditate on for days but loving every minute of it just from the mind getting stimulated in a way it's not used to. 

Know thyself....

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8 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

@Osaid how would you describe the difference (if any) between your realization and @VeganAwake?

How about you and @Galyna?

And how about you and @Moksha?

(No disrespect to any of you, just curious where you'd put yourself, if anywhere, please feel free to decline).

 I will reply soon.  I will write an article and tag you. it is a very lengthy response, and I have to lay it out in a proper way. 

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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9 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

You remind me of an intellectual autistic genius who would drive me crazy with all the complicated analogies and rhyme and reasoning that I would have to meditate on for days but loving every minute of it just from the mind getting stimulated in a way it's not used to. 

@Sugarcoat came up with a fun title: Semi-Awkward Mystic Autistic


I AM nutz

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Time and space once played a major role in how I defined what is "real" but those days are long gone.



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2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

@Sugarcoat came up with a fun title: Semi-Awkward Mystic Autistic


You guys are disturbing my inner Buddha. I never heard anything this accurate before... I ffeel...   ATTACHMENT .. to that title. Oh no! My years of ego-death gone to waste xD

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

@CoolDreamThanksI loved reading your post. It was like I went for a Spiritual joyride. I resonated with it deeply and some of the things you wrote I've also witnessed or experienced. One is looking for simple stuff at home and asking to show me where it is, and the next place I look it's there. That's a common occurrence. Also singing a song and turning on the radio and the same song is playing. Lot's of synchronicities and they keep coming because I acknowledge them out loud when I notice. 

Your whole expression of your experiences was a pleasure to read, thank you.


Feels like we vibing on a similar level now.

Let's enter the year of the Dragon and achieve what it symbolises in zen - awakening. 🐲🐉  


"Whoever has come to understand the world has found merely a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse, of that one the world is no longer worthy." - Jesus

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Not being in control sounds scary, yet notice how the need for control severely limits your openness to experiencing reality with clarity. It’s actually scarier to keep the door only partially open, as you’ll endlessly keep speculating and assuming what’s right in front of you. So open the gosh darn door and let the light in. Go from “I wonder if…” to wonderment!

And if your door is a doorless door, cool. Approach and open that too!

I AM nutz

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@Princess Arabia  So it seems a comment that the realization is inexplicable which you refer to as 'enlightenment' is an explanation that appears to already have become a stumbling block because the ego loves to rationalize everything into separation.

The ego sets up gates of entry, things to attain, steps to accomplish and many kinds of criteria all designed to keep us on the hamster wheel of activity to 'do' so we can 'get'.

The 'warning' as you called it is me describing how the ego behaves to prevent realization, which isn't useful once realized, not describing the realization itself.

My apologies for trying to add anything to this topic....carry on and ignore my comments.

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@Osaid  This is why I said describing it may not be all that useful because we all have a perspective of it that may not exactly reflect another’s perspective of it.

What you call subtractive another may call additive, you view it as removing something that separates from realization which another may view as adding something else that transcends the separation that prevents realization.

Another may view it as the realization that the thing being subtracted isn't really there, so it's not subtracting anything, it's finally viewing it as it really is. Or it's not really adding anything because what is always is and realization is not material to add or subtract.

Which is the reason I suggest descriptions of realization is trying to explain the inexplicable and often becomes a stumbling block to those that are experiencing the appearance of separation.

The milestones along the way on the journey meant to guide us often become the very things that mislead us from getting to the destination, and even to describe it as such may be a misdirection.

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Enlightened is not the word for me, enlightened would be Jesus, who would die on the cross voluntarily understanding perfection and having God in his heart and being one with god. This means that there is no resistance in him, he is one with reality, he flows with it and does not try to change it.

I want to change reality, I want to feel deeper the flow of life, the living reality that I am. I feel it 1000% deeper than 2 years ago,i have the constant sensation of the deep of the now, and I perceive this experience as a totally deliberate path. It is a gradual change, millimeter by millimeter, that brings you closer to home, to yourself, but there are always layers of falsehood, of fear, inherited, created by your experience, by the fact of being human, that cloud the depth of the now. Anyone who thinks they have it all , reached the bottom, in my opinion, delusional. few have faced human horror, violence and abuse accepting and understanding, the layers of human karma are deep, total openness, extremely difficult, a truly serious matter, cosmic, divine.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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3 hours ago, Galyna said:

 I will reply soon.  I will write an article and tag you. it is a very lengthy response, and I have to lay it out in a proper way. 

I read your report that you tagged from 2020, it was a joy to read. Very inspiring.

Know thyself....

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9 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Edit - another synchronicity, whilst I was typing Salvijus replied above. They never end. 😄


9 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Beautiful questions, seems like they are arising from genuine wonder.  

I've recently had a shift, not claiming to be enlightened, as I'm not sure if I am, but something rather significant did occur. 

It happened after reading Jeshua Letters (recommended by Salvijus from this forum), where Jesus spoke, and it felt like he spoke to me directly, that the main issue I have is that I do not trust the voice that speaks to me in meditation. He said that I get in touch with the Flow of Divine Intelligence, but my ego does not believe it and tunes it out. 

For example, in meditation the Voice said that there are 2 parts to the Self - the smaller, physical mind and the non-physical, infinite self and they can communicate. At first I didnt listen, because I thought that that's duality, but it turns out that it's not the usual type of existential duality.


He also said that the lower mind has to submit to the higher mind, as it doesn't really know anything, it has infinite questions but no answers. That's why my zodiac is Taurus - I have horns and I am stubborn, I do not submit and hold to my opinnions very strongly. I need to hide my horns and tame the bull, as in the Ox Herding Pictures. I even look like I have horns.. 

After I submitted and allowed the Higher Mind to Flow through me, all I got was answers and Bliss. Extreme Bliss. I had to stop driving and asked my friend to drive as I couldnt function properly.  

The Flow said that I wanted this dream, I wanted to live this exact life. He also said that he speaks to me always, through music, through actualized forum, through my friends. He is like a puppet master in this dream. The Higher Mind is awakening the lower mind and they are One.

He also said that I shouldn't go to a mountain to meditate, my path is that of living fully, of following my passion, of flowing with the Divine Mind to wherever it takes me. Trust and Faith is what is needed now. Maybe in the end I will go to a mountain, but not now.

These days I sleep less, I dance most of the day, I feel various levels of bliss, I feel connected to the Higher Mind. There is still some cowebs to clean out, but it feels like the physical mind finally accepted that it has to surrender to the Higher Mind.  

I began to experience mind-blowing synchronicities, where I literally put my head in my hands and say - whaaat? What the fuck is hapenning??? How is everything so connected? How does the spirit speak to me through this person exactly what I need to hear now?  How is he singing to me through the radio??

He also thought me the true way to manifest.  It's all vibration, so how do we shift it higher?

Vibration depends on:

Definition of reality - how you define it, so it is. If you see reality as a playground with infinite possibilities and the power to choose the one you prefer, so it will be. 

Definition of self. My current one is: the Son of God is playing a VR game called "Awakening and Creation"

State of being. Flow and Surrender is best. Drop all control, all past knowledge and listen. Get in tune with the Divine Current. Breathe deep and slow. Relax your mind. Be still. Do not seek. The lower mind has to relax and surrender. 

Listening and acting on guidance from the Higher Mind. Acting is a must, as we are physical beings. If we don't act on inspiration from the Higher Mind, we will get stuck and it wont send any more instructions.   

If you are not in a state ( vibrational frequency) of your preffered reality, then you cant see opportunities to act on to make it come about.  

Imagine what it feels like having everything you want and just live there, maintain that state of being.

The main mistake I made when manifesting before was that it came from ego, which is effort and seeking. I got some results through dedication, but they weren't perfect. We can't create perfectly without the Higher Mind. 

Current manifestation is a result of being in Communion with the Higher Mind and simply Flowing with the visions (desires) that it gives me and acting on what it instructs me to do. 

Follow your passion as Bashar says. It's not really Bashar, though, but the same Higher Mind teaching us through all these channels.  

Oh, and one more important thing is: 

I get energetic information about what will happen. I knew exactly to whom I will sell my appartment, as when I looked at the number of the person calling I felt a tingling bliss sensation in my head.  The Spirit even changed the number of the person that called to the specific number that he usses when talking to me, which is 5 or 25. 


Listen to night dreams and analyse them upon waking. Spirit speaks there as well. I've got very clear answers to questions I had through my dreams.  

He showed me a holographic ear in my dreams, once again saying - just listen and follow. 

Oh, whenever I need to find something at home and dont know where it is, I just relax and say - Spirit, take my body and guide it to where the thing is. He always finds it immediately. The guidance is intuitive.   

I still interfere with the Higher Mind and get mixed messages, but I am learning to be in allignment and to tame my ego to let Spirit express itself unhindered. Its like tunning into a specific frequency, exactly like a radio  

My diet has never been "worse", I drink Cola and eat Fast Food and feel amazing. I spend crazy amounts of money, like 1.5k per day on clothing. I Love it. Fashion is my passion. I used to hinder it with my ego, but now I just flow. I go to nightclubs and have amazing experiences with people there. Probably the hottest girl I've seen said she's really attracted to me. I was just flowing and dancing and vibing.  

God is good.  

I started using weed to help my mind relax into the Flow.

Started doing pushups as well.  

Hope it helps in some way. Happy Holidays! 

Beautiful sharing:) 

You cannot love what you need. 

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24 minutes ago, SOUL said:

@Princess Arabia  So it seems a comment that the realization is inexplicable which you refer to as 'enlightenment' is an explanation that appears to already have become a stumbling block because the ego loves to rationalize everything into separation.

The ego sets up gates of entry, things to attain, steps to accomplish and many kinds of criteria all designed to keep us on the hamster wheel of activity to 'do' so we can 'get'.

The 'warning' as you called it is me describing how the ego behaves to prevent realization, which isn't useful once realized, not describing the realization itself.

My apologies for trying to add anything to this topic....carry on and ignore my comments.

My response to you was just my feeling and opinion, which I started it out by saying "SEEMED TO BE". No need to quote it fully, but i was just expressing how I felt about what you were saying. I could have easily mis-understood you, and even if I didn't, it wasn't meant to disqualify your points but merely for you to maybe expand on it a bit further and explain how what I said differed from what you were pointing to. 

Know thyself....

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@Princess Arabia  Which is why I clarified that my description was about the ego's behavior in creating separation, not about describing the indescribable, in case I hadn't been as clear with the first reply.

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Just now, SOUL said:

@Princess Arabia  Which is why I clarified that my description was about the ego's behavior in creating separation, not about describing the indescribable, in case I hadn't been as clear with the first reply.

Ok, thanks for the clarification. I always like your input on things, especially on these topics, so please don't take it personal. I just like to think things through for myself and whenever I hear something that I either don't understand or don't agree with, I'll either ask for clarification or state my stance on it respectfully. Thank you for your understanding.

Know thyself....

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@Breakingthewall beautifully put. 

I do have a question - do you think that at the level of Christ Consciousness there is no voluntary manifestation, or creation, even in accord with the Flow? 

Currently, I find desires in the Higher Mind and flow with them, I let it express it's wishes through my body, sometimes it feels like we have the same will, yet sometimes there is a split, probably the cowebs of the ego to blame. 

I see Will like the tongue of a snake, fundamentaly one, but split into two when there's ego. Leo said ego is like an interference pattern, which does feel like it. A fear that interferes with Flow of Love. 

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found merely a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse, of that one the world is no longer worthy." - Jesus

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16 hours ago, Osaid said:

Experientially, for me, it was like my experience, or mind, became much more "lighter" or clearer or lucid. Kind of like some slight brain fog lifted that I never noticed before. Just for example, when I go in public, it just feels like my experience is so smooth and free, whereas before I was constantly being attacked by other people's perceptions and thoughts (which were actually just my own). I have heard accounts of other enlightened people saying that they felt something in their brain "deactivate." This is accompanied by an immediate experiential recontextualization in experience, which is what you could say enlightenment is. And it is permanent. You don't unlearn it because it is not something you learn, it is the result of unlearning something. It is subtractive in nature. You don't integrate it because it is experiential, in the same way that you don't need to integrate looking at the color red. You just experience red, you don't integrate it. You just experience enlightenment, you don't integrate it.

Edited 14 hours ago by Osaid

The way you express it is interesting, I see that it is in that direction where my experience derives, to the complete cessation of anxiety, complete acceptance, and this includes the complicated social issue, the relationship with others that bounces around in our psyche. .

For example, 3 days ago I had a very strange experience that made me see a lot. I was in a bar having a coffee at noon, and there were 3 guys drinking beer and 3 tables away, I casually looked towards them, and one of them told me in an extremely aggressive tone: what are you staring at? I told him, me? What? , yes,  you, what do you look at? and the words came out of me automatically after a life of conditioning: your retarded face. Then the guys got up and the person who spoke to me grabbed a bottle. For a moment I felt fear, the sensation of going backwards, of being passive. Immediately try to project forward, but carefully, the situation could be really dangerous, I didn't see how kind of people they was, no time to analize, I felt alarm, trapped. One of the guys was conciliatory, he imposed peace, he restrained the guy with the bottle, who was shouting insults at me. Then I grabbed my jacket and left. The experience was very strange, I saw the synchronicity, it was something that had to show me something. This whole experience triggered something in me that I could call awakening, because the fact of feeling humiliation for the fact of feel fear. That fear wanted to slave me, I saw the need to fight to death. The day before I had finished watching the documentary World War II from the Front, and all this made me open to the human dynamics of fear, domination, power. the relationship with my father, everyone's relationship with their parents, human resistance, the power, and I saw clearly some lies that are in me and o was blind to them. I saw the fear that is still in me and I savored it. being human is a great challenge. 


Edited by Breakingthewall

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17 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

@Breakingthewall beautifully put. 

I do have a question - do you think that at the level of Christ Consciousness there is no voluntary manifestation, or creation, even in accord with the Flow? 

Currently, I find desires in the Higher Mind and flow with them, I let it express it's wishes through my body, sometimes it feels like we have the same will, yet sometimes there is a split, probably the cowebs of the ego to blame. 

I see Will like the tongue of a snake, fundamentaly one, but split into two when there's ego. Leo said ego is like an interference pattern, which does feel like it. A fear that interferes with Flow of Love. 

I think what we are doing is aligning our ego with the higher reality. The moment you clearly see the deliberateness of the experience, you willingly submit to it. There is always resistance, but when your will is openness and alignment, it seems that things begin to synchronize to flow in that direction.

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1 hour ago, CoolDreamThanks said:


Feels like we vibing on a similar level now.

Let's enter the year of the Dragon and achieve what it symbolises in zen - awakening. 🐲🐉  



Know thyself....

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