
Be Careful With Owen Cook

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On 4/14/2023 at 6:55 PM, Leo Gura said:

It cost $7k? Jesus.

Never spend that much on a self-help product. That's clearly a grift. I would never spend more than $1k on a digital self-help product.

There is a difference between being cheap vs just throwing money away.

Why would anyone spend ANY money on ANY product like this in todays day and age? With enough determination and some hours to spare you can piece together enough of the mountains of free information out there to learn basically anything you can imagine. Watching enough videos, spending time in communities, and reading will give you enough of a framework to understand what any person has to say behind some offensively overpriced course.

These kind of things are only serious transformative for 2/100 of the people that attend. People seriously have to ask themselves is it worth spending that much hard earned money on what is basically a lottery ticket and feeling buzzed for a weekend.

I guess hope is a good sell.

Edited by Roy


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It would be a great ressource to have similar to the athlean x product I bought that I can re-visit over and over, yet he just takes everything down. I feel it's more worth getting the stuff for free and joining some sort of community there, and fitler out the toxicitiy and be a real agent. 

The point is the guy is extremely good at spotting trends, especially in the dating area. I got sucked into this abundance hype, because it was an emotion that is generated around the sametime each year, the content is very good, yet the none available re-accessibility of it makes it a pump and dump scheme. On actualized.org, athlean x etc. I can revisit the program everytime, and the stuff evolves, here you have some dirty gray area. I don't know how many lawyers this guy must have. I do like him, yet it's not easy to grow resentful, if he sells that much hope and makes re-accessabillity not possible. I would prefer other dating coaches and pua's that are smaller. 

They really scam most likely guys better than girls. The content is great, yet I would never ever again purchase one product from them for any possible money, because of re-accessibility. Finding a support structure for this is not easy with how toxic and lazy most of them most likely are. I still like him, yet I will not purchase anything from him that has costs me more than 100€. 

David DeAngelo took down his webpage after 20 years and made an offer to buy all content for cheap, this guy takes down websites each year. ROI? Questionable seriously. I would get it for free.

If you have a 100k salary and some time I would say f*** it, it's still not good business practice. Any gym has more integrity than RSD. You basically have to partake in this sprint from start to finish in the online programm, there is no safety net. He does also not care about this. If I break my leg, get diagonsed with smth. everything is lost. 

I asked a couple of times to get into the telegram group, still not in there etc. etc. Called the business in california etc. they were forthcoming. Still if you don't participate from start to finish, you'll loose access. It's basically a 1k bootcamp, IIRC the promise was you can re-access and train with it. 

It's not true, as far as I know I don't have the my id anymore to access this, yet when I found it and re-accessed it stuff just moved to different domains IIRC. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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17 hours ago, Optimized Life said:

5K in their bank account that shouldn't even be allowed to buy certain self help products, there should be a physical barrier to them spending 1K as it's 20% of their net worth

If that barrier existed, I wouldn't have gotten the job I currently hold.

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25 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

I think courses are more to save time

Why would I spend hours researching a topic when I could use those hours to work and get money and then use that money to buy the course and still have time leftover 

Value your time more than that fiat 

The point is that pick-up artists will charge you more than your hourly wage to teach you something you can learn by doing. If you buy a 10k, 2-hour course from a pick-up artist to learn a skill you can learn in less than 100 hours, and you make less than 100 USD an hour, you're burning money.

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I just bought Hot Seat At Home for around $300. So far it's insightful. I'm going to finish it. But as I watch a get a but of a creepy feeling. Like this is just social manipulation. Owen keeps yelling about how he can get into people's heads and do what he wants.


I wanted a legit course in authentic socialalizing. 


Also fuck The Natural Lifestyles, those guys are the lamest scam con artists around. They pose as chill enlightened guys but are total losers, especially James 

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20 minutes ago, BlessedLion said:

I wanted a legit course in authentic socialalizing. 

Just get experience and be observant, do you even need a course really? 

Socialize over and over and over again and watch peoples reactions to your actions, feel in to your body and your behaviors in different contexts, and watch and observe others. Watch random people walking down the street, interacting in various ways. Watch the confident sauve guy interact, watch the nerdy guys interact, notice everything, notice yourself. Notice how your fake, gradually remove the layers and become yourself, unwire and undo conditioning. 

Do stuff over and over. This is mostly a right brain process, a bit of both though. 

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Found this video relevant. An ex rsd coach talking about some of the issues in the pickup

One being what Op mentioned, the quality of the products having gone down tremendously 


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The only money I've ever spent on PUA stuff was on coaches that were already vetted by a local community. The best way to find a good coach is to go on pua forums/ telegrams, share your experiences, add value and eventually you get invited into smaller group chats. From there you can personally ask them for reputable coaches, (none of them be mainstream btw) or you can just go out consistently with your wings and force each other to approach many sets. 

Essentially the biggest bang for your buck in paying for a coach is that they force you to do massive amounts of approaches, you don't need to pay some dick head $2k+ for that. Local coaches who have years in the game charge a fraction of that price you just have to know where to look. 

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On 4/18/2023 at 3:02 AM, StarStruck said:

People rant about Andrew Tate how he "scams" his followers. Brother sells courses 50 dollar a pop.

Compare that to RSD courses that start from 500 dollar and can range up to 8k per course for some filibuster advice from a mad man on an ego trip.


lol @ filibuster metaphor xDxDxD 

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It's not that old.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I don't know how you guys fall for this guys. Precisely PUA stuff creators are clearly full of shit. I still remember when I did a call with one of the Natural Lifestyles coaches and when I asked the price I loled inside. 



The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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@flowboy Thanks for sharing, that confirms my suspictions on how all this bootcamps really consist in.

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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On 18/4/2023 at 1:51 PM, something_else said:

I'm pretty sure that's the RSD tactic. Make you feel really insecure and bad about yourself and then present their course as the solution.

Tyler does this same thing on his YT channel.

You don't need these people to get better at dating.

Exactly. They actually feed on your karma and entangle you are even more. This people are straight up dangerous, precisely for their audience 

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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16 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Exactly. They actually feed on your karma and entangle you are even more. This people are straight up dangerous, precisely for their audience 

I mean its just the way marketing works... which is pretty evil and predatory. But if youre engaging in it, then obviously you don't know better because well you're too attached to what you're going to get / greed

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