Leo Gura

Important! - Nobody On This Forum Is AWAKE

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1 hour ago, Water by the River said:

You can have full blow nonduality WITH an enlightened ego/person with an identity still going on, believing to be enlightened. Believing to be Awareness, Presence, God, whatever not. Stage 3 in Mahamudra. Quite a show...

Ah yes :) Characters come and go.


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7 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

It would be cool if our universe were inside a marble being played with by an alien, I would love that to be true. That would still be preceded by the sheer fact of presence, though. There isn't anything else.

That’s true. But I’m pretty sure a marble being played with by a physical alien is not literally what Leo is referring to. Men In Black is obviously a movie. It’s not going to be equivalent to whatever Leo is talking about.

You can argue that Alien Consciousness must be irrelevant because it must be preceded by Presence, but I don’t think Leo is overlooking this point. I’m going to give him more credit than that. That would be a very newbie mistake to make.



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@aurum "If by alien supermind you are referring to Leo’s latest insights about Alien Consciousness, I would say we have no idea yet what Leo even means by this. "

Whatever the meaning or Referent of this concept/word is , it would just be more form. Even if its a very subtle appearance or formless understanding. Just more arisings.

What is it that is aware of all of that? And what happens with that in Deep Sleep? What is that Nothingness that can be unaware of itself if nothing appears, but has the innate potential for sentience? That which can never not be?

If that understanding manifests in your mindstream and daily everday-life, I would be interested in how happy and blissful you are on a permanent basis. And how much you would still grasp about the Alien...

But then you would probably anyway go looking about this interesting Alien Supermind, but with a big smile on your face. When such a show comes into town....  I would go looking....  ( : 

PS: I am really curious what kind of stuff will be dragged in from the Multiverse into our little comfy imagined reality in the next decades...

Hopefully nothing that is too hungry for some poor souls...  ( :  But hey, if you look into history, they dragged quite some weird and hungry stuff from god knows which dimensions.... many of the first contactees could later be visited in insane asylums.

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11 minutes ago, aurum said:

That’s true. But I’m pretty sure a marble being played with by a physical alien is not literally what Leo is referring to. Men In Black is obviously a movie. It’s not going to be equivalent to whatever Leo is talking about.

You can argue that Alien Consciousness must be irrelevant because it must be preceded by Presence, but I don’t think Leo is overlooking this point. I’m going to give him more credit than that. That would be a very newbie mistake to make.

It would be cool though, wouldn't it? Lol. I genuinely would enjoy that to be the case.

I am also sure he is aware of the fundamental nature of reality, but see I just don't think anything other than that is relevant. Leo discussed infinity in the "other direction". That is why I stopped using DMT because it felt like I could go off down those rabbitholes, but as overwhelming as the states are, and as pathetic as I feel in comparison to the magnitude of the power of these twisted realms, it seems ultimately irrelevant. Smoking Salvia is very alien consciousness, you can't even coinceive that such a thing is possible. DMT can get even worse, especially if you take SSRIs, because you won't get a breakthrough at levels where you should, and instead be left in the most twisted nightmareish state of pure incomprehensible fuckedness. Realistically these drugs can rape you far beyond humanity. I'm not sure any of it ultimately matters though.

Edited by OldManCorcoran

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2 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

It would be cool though, wouldn't it? Lol. I genuinely would enjoy that to be the case.

Actually I think the idea fails. Where did the alien come from?

At some point, the answer has to be pure Infinity.

5 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

That is why I stopped using DMT because it felt like I could go off down those rabbitholes, but as overwhelming as the states are, and as pathetic as I feel in comparison to the magnitude of the power of these twisted realms, it seems ultimately irrelevant. Smoking Salvia is very alien consciousness, you can't even coinceive that such a thing is possible. I'm not sure any of it matters.

Fair enough. I don’t think at this point we are supposed to understand Alien Consciousness or understand why Leo thinks it matters. Obviously that would come with more experience.

My point is simply that I’m open to it. If Leo thinks it matters, then I trust his opinion on this at least enough to investigate. I think he has earned that. If he is wrong, then that should also become clear. 



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18 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

Whatever the meaning or Referent of this concept/word is , it would just be more form. Even if its a very subtle appearance or formless understanding. Just more arisings.


You don’t know that.

You don’t know what Leo means by Alien Consciousness. And neither do I. But I don’t think Leo is making such an obvious error.

Alternatively, if it just “more form”, then it’s clear he thinks it’s a highly relevant form. And maybe there’s good reason for that.

My point is we just don’t know. Let’s have a little bit of faith in Leo. He obviously feels it is important.



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20 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

@Moksha Thing is, it's not something one chooses in the first place. No matter what Leo teaches.

Choice is not what people think it is. It is the confluence of every phenomenon into this event, which is called a choice, but is ultimately determined by the absolute that created all of it.

So why practice, realize, and teach? Or not? Because you (i.e., absolute reality) choose that it be so.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Squeekytoy It's not contradictory when you consider that the will of god (if you choose to call it that) determines the origin and interaction of every phenomenon. It creates the machine, and its hand sends the ball spinning through every phenomenal encounter, predetermining the trajectory of its course.

It is absolute choice, not personal. Everything personal is ultimately unreal.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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23 minutes ago, Moksha said:

@Squeekytoy It's not contradictory when you consider that the will of god (if you choose to call it that) determines the origin and interaction of every phenomenon. It creates the machine, and its hand sends the ball spinning through every phenomenal encounter, predetermining the trajectory of its course.

It is absolute choice, not personal. Everything personal is ultimately unreal.

Thank you for the pointers and your guidance. Earlier today I was crying… it felt like all the pain that was inside me was flowing out like a river. 

It’s amazing how freeing it is when personal control is surrendered - even just a little. I feel more in touch with my emotions; the judgements of my present experience are quieting down. 

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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@Squeekytoy Names are so self-ensnaring xD As I see it, the mystery of absolute reality spins maya out of the void, creating the original duality, but still being beyond both. Like making cotton candy at the fair.

@Yimpa ?The spiritual journey is about letting go of judgment and the need for control. Internal boundaries dissolve as the mind unifies. When you realize space by distancing your attention from your thoughts, the sharks swimming in the murky depths of the unconscious spontaneously rise to the surface and release their pain. It is serene harmonization, and it continues spreading outward to dissolve apparent boundaries separating you from others. It is only words, until it actually happens and is directly realized. You see your absolute nature, which is the seamless essence of everything (i.e., love).

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The only creature on this entire planet who is AWAKE. Is me.

No one else.

I shit you not.

Be very careful. You don't understand how deep this thing goes. It goes completely beyond any human comprehension.

Enlightenment is imaginary.

Every "enlightened" human on this planet is fooling themselves very deeply.

GOD is completely beyond all that.

This is not Leo speaking to you.

This is GOD, speaking through the Leo avatar.

I can only get through to you as much as you will allow me.

So be very careful about how you handle your mind.

7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


10 hours ago, Water by the River said:


Thinking carefully in this statement, contrasting it with my latest discoveries about what understanding is, i achieve the conclusion that it's probably true. Nobody understands what being human means, what the reality is, how deep it goes. I understand a bit, but not totally, I'm not totally open to what reality is, very far, but i am partially open, and i could say without doubt that it is deep and tricky. Seems that Leo really understand it. And nobody else does, it's quite sure. People simplifies, they can't understand the whole. I think i could ?.  

Awakening is not just become infinite in any moment. That's just the first step. Then the real work starts. The work of decipher the maze, of understanding, of open the reality. I am in the 0,001% in the game, that's not small. The game requires that you give your all, and even doing that, it's extremely difficult. Let's play. 


Edited by Breakingthewall

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21 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Squeekytoy Don't you dare think for one minute that you understand what AWAKE is.

I see through all your games.

You are fooling yourself. As is everyone in this thread.

There is no argument you can make, no critique you can make, of what I told you. I am absolutely correct, and you are wrong.

But again, you are too arrogant and your mind is too closed.

I have warned you guys over and over again about openmindedness. You are not openedminded enough to comprehend what I teach and the guidance I offer.

You refuse God's guidance. How can I help you? What more can I say?

Suffering in severe agony needs to crack their hearts open for their minds to open. They don't want it bad enough! They are covered in 1,000,000,000 layers of fakery and fiction!

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I think this is one of the problems with unearned wisdom. Science and religion create a similar effect.

When you have everything explained and spoonfed to you without much work on your part, and then if you repeat it enough times it will start making sense to you even if you don't actually understand it, then you will think you actually understand it, and you will get all cocky and arrogant and think that you've reached the end of knowledge.

Dunning-Kruger effect in practice. Unearned wisdom gets people drunk/high on their ignorance, and it keeps them stuck in there forever.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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9 hours ago, Vibes said:

I believe you. 

That is the ultimate trap.

Let's see if you are clever enough to escape it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, StarStruck said:



If you include Buddhism in there, it would be perfect.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, aurum said:

That’s true. But I’m pretty sure a marble being played with by a physical alien is not literally what Leo is referring to. Men In Black is obviously a movie. It’s not going to be equivalent to whatever Leo is talking about.

You can argue that Alien Consciousness must be irrelevant because it must be preceded by Presence, but I don’t think Leo is overlooking this point. I’m going to give him more credit than that. That would be a very newbie mistake to make.


When consciousness reaches levels beyond human -- way beyond nonduality, Buddhism, and even most psychedelic trips -- it transforms into alien forms of consciousness and intelligence. All human spirituality is just that -- human. It is not the same as an advanced alien mind.

Surely you understand that there exist aliens in the universe with brains 100x larger and smarter than yours. The most enlightened human is like an ant next to that level of consciousness. Now ask yourself, how would it feel to stop being human and become that alien? What would that kind of intelligence/mind feel like? Well, what I am telling you is that I know, because I have directly become it. And I can tell you that it turns all human spiritual understanding to shame. No human on this planet is that conscious. I cannot maintain such a level of consciousness for long, but at least I know that it exists and what it is like. It is utterly radical and nonhuman.

That's a lot closer to the kind of intelligence that designed reality. Human intelligence is incapable to comprending reality's design. Your genetics and brain are too limited. Even if you were born very spiritually gifted.

Remember, humans are just ants in the grand scheme of thing. The only reason humans act like the ultimate is because no one is around to put us to shame. Human intelligence is infinitesimally small.

Imagine what it's like to be an ant relative to a human. Then imagine what it would be like to be an advanced alien relative to a human. Your mind would be so advanced you would experience reality in a completely new way.

This goes way beyond merely not having ego. Ego and egolessness are just a small part of your consciousness and your life. Even if you lose all ego, your experience of reality will still be extremely limited and basic. Your understanding will still be very low.

Ego loss and presence is not what this work is truly about. That is a minor matter in the end. There are much larger issues at stake.

You cannot comprehend GOD merely by losing your ego or being very present. This is the core mistake of Buddhism. They confuse such things with CONSCIOUSNESS. But those are very narrow aspects of CONSCIOUSNESS.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 24/03/2023 at 6:11 AM, Leo Gura said:

Anyone here who claims to be AWAKE, or to understand what AWAKE is, or what GOD is, or what CONSCIOUSNESS is -- is fooling themselves.

The only one here who understands these things is ME.

This does not mean, however, that I cannot sometimes be full of shit myself. I can. I am not perfect. But not on this issue.

Enlightenment is not AWAKE.
Buddhism is not AWAKE.
Nonduality is not AWAKE.
No amount of meditation is AWAKE.

There will be a lot of bitching and moaning over this issue. But I simply told you the truth.

You've been warned. This is way more tricky than you ever imagined. My function here is to guide people through every trick. But the problem is, they don't want to be guided because they already think they've figured it out. Don't be that guy.

What have you done to breakthrough to this level of awakening? 

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Surely you understand that there exist aliens in the universe with brains 100x larger and smarter than yours. The most enlightened human is like an ant next to that level of consciousness. Now ask yourself, how would it feel to stop being human and become that alien? What would that kind of intelligence/mind feel like? Well, what I am telling you is that I know, because I have directly become it. And I can tell you that it turns all human spiritual understanding to shame. No human on this planet is that conscious. I cannot maintain such a level of consciousness for long, but at least I know that it exists and what it is like. It is utterly radical and nonhuman.

You cannot comprehend GOD merely by losing your ego or being very present. This is the core mistake of Buddhism. They confuse such things with CONSCIOUSNESS. But those are very narrow aspects of CONSCIOUSNESS.

Meanwhile, in Nirvana...


Edited by tuku747

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