Michael Jackson

People on this forum Mentally Masturbating their way to Truth

24 posts in this topic

Hello guys,


I just wanted to share an observation that I have made observing and engaging with this forum over the last several months.

People think they can mentally masturbate their way to God. They take Leos insights like p.e. solipsism / I am God / Love, etc. and just take it on as a belief. Then they speculate about that belief and arrive at weird conclusions which they then assume to be absolute truth.

I'll provide some examples here for what I mean, by the way this is my own judgement, not absolute truth in any way. If you feel offended by me linking your post, please let me know and I will remove it.



Just a reminder here; Absolute truth actually exists. Not as a concept. Not as a belief. But actually.

Absolute truth will never fit into words. Never be put into a concept. Never be understood intellectually.

And no ammount of mental masturbation or speculation about it is ever gonna satisfy you, because there is only one thing which can satisfy you: Actuality.

It is like having an Orgasm. You can fantazise all day long about how it feels, but you won't get satisfied by that. And you won't even come close to imagining how an orgasm feels if you never had one. What you want is an actual orgasm, not a strange idea about how an orgasm feels.

What you long for and the ultimate reason you are on this forum is not to get explanations, not to get beliefs, and not to spit out your strange ideas about reality.

You long for Truth. And the great news is: It really exists and it is there for you. You don't need to watch a single video of Leo and you don't need to read a single forum-post on actualized.org. Truth is here for you.

And there is even BETTER news: God created magic pills for you. You drop one of these pills, and truth will be shown to you. You will see beyond the shaddow of a doubt what truth really is, and you will lose any desire to ask for verification or beliefs from other people on this forum, since now you really know the truth, instead of having beliefs about it.

Magic pills exist. They are called psychedelics. What you all really long for is not beliefs. You long for your own true nature, (spoiler:) which is Love.

Stop speculating. Take the red pill.


Edited by Michael Jackson

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@Michael Jackson Its not that we are not doing the actual spiritual work. Do you even know how many years we have dedicated to spirituality and contemplation? 

If we are asking from some experienced guys on this forum. Then whats the problem in it? Why are you soo offended? Just dont reply if you dont want to help others in their journey.

When we have direct experiences and insights we need to confirm from others so that we can be sure our ego is not cheating us. Whats the problem in it? 

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20 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

When we have direct experiences and insights we need to confirm from others so that we can be sure our ego is not cheating us. Whats the problem in it? 

@machiavelli Did you ever ask other people on an online forum to confirm that your orgasm was a real one? Such a question wouldn't come to mind if you had an actual orgasm.

Stop speculating about how an orgasm feels, have one! It is possible!

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@Michael Jackson I had experiences and insights . But I need to confirm my insights. So that I can know my ego is not cheating me.

If you cannot help better dont make these forum posts. You dont know how many years I have given into this work. 

I was just confirming my insights. And there is nothing wrong in it. Its absurd and insulting to post these forum post tagging my forum post.

Next time if you cannot help donot comment.

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2 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

But I need to confirm my insights. So that I can know my ego is not cheating me.

This is the whole game the ego has gotten you in to ;)
That is what is stopping you from getting it.
None can validate this for you my friend. Sure you can see "other" people commenting their
experiences and their insights. But Truth is something that can ONLY be shown through "your experience".



“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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@machiavelli I believe you that you have invested genuine work and effort into spirituality. However, if I told you that there was a magic pill that answers all your questions and gives you truth in an instant, would you be willing to take it?

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@Michael Jackson

There are sex therapists to help couples or individuals to reach orgasm, so I wouldn't use that as argument of not talking to others simultaneously with your own journey. If there would be no use to talk with other people why Leo would have made youtube videos and forum particularly to discuss things. The thing that I have said earlier is that you need both intellectual and actual understanding to get spiritual stuff. Without intellectual understanding you may interupt the experience with your false beliefs, but without actual experience it is just concepts, I agree.

So the problem is not talking about these things and, if your whole life would completely get fixed only after one trip then wouldn't that be pretty hardcore frustration, because the thing which makes life interesting is that you have all the times something to do and to learn. Yeah of course you could do as I have done to just be happy and lay at your home, but is that what everyone else wants? It may or it may not and that is the part where you want to have your own experiences, because it is your own dream life.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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@Michael Jackson I think it's good to point this out but maybe not point the finger at specific people. If you truly want to help them them perhaps the better alternative is to engage with them and help them see this one on one.


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5 minutes ago, Kksd74628 said:

just be happy and lay at your home


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@Michael Jackson

I just said this to explain that you do not specially need to do anything specific to be happy, because to be happy is to accept present moment as it is - but you know this already based on our long conversations : ) 

Who told you that "others" are real?

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@WelcometoReality If one cannot help atleast dont tag my posts. He simply made a new post tagging my forum post without knowing my spritual work  .

I just wanted to confirm my insights from enlightened guys . It is insulting to tag others forum post.

If one cannot help atleast dont bother to comment.

Not only this is insulting but egoistically.



Edited by machiavelli

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2 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

@WelcometoReality If one cannot help atleast dont tag my posts. He simply made a new post tagging my forum post without knowing my spritual work  .

I just wanted to confirm my insights from enlightened guys . It is insulting to tag others forum post.

If one cannot help atleast dont bother to comment.

Not only this is insulting but egoistically.

It seems to me that he is trying to help. I'm just telling my view of it. 

From your view maybe you could look at the part of you that feels insulted by this. 

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Although I can see what you are pointing towards and I agree with that 100%, I think there is one thing that needs to be mentioned though.

It's that even though you had an orgasm, you can still question it after the experience is gone. After the peak, when you come down, you are back in a state where you need validation and confirmation. This means that even if you had a genuine experience, you can come on this forum seeking for confirmation.

There is mental masturbation and speculation for sure, but there are those who genuinely seek guidance and pointers from others who are further along the path. If that is also considered mental masturbation and speculation, then having a personal guru guide you to realization should be also be considered the same. And if you do extend the notion of speculation that far, then that would be accepting that speculation can get you to realization, since good gurus can get you to realization.

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@Michael Jackson Thank you! 

This forum is such a gem. But to see 70% of popular posts showing how someone masturbates about Leos teachings, is just frustrating. Especially if you really know how far actual truth is away from "intellectual bla bla truth". 

Someone should set up PornHub for mental masturbation. He will get rich in no time. 

Edited by Vynce

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3 hours ago, Michael Jackson said:

@machiavelli Did you ever ask other people on an online forum to confirm that your orgasm was a real one? Such a question wouldn't come to mind if you had an actual orgasm.

Stop speculating about how an orgasm feels, have one! It is possible!

I totally agree with your OP, and you can call me a fool, but my first orgasm was something I didn't know I had, I just looked at my hands and thought "the fuck is this stuff?" and then my germaphobia thought I had AIDS xDxD

You can have egos trying to cement their "awakening" like I keep seeing around here, or you can have cases like Suzanne Segal (Collision with the Infinite) who had a sudden awakening without realizing all the theory and suffered from it. There's a legitimate concern somewhere between the two. There's also the notion that there are naturally more "mental masturbation" people than "actually-doing-the-work" people posting here, since posting here is technically not doing the work

Edited by lostingenosmaze

“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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5 hours ago, machiavelli said:

@Michael Jackson I had experiences and insights . But I need to confirm my insights. So that I can know my ego is not cheating me.

If you cannot help better dont make these forum posts. You dont know how many years I have given into this work. 

I was just confirming my insights. And there is nothing wrong in it. Its absurd and insulting to post these forum post tagging my forum post.

Next time if you cannot help donot comment.

If you’ve been in this rodeo for years (which I don’t believe, or you mean you’ve been reading a few posts here and there which is not it) and you need to confirm your “insights”, which btw I’ve read, and are stuff I came up with in like 5 mins after reading a few posts, then you’ve basically wasted them. You would’ve been better off working at McDonalds for a few months and then plugging that money into a 5-Meo retreat.

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8 hours ago, Swarnim said:

Although I can see what you are pointing towards and I agree with that 100%, I think there is one thing that needs to be mentioned though.

It's that even though you had an orgasm, you can still question it after the experience is gone. After the peak, when you come down, you are back in a state where you need validation and confirmation. This means that even if you had a genuine experience, you can come on this forum seeking for confirmation.

There is mental masturbation and speculation for sure, but there are those who genuinely seek guidance and pointers from others who are further along the path. If that is also considered mental masturbation and speculation, then having a personal guru guide you to realization should be also be considered the same. And if you do extend the notion of speculation that far, then that would be accepting that speculation can get you to realization, since good gurus can get you to realization.

Hi @Swarnim,

I wholeheartedly agree on everything you said and this is a very important point to mention!

Thank you.

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6 hours ago, lostingenosmaze said:

I totally agree with your OP, and you can call me a fool, but my first orgasm was something I didn't know I had, I just looked at my hands and thought "the fuck is this stuff?" and then my germaphobia thought I had AIDS xDxD

@lostingenosmaze Being like: What is that white stuff out there? Did an uncooked egg just spill out on my body?

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This thread sounds like someone adopting Leo’s beliefs as much as any of the others ?

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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