
The unhealthy aspect of

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This is the basic structure of

1. There is ignorance (you are here)
2. There is correct understanding
3. You have to do XYZ to arrive to correct understanding
4. XYZ =, or "spiritual work" as it is often called here.

This is the fundamental narrative on which is built on, which is fed to you, and which keeps this place running. And not just, but many other spiritual groups and teachings.

Here's the thing. That is simply a narrative. It's not true. I know this might sound weird, because that narrative makes complete sense at first. But, you gotta realize that one reason why it might make so much sense to you right now, is because you have been ingesting this narrative for months, or even years. Secondly, inspect direct experience. Where is this "ignorance"? Where is "understanding"? Where is "spiritual work"? Where is "psychedelics"? Where is "states of consciousness"? Where is "ego"?

Do you see even a little bit how all these concepts and narratives could be false? Literally just a conceptual maze, and really no different from any other belief system? Sure, you got your trips, breakthroughs and higher states of consciousness. But are they really the truth? Or are they just trips, breakthroughs and higher states of consciousness?

Leo may have reached "the highest states of consciousness in the history of mankind", but that doesn't necessarily mean anything True. States of consciousness might not have really anything to do with Awakening.

There are also certain unhealthy manifestations of this narrative. Just as in any other similar cases. Ignorance/Understanding creates an image of inferiority/superiority. Not very blatantly here, it's more subtle. But it's still there. There are countless examples of Leo saying stuff like "You don't get it. You are not awake" or "It will require years of work for you to understand this" or "Only psychedelics can give you this insight" etc. These are feeding you the narrative by making you feel and think you are inferior. I'm not saying Leo is doing this intentionally, I think this is actually projection. creates an illusion of great separation and space between ignorance and correct understanding, for which there is really no need for in life. But, for, there is a need for it. It's the bread and butter of this place. It creates the very problem and then offers the solution for it.

So watch out. Listen to your body. Have fun.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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@roopepa hide and seek.. 

What do you do when you find who's hiding? Hide and play again!

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@roopepa That's the best you came up with?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@roopepa You are falling into the trap of making the work about Leo. is a means to an end .. that end being self actualization, life purpose and enlightenment. It's a bit unfair to criticize those who use it as a tool to obtain these .. it's our right to do so.

The work has everything to do with how we use it in our own lives, the work has nothing to do with Leo or his platform.

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The apparent separation between “ignorance” and “the way” is the bread and butter of existence as a is not specific to “” or “spiritual groups” or “Leo” but is intrinsic to literally anything inside of the matrix based on the simple fact that the matrix is built entirely of this apparent separation.

We are here on this site in the matrix of ignorance inside of the Absolute Reality and ANYTHING you use words to describe exists inside of the matrix.

With knowledge of this, can you see how this site is existing in Absolute Perfection and does its job flawlessly like everything else?

Yes, it’s all narrative because it’s literally narrative by virtue of being words. Your doing here is just as much narrative as everyone elses doing, and the fact that there is doing here means that there are steps being actively taken to build a strong foundation to peacefully exist upon.

Loving you <3

Edited by aetheroar

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This is like being angry at your microwave because you cant eat it.

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4 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

self actualization, life purpose and enlightenment.

yes exactly! what is that?

4 hours ago, Nahm said:
5 hours ago, roopepa said:

Secondly, First inspect direct experience.



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I wouldn't say that ideas, concepts and narratives are unhealthy. They're a tool for guidance. Tools aren't healthy or unhealthy. They're just tools. 

Obviously it's up to you to invest in direct experience. You can't really differentiate idea from truth because truth itself is unproven. 

You can only believe in objective reality and test your ideas in relation to this objective reality. 

That being said, this place has numerous options for exploring spirituality in many different ways apart from the ones generally discussed here. So you're free to explore those. And about being ignorant or having understanding, you don't need to take things to heart, this language exists in every spiritual circle, the word "ignorance" shouldn't be applied in an offensive context here, it only means that work needs to be done to further refine understanding. If you don't agree with the final understanding that is unanimously agreed upon here, it's completely okay, you don't have to. Follow your own path which suits you right. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Nahm Hey

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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11 minutes ago, Nahm said:

If you’re not a solipsist by now, you’re just dumb. 

In their defense, probably all of us were once like them the "dumb". I was a materialist for the first 18 years of my life, and Leo was for an even greater duration of his life. As you and everyone else here probably were as well.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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16 minutes ago, Nahm said:

If you’re not a solipsist by now, you’re just dumb. 

There is some truth to this, but solipsist is the wrong term.

Recognizing that all perspectives is one perspective is key.

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The more of you there is, the dumber you are. 9_9

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Dumbness is a play you can do if you will it

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Nahm I thought it was pretty funny and went meta on ya xD

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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36 minutes ago, Nahm said:

If you’re not a solipsist by now, you’re just dumb. 


*stares at post with a confused face. 

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17 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Ah come on!  What state is this place in when a joke like that isn’t funny?

It looks like Nahm is on a humor streak. Seen it more recently. Carry on ❤️

Will trade insights and guidance from a decade of intense spiritual practice and study for insights into how to hang drywall efficiently. PM me. 

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